
Heidi Krieger: biography, achievements and interesting facts

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Heidi Krieger: biography, achievements and interesting facts
Heidi Krieger: biography, achievements and interesting facts

Video: Andreas Krieger: Heidi's Farthest Throw 2024, July

Video: Andreas Krieger: Heidi's Farthest Throw 2024, July

Known in the 80s, the German core plunger Heidi Krieger began to turn into a man in his teens. In the GDR team, she was ruthlessly stuffed with steroids, which without fail did their job. At some point, the athlete lost her sense of reality. She did not understand which of the two sexes now belongs to her, and this fact drove her into a wild depression. Heidi Krieger, on this basis, even tried to commit suicide, but, having thought better of it, she realized that you just need to adapt to the circumstances.

early years

In July 1966, a girl named Krieger Heidi, a future athlete in the field of weightlifting, was born. She participated in sports competitions from early childhood, showing excellent results and numerous victories among peers. So, she got into the teenage shot put team of East Germany. In addition, we note that in the 70s and 80s in German sport practiced all kinds of doping, which allowed participants to win first place in world championships. “Under the distribution” came quite young Heidi Krieger. Subsequently, all this became a huge global scandal with subsequent trials.


Major sensation

In 1986, a young 20-year-old athlete Krieger Heidi made a splash. She took gold at the European Women's Shot Put Championships. Victory opened to the girl, then still pretty and pretty, huge horizons. She was known for world fame, numerous victories and universal recognition. But all this remained only dreams, since immediately after the championship Krieger went to the hospital with severe back pain. Doctors forbade her to play sports in principle and, having improved her back health, were discharged home.

The big evil done by little pills

To say that after the conclusion of the doctors, Heidi Krieger was defeated is to say nothing. Sport was her life, a ticket to a happy future and just a dream that crashed in an instant. For a long time, the girl was discouraged, she practically did not go out and thought about what to do next. At that moment, Heidi could not imagine that in fact her affairs were much worse.


After some time, the former athlete began to leave the borders of her house. It was then that she began to notice that she was becoming like a man. On the street, passers-by squinted at her, as they thought that there was a man who put on women's clothing. In the restrooms, she was often politely hinted that she had made a mistake with the door. But what is there to darken - Heidi herself felt a man literally “bulge” out of her through the edges. It was easy to guess that at the age of 20, when the body was fully formed, steroids and male hormones, which the athlete regularly used in her youth, showed themselves in all its glory. Heidi Krieger was simply lost. She did not recognize herself in the mirror and did not understand who she was - man or woman.

The consequences were grave

Depressed, the former athlete, once a beautiful and charming girl, remained for almost 11 years. Repeatedly, she tried to die, since she completely did not see her future. During this period, a whole series of incredibly high-profile scandals swept around the world. The trainers of the GDR national teams who worked in the 80s were accused of knowingly causing irreparable harm to underage athletes. As it turned out, Heidi was far from the only victim of doping violence - their number was in the hundreds. As a result, the perpetrators were punished in all severity, and on the Internet, which in the 90s was only gaining popularity among the general population, the first photos of Heidi Krieger “before and after”, which she made herself, appeared.


The beginning of a new life

Having survived the greatest tragedy in her life, Heidi found the strength to continue the struggle. In 1997, she was one of the first injured athletes to undergo a sex change operation. In the case of Krieger, the doctors did not have to work for a long time - all the most important thing for them was done by hormones, which the girl took as a teenager. Passing through the rehabilitation period, Heidi realized that she could no longer bear that name, that it no longer just fit her, but also reminds of all the burdens that fell on her lot. Therefore, in the same 1997, a new 31-year-old young man, Andreas Kruger, officially appeared in Germany.


What happened afterwards

A few years after the operation, Andreas began to get acquainted with his “grief colleagues” - athletes who also suffered from the voluntary-forced use of doping. Among them was a former swimmer named Uta Krause, who, to her own good fortune, did not suffer from steroids as globally as many others. She managed to maintain her feminine appearance, in fact, captivating Andreas Krueger. Soon the athletes got engaged, later they had an adopted daughter. A happy family has been living in the German city of Magdeburg for almost twenty years in their own home. The main field of activity of former athletes is the sale of equipment for tourists and military uniforms.
