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Grenade F1: characteristics, radius of destruction

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Grenade F1: characteristics, radius of destruction
Grenade F1: characteristics, radius of destruction

Video: Testing Grenades, Can You Stomach A Grenade To Save Your Team? Escape From Tarkov 2024, July

Video: Testing Grenades, Can You Stomach A Grenade To Save Your Team? Escape From Tarkov 2024, July

Along with the development of evolution, there was a continuous improvement not only of tools, but also weapons. Instead of a banal stick and stone, thanks to which our ancestors had the opportunity to attack and defend, now came an automatic machine and a grenade F1. The characteristics of modern weapons are undoubtedly an order of magnitude higher. Take, for example, a grenade. By definition, this is one of the types of explosive ordnance that is intended to disable the equipment of the opposing side or to destroy manpower.

Application history

During the Great Patriotic War, hand grenades were widely used. Such explosive ammunition could be divided into fragmentation, lighting, smoke, anti-tank and incendiary. It is worth adding that during the war years, tens of thousands of factories and various manufactures were converted for the creation of such grenades, notwithstanding the fact that a large number of such ammunition were exclusively "artisanal production", which were made under combat conditions by partisans.



All explosive ammunition, and the F1 grenade is no exception, are divided according to the principle of the detonator and the mechanism:

  • Electric.

  • Mechanical (tension, breakaway, unloading and push).

  • Chemical.

  • Combined.

The electric method of detonation of the charge is carried out thanks to the current source, while undermining is carried out directly when the contact is closed. This can be done manually by the demoman or the disguised charge, for example on the TV, is activated at the time the victim plugs the plug into the outlet.

The mechanical method speaks for itself, and only human strength or physical impact is required. At the moment, this is the most common method, along with the electric one.

The chemical principle is based on the action of a certain substance or most often acid.

Classification of ammunition by purpose

All explosive devices can be divided according to the method of their impact on the target. At the moment, thanks to some modifications and improvements, the F1 combat grenade can be used for any of them. Partisans and modern military operations in the CIS and the Middle East played a significant role in this.

  • Bookmark: this method is due to the pre-installation of the explosive device. As for grenades, the most popular is the “stretch”, which is based on the physical detonation of the victim itself. Moreover, it can be both camouflaged and obvious.

  • The so-called “postal item”, which can be disguised as an ordinary ammunition box and detonates during its opening.


Varieties of Pomegranates

  • Manual - performed using a throw with a hand.

  • Anti-personnel - to defeat manpower.

  • Fragmented - damage occurs as a result of fragments from a grenade.

  • Defensive - the expansion of the fragments exceeds the possible throwing range, which makes it necessary to attack from cover.

  • Remote action - detonation occurs some time after the throw. The F1 training grenade provides 3.2 and 4.2 seconds. Other explosive devices may have different detonation times.

Grenade F1: characteristics, radius of destruction

Of the variety of defensive weapons, I would like to highlight the following. One of the best anti-personnel, hand-held explosive devices is rightfully considered an F1 grenade. The performance and design turned out to be so good that it managed to survive without any improvements for a large amount of time. The only thing that has been modified is the fuse system and its design.

This type of explosive device is designed to hold defensive positions and to hit mainly enemy manpower. This is due to a sufficiently large radius of expansion of its fragments. For the same reason, it is necessary to throw it from the shelter (tank, armored vehicles, etc.) in order to avoid causing harm to oneself.

Grenade F1 specifications has the following:

  • The number of fragments after the explosion reaches 300 pieces.

  • Mass - 600 g.

  • The type of explosive is TNT.

  • The throwing range is an average of 37 m.

  • Safe distance - 200 m.

  • The radius of damage by fragments is 5 m.

History of the creation of F1

It all started back in 1922, when the department of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army decided to conduct an audit in artillery depots. In accordance with reports of that time, they were armed with 17 types of various grenades. Moreover, among the numerous choices of types of fragmentation-defensive nature of explosive devices of their own production at that time was not. It was because of this that the grenades of the Mills systems were in service, as an exception, the use of the French version of the F-1 explosive device was also allowed. And based on the fact that the French fuse was extremely unreliable, a large number were not actuated, and even moreover, they exploded right in the hands. The same committee, as of 1925, created a report stating that the need for such explosive devices of the army was satisfied by only 0.5%. In the same year, Artkom decided to test all the samples that were available at that time. Based on this, a grenade of the 1914 sample was chosen, which was to be modified to an improved analogue of the Mills fragmentation system.

Thus, the Swiss fuses were replaced by domestic ones - Koveshnikova, and already in 1925, in September, the first tests were conducted, on which the main criterion was fragmentation defeat. The findings of the commission satisfied the committee. So the F1 grenade appeared, the technical characteristics of which exceeded the French counterpart and met the needs of the Red Army.


Instructions for use

In order for the F1 grenade to be ready for action, it is necessary to find the antennae, which are located on the safety pin, and straighten them. The explosive device is taken in the right hand, fingers should firmly and confidently press the lever directly to the body itself. Before making a throw, with the forefinger of the second hand it is necessary to pull out the ring of checks. After this, you can hold the grenade for a long time, until the moment the lever is released and the shock striker fuses the activation. If there is no need for a grenade, then the check can be inserted back, and after the antennae is returned to its original position, it can be safely stored.

Having examined the dummy of the F1 grenade, you can fully familiarize yourself with its structure, and thanks to the weight, which is identical to the combat version, you can test it for throwing distance. In the case of hostilities or conditions close to them, it is first necessary to determine the goal and choose the right moment to complete the throw. After the grenade is already on its way to its target, the lever will exert pressure on the hammer, which, in turn, will press on the capsule, which causes an explosion after a certain period of time.

Among the damaging factors, one can note not only a high-explosive effect, but also fragments that form as a result of a rupture of a grenade shell. This is due to the frequent use of F1 when installing "stretch marks." So, if during an explosion a person can survive a high-explosive shock wave, then the fragments will not leave anyone a chance in a radius of 5 meters.

Additionally, it is worth noting a rather cunning and effective combination, which consists of 2 grenades, thanks to which an anti-sapper effect is also created. So, in the case of its discovery by an inexperienced sapper who cuts the subsequently stretched cable, 2 fuses are detonated thereby simultaneously. There are improvements that allow grenades to act instantly with the installation of a mine fuse instant activation.


For security

In order to avoid any annoying situations, you must be very careful about precautions. Before laying grenades, you need to inspect them and pay attention to the igniter. No deep rust or heavy dents should be detected on the case. The fuse and its tube should not have traces of corrosion, the check should be intact, the ends are divorced, and the bends without cracks. If a green coating is found on the fuse, then in no case should you use such a grenade. When transporting ammunition, it is necessary to protect them from shock, moisture, fire and dirt. If the grenades were soaked, then you can not dry them by the fire.

It is necessary to carry out systematic examinations. It is strictly forbidden:

  • Touch an unexploded ordnance.

  • Disassemble a combat grenade.

  • Try to remove the fault yourself.

  • Carry grenades without bags.



The French fragmentation and English models were taken as a basis, due to which the F1 grenade appeared. The characteristics of such a symbiosis were unique compared to similar domestic explosive devices. This model is known for its nickname "lemon." In turn, models from Chile (Mk2), China (Type 1), Taiwan and Poland (F-1) can be considered copies of this grenade.

The Soviet version was widely used throughout the world in the most famous and extensive military conflicts.
