
Group "Spleen". Soloist of "Splin" Alexander Vasiliev, his biography and creative career

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Group "Spleen". Soloist of "Splin" Alexander Vasiliev, his biography and creative career
Group "Spleen". Soloist of "Splin" Alexander Vasiliev, his biography and creative career

Few people do not know the name of the lead singer of the Spleen group. This relatively young rock band managed to win the hearts of many music lovers. But the story of the emergence of this team of rock musicians is known to few.

origin of name

The emergence of the Spleen group occurred in St. Petersburg in May 1994.

Such a strange name for this team came from the English word spleen, which in translation means spleen or longing. The origin of the name is also interesting. The lead singer of Spleen, Alexander Vasiliev, can be said to have appropriated this honor. Once he got acquainted with the poetic work of Alexander Cherny, namely with his poem “Under the Mute”. The word “Spleen” was present in this work, which interested Vasiliev, who decided that such a name would be best suited to his group.


"Dumps" plays alternative rock music. However, among Russian rockers, she is recognized as one of the most lyrical groups. All the songs “Spleen” are very diverse and differ from each other both in the style of performance and in sound. Vasiliev in this regard constantly pleases and surprises his fans by publishing something extraordinary.


The lead singer of the Spleen group, Alexander Vasiliev, was born on July 15, 1969. Place of birth was the city of Leningrad. Already from childhood he was very addicted to music, and when he was twelve, he got to the performance of the rock band Time Machine. The sound, words and manner of performing songs by the Makarevich collective influenced the young musician so much that he decided to connect his life with music.


Alexander Vasiliev organized his first group, studying in the seventh grade of the school. There was also the next group created before Spleen. Soloist A. Vasiliev called it "Miter". It was created with the help of Alexander Morozov during training at the institute. Young people managed to combine their studies at the Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrumentation with recording their own songs. The first such recordings were made at home.

The Mitra group tried to become a member of the St. Petersburg rock club, but was not accepted there.

First album

After a couple of years, the lead singer of the Spleen group dropped out of school and went to serve in the army. Returning from service, Vasiliev enters the Faculty of Economics at the Theater Institute. As you know, in the nineties in the country there were many problems. They also touched the Spleen group, whose soloist was forced to study and work at the same time. Despite the difficult time, Vasiliev still wanted to organize a rock band, and he did it. On May 27, 1994, he, Alexander Morozov, and Nikolai Rostovsky released their first recorded album, which they called "Dusty Past." During the celebration of this event, the guys met with Stas Berezovsky, a guitarist.

The debut album met the expectations of the rockers: audio cassettes with its recording sold over 10, 000. In all the institutions and on the radio stations of the country the songs of the “Spleen” group sounded, the soloist of which began to enjoy popularity.


Since that time, new stars began to be invited to perform at various clubs in St. Petersburg, while the musicians worked on the creation of the next album.

Subsequent work

The next collection of works of the group was "Collector of weapons." Along with this album, in 1996, rockers shot the video “Be my shadow”.

The end of the nineties for the group “Spleen”, the soloist and other members of which worked diligently on their songs, turned out to be quite successful and eventful. The guys released more than one album during this time. In 1997, the “Lantern under the Eye” was released, literally a year later the audience was pleased with the “Pomegranate Album”, and a year later “Spleen” presents the album “Altavista” for its fans.


It was in those years that the Spleen group gained its greatest popularity. The soloist, whose biography was embellished by the success received by the group, along with his colleagues toured throughout the country and abroad. In 1999, the group was invited to a club concert in New York. The year before, rockers performed at the stadium in Luzhniki before the performance of the legendary The Rolling Stones.


Since 1997, the rapid success of the Spleen group began, when it was snapped up. The guys were invited to all the clubs in Moscow and the northern capital. The song Orbits Without Sugar, released that year, is familiar to many, and in those years literally every second inhabitant of the country sang it.

New millennium

The beginning of this century was also positive for the group. In 2001, “Spleen” released the next collection “25 shots”, recorded a joint song “Fellini” with the famous rock group “Bi-2”, with which he embarked on a Russian tour. Over the next seven to eight years, Spleen will release four more albums, including Signal from Space, Reversing Chronicle of Events, New People, and Split Personality.

During the creation of these collections about the group "Splin" there were various rumors up to the point that it breaks up. This was due to the fact that the composition of the Spleen team then changed quite often, but this did not prevent the musicians from continuing their active tours around their native country, as well as beyond its borders, including in the CIS and the USA.


From 2009 to 2011, the group "calmed down". New collections and new songs did not come out. However, in 2012, "splins" pleased their fans by releasing "Optical Illusion". This was the eleventh album of the group. Soloist Alexander Vasiliev a year later makes a video about a little girl from Japan on the song "Samurai's Daughter."

Vasiliev is a very versatile person. He independently composes lyrics, as well as musical accompaniment to them. In addition, he is also engaged in painting, paints. During his life he wrote more than 20 paintings, and once in Moscow his exhibition was even organized.