
Dry breasts: description, photo, features

Dry breasts: description, photo, features
Dry breasts: description, photo, features

Wonderful edible mushrooms - dry mushrooms - are common in coniferous and mixed forests. This species is called Russula delica, or preload. In essence, it is a kind of russula. These breasts are rare inhabitants of forests, it is much more difficult to find them, they have bitter milky sap. And the so-called dry mushrooms grow from July to October in birch groves, pine and coniferous forests, while their number is simply unbelievable.


It is very simple to find these white fortresses in the dry dark soil of coniferous forests. Defenseless white color betrays itself against the dark background of the earth and fallen needles. But among the grass, the search becomes more complicated: you need to carefully look at each tubercle.

Dry lump has a white smooth surface. In young fruiting bodies, it has a light bluish tint, the blue color on the back of the fungus is even more noticeable. The diameter of the cap can reach 20 cm, while at first the shape is always convex with a small hole in the center, the edges are turned down. The older the dry lump (the photo is presented below), the more the hat opens, crack in dry weather, in rainy summer it is necessarily eaten away by slugs and flies. Over time, yellow and brown spots appear throughout the surface. Dry breasts - lamellar mushrooms, with dense white flesh, without pronounced taste and smell.


The plates are white, smoothly passing to the leg. It is short, strong, its surface is smooth, the flesh is dense, while in old mushrooms it is loose, almost always eaten by worms. Dry breasts are very rarely clean and white, if only at the very beginning of growth. In any weather, whether it is drought or rainy summer, they are hit by worms, and on their hats they like to ambush mushroom flies.

Dry breasts are considered edible. Indeed, they can be salted, boiled, fried, and pickled. But most often they go to salting, like a blank for the winter. If, as a result of a trip to the forest, a sufficient number of mushrooms was accumulated, then you need to start processing as soon as possible.


To clean and wash these mushrooms will be much easier if you soak them in boiling water for 20-30 minutes. A brittle hat under the influence of heat becomes softer and more plastic. To quickly get rid of dirt trapped between the plates, the mushrooms are washed under running water. Then they can be salted. Since the mushroom does not secrete milky juice, its flesh does not have a bitter taste, like a real raw loaf. Therefore, mushrooms can be salted, that is, stand in the brine for only a week, after which they can be eaten.

Good fried and young specimens. To do this, they are first poured with boiling water, washed, cut into small pieces and fried in hot oil for 15-20 minutes. At the same time, the pieces become a little stiff, with a crispy crust and a pleasant mild taste. It is worth noting that in this way you can only cook loads that do not have milky juice on the slice. All other similar mushrooms that secrete white juice have a sharp bitter taste. This bitterness disappears in the brine, after 1.5-2 months. A dry breast has no such unpleasant feature. The mushroom tastes good and is easy to process!