
Kusary city, Azerbaijan: photos, description, climate features, attractions

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Kusary city, Azerbaijan: photos, description, climate features, attractions
Kusary city, Azerbaijan: photos, description, climate features, attractions

Video: Кусарская Баллада (Кусары, Азербайджан. Документальный фильм) 2024, July

Video: Кусарская Баллада (Кусары, Азербайджан. Документальный фильм) 2024, July

This city is very popular. This is due to the fact that in 1836 he was visited by the great Russian poet M.Yu. Lermontov, who was fascinated by the work “Ashug Garib” by Lezgi Ahmed - local ashug. It was precisely on his motives that the poet wrote the literary work Ashik-Kerib. Since then, in Kusary, the doors of the Lermontov House-Museum, which is one of the main attractions of the city, have been opened for visitors.

The article provides more detailed information about the city of Kusary in Azerbaijan.

General information about the Kusar (Gusar) region

The area is located on the northeastern slope of the Main Caucasus Range. Most of its territory is represented by mountains, among which the peaks of Yerydag, Shah-Dag and Bazarduzu stand out. This region occupies the north-eastern territory of the republic, being a kind of gateway to Azerbaijan. In ancient times, this territory occupied an advantageous position. This place was a junction of the most important trade routes.

The area is located far from waterways: the nearest seas are the Black (the distance to it is 550 km) and the Caspian (15 km). The area is 1542 square kilometers and makes up 1.7% of the total republican area. Among all the districts of the republic in size, it takes 14th place. The length from west to east is 84 kilometers, from north to south - 35 kilometers.


City location and climate features

The city of Kusary (Azerbaijan), which is the administrative center of the Kusar region, is located in the north of the country. This place is a foothill region of the Greater Caucasus (Mount Shahdag), where Kusarchay flows - a mountain river. Nearby is the border with Russia.

The nearest railway station Khudat is located 35 km from the city (in a south-western direction), and the capital of the republic, the city of Baku, is 180 km away.

The climatic conditions in the Kusara region in Azerbaijan are quite contrasting. Even during the day, the air temperature can vary within 15 degrees or more. For example, in the summer, after the heat, many days of rain can begin, and in the winter after thaws, frosts can come to -20 degrees or more.

These places are mainly affected by the subtropical climate. Only the northern part of the region is under the influence of a temperate climate. Due to the fact that this area is close to the mountains and at a rather high altitude, summers are not very hot here, and winters are frosty.

Note: Kusara index (Azerbaijan) - AZ 3800.


Some historical facts

The city of Kusary in the Republic of Azerbaijan has its own interesting history. As noted above, this place is popular and is associated with the name of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov. Here the poet met with Haji Ali Efendi, the famous scientist and philosopher.

A memorial plaque with the immortal lines of one of the works of the great poet was erected in front of the entrance to the Lermontov Museum.


From 1822 to 1840, Kusary was the capital of Dagestan. Since 1938, the village of Kusary became known as the city.

Population change

In 1916 (according to the "Caucasian calendar") in the tract called Kusary there were 1203 people. The main population was represented by Russians. By 1926, there were 120 Mountain Jews. According to the 1939 census, their number was 241 people.

According to the census in 1936 in Kusary, the population was 3, 400. In 1959, the number of inhabitants reached 7366 people, in 1979 - 12, 225 people, and by 1989 the population increased to 14230 people.



Basically, the population of the city of Kusara in Azerbaijan is represented by ethnic Lezghins - a proud people living for centuries in the Caucasus Mountains and having a rich heritage.

Lezgins have their own native language, and they also communicate well in Azerbaijani and Russian. This is due to the fact that the city, firstly, is located on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and secondly, it has a border with Russia.

This people has its own unique cuisine, which differs from Azerbaijan. Also famous is their dance - Lezginka.


The environs of the city of Kusar (Azerbaijan) and the entire region are rich in flora. Forest covers 20% of the territory. Beech, oak, hornbeam and other varieties of trees grow here. In the forests you can find such plants as dogrose, medlar, hawthorn, sumac, dogwood, cranberries, blueberries and many medicinal plants. Near the village of Urva stretches "Alistan Baba" - a forest with beech trees, which is under protection. Its area is 7 hectares.

The fauna is represented by wolves, bears, mountain goats, wild boars. Of the birds, owls and falcons live here.



Kusar (Azerbaijan) and Kusar district has the following interesting sights:

  1. Park of Nariman Narimanov.
  2. Founded in 1982, the Museum of Local Lore, which stores about 3, 000 exhibits.
  3. House-Museum of M. Yu. Lermontov.
  4. Ancient ruins in the village of Anigh, preserved from the 13th century.
  5. The mausoleum of Sheikh Junide, located near the village of Hazra.
  6. Ancient mosques built many centuries ago and preserved in some villages.