
Grodno region: lakes, bridges, motels and cities

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Grodno region: lakes, bridges, motels and cities
Grodno region: lakes, bridges, motels and cities

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Grodno region is a land of beautiful castles, family estates and fabulous lakes in their beauty. It is located in the north-west of the Republic of Belarus and borders on Lithuania and Poland.


These lands were developed in the Late Paleolithic period. However, fame came to them only at the beginning of the 12th century. This was the time of the appearance of large cities (Grodno - 1128, Novogrudok - 1212, Volkovysk and Slonim - 1252, Lida - 1380). All of them have an interesting and rich history. So, Novogrudok was the first capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In this city, the ceremony of the coronation of the first king of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania on Mindovg took place.


Centuries passed, but the nobility and strength of the Grodno lands remained unchanged. Even after joining Russia at the end of the eighteenth century, they were able to “show” themselves on the positive side. Grodno province was considered one of the most economically developed territories.

Soviet period

During the revolution of 1917, there were active uprisings. In 1921, the Riga Peace Treaty was signed. According to its provisions, the lands located in the Prinemansky Krai were transferred to Poland. Since September 1939, the Grodno region began to be part of the BSSR.

An active partisan movement in the region developed during the Great Patriotic War. In addition, many residents of the land of Prinemann took part in battles on the fronts. This land was liberated from the Nazi invaders in July 1944.

Grodno and the Grodno region in the postwar years were restored quite rapidly. In the Neman Territory, the chemical and textile industries were established. Got development and mechanical engineering.


On September 20, 1944, a Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was signed. According to this document, the Grodno region was formed. She became part of the Byelorussian SSR. The districts of the Grodno region are Volkovysk and Berestovitsky, Svisloch and Grodno, Iviev and Slonim. Mostovsky and Oshmyansky, Dyatlovsky and Korelichsky, Novogrudsky and Voronovsky, Zelvensky and Lida, Ostrovetsky and Smorgonsky, as well as Schuchinsky are also on this list. Thus, in the Grodno region there are 17 districts. There are twelve cities and twenty-one urban-type settlements on the territory of the Prinemannian land. The villages of the Grodno region are united in 194 village councils.


Grodno region chose the French shield as its coat of arms. On its red field is an image of a golden bison. In the frame of the shield are oak branches, which are intertwined with the St. Andrew ribbon, which has a blue color. The coat of arms is crowned with a golden crown.


Grodno region is an administrative unit, the territory of which is twenty five thousand square meters. kilometers. This is twelve percent of the total area of ​​Belarus.


The Grodno region is rightfully proud of its mixed and coniferous forests. They occupy about thirty percent of its entire territory. The largest rivers of the region are the Neman with its tributaries (Berezina, Shchara, Lebeda, Usha, Kotra and Ditva), as well as the Narov and Viliya. This fairy land and magnificent lakes adorn. The largest of them are Beloye and Svityaz, Dairy and Svir, Vishnevsky and Rybnitsa. As for the climate, it is moderate in the Grodno region. Here it is slightly warmer than in the Vitebsk region, but at the same time cooler than in Gomel and Brest. In January, the average temperature is five to six degrees of frost, and in July - eighteen to nineteen degrees of heat. The vegetative period, which lasts in the region from one hundred ninety to two hundred days a year, contributes to the successful farming.

Grodno region is characterized by flat terrain. The lowest point of the region and the whole country is the point located at the exit of the Neman River beyond the borders of the Republic of Belarus. Its mark is located at an altitude of 80 m above sea level. In the northeast and north of the region is the Lida Plain. Its height does not exceed 170 m. The Oshmyany Upland is also located here, the elevations of which reach 320 m in some places. The extreme northeast is represented by the Narochano-Vileika lowland. In the east and south there are such elevations as Volkovyskaya, Grodno and Novogrudok. The last of them has the highest point in the region (323 m). It is called Castle Hill.

Place to relax

Grodno region (Belarus) will especially appeal to those who love a fascinating and active pastime. Prineman land is one of the most favorable zones of the country for the development of tourism. It has everything you need for a wonderful and interesting vacation. Magnificent lakes of the Grodno region. There are many of them in this region. Stunningly beautiful lake Svityaz. Here, fishing enthusiasts can catch pikes and ides, catfish and bream, perches and eels.


The nature of the Grodno region is rich and diverse. About one and a half thousand different plant species grow in the coastal zones of water bodies, as well as in forests and fields. On the territory occupied by the region, there is a part of Belovezhskaya Pushcha. The Grodno region is famous for its natural reserves. There are ten of them on the Niedemann land. Fifty natural monuments are also located in the region. Fans of outdoor activities will be happy to visit excursions, where they will get acquainted with architectural monuments, ancient cities and towns.


Sanatoria of the Grodno region are pleased to be visited not only by residents of Belarus. Rest in them and foreign guests. The most popular are Ozerny and Radon.

The cultural heritage of Belarus

Grodno region is a real architectural pearl of the country. The cultural heritage of the region is magnificent architectural ensembles. In the neighborhood there are monuments of various styles and eras, reflecting the complex history of the land of Prinemann.


Tourists from all over the world visit the ancient Navahrudak and the beautiful Lida. As for the capital of the region - Grodno, then this is a real paradise for those who love history, architecture and culture.

The Neman River cuts the city into two parts. Bridges built across a magnificent river, as if connecting the past and the present. According to them, you can get from the historical areas to the modern city.

Grodno region is one of the few in the country where the most ancient architectural monuments have been preserved to this day. One of them is the Borisoglebskaya church. This is the oldest church in Belarus today. It was built in the early 12th century and currently claims to be on the UNESCO World Heritage List. A chance to get on this list also exists at the Augustow Canal, located in the vicinity of the regional center. This unique monument of hydraulic engineering construction was erected in the early 19th century.

Numerous churches are still preserved in the Grodno region. These architectural monuments of the 19th century. are located in the villages of Indura and Porechye, Adelsk and Adamovichi, Kozlovichi and Zarechanka. The construction of churches that survived in the towns of Vertelishki and Lasha, Zhytomyl and Golovachi belongs to a later period. The list of attractions includes the Volovichy Palace and Park Ensemble, which is located in Svyatsk, as well as the manor house in the village of Svisloch, built in the 19th century.


On the territory of the Grodno region there are cities and towns, which will be very interesting to visit. These are Oshmyany and Zhuprany, Krevo and Smorgon, Soly, etc. Many of the cities of the Prinemann Territory have a historical sign. Attracts tourists the ancient Navahrudak. It was this city in 1212 that became the capital of a multinational state - the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Zhemoytsky and Russian. The buildings built in the first and beginning of the second millennium can be admired in Slonim (1252) and in Lida (1380).


Grodno region is attractive for tourists and the lake of Svityaz covered with legends. According to legend, it has a magical effect on lovers.

Often in the cities of the region there are various holidays. In addition to traditional Catholic and Orthodox celebrations, tourists can get to Grodno at the national festival dedicated to national cultures, and in Novogrudok to the international tournament of knights. A variety of holidays are held in other cities of the Niedemann.


A small town is located east of Grodno. Many tourists who choose a vacation in the Republic of Belarus are attracted by its unusual sights.

Bridges (Grodno region) received the status of a city in 1955. Currently, more than seventeen thousand people live here. The city owes its name to bridges, of which there are five in this village. One of them is a pedestrian across the Neman River. This bridge is the hallmark of the city. Its construction was carried out in the 70s of the last century. This bridge is the longest (193 m) suspension structure in Belarus.

Another attraction of the city is Prospect Mira. This is the smallest avenue in Belarus, on which there are only ten buildings.

The attention of tourists is attracted by temples that feature traditional architecture. The Museum of Forest and Man is of great interest. Its rich zoological and botanical collections will be interesting to both adults and children.