the culture

Characteristics and meaning of the name Lukerya

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Characteristics and meaning of the name Lukerya
Characteristics and meaning of the name Lukerya

Lukerya is a rather rare name today, although it used to be quite widespread in Russia. Like everyone else, it corresponds to special, unique qualities that are projected onto a carrier. We will discuss the meaning of the name Lukerya in this article. In addition, we recall some of its famous owners.


Name Lukerya: origin and meaning

Although it was especially popular in Russia, it comes from Greece. It must be said right away that Lukerya is only a common form of the name Glyceria. And the meaning of the name Lukerya in translation into Russian is “sweet”.

Characteristic in childhood

The girl, named Glyceria, has a special craving for her father. It is he who has complete control over the baby and represents the only real authority. The meaning of the name Lukerya for the girl is also manifested in a special tendency to mischief. The child is extremely restless and likes to stand on his ears. However, the girl is very sensitive and vulnerable. It is easy to offend her with just one hint, not just a word. And then it will be quite difficult to calm her down. In addition, the meaning of the name Lukerya gives its owner curiosity and a special thirst for recognizing other people's secrets. The girl has a vivid imagination, so that she can easily be given any creative pursuits. In her circle, she plays the role of a generator of ideas. As for study, then, demonstrating good abilities, a girl rarely becomes an excellent student. The reason for this is the meaning of the name Lukerya, which makes the child restless and unable to concentrate on one subject for a long time. This means that she quickly gets carried away, and then burns out just as quickly, and therefore assimilates the material only superficially.


Characteristic in adulthood

Growing up, Lukerya becomes more serious. From a vulnerable person, she turns into a strong personality, able to fend for herself and even show some rigidity. Nevertheless, in her heart she will forever retain her childish softness and vulnerability, but she will successfully learn to mask and suppress it. Lukerya, the meaning of the name, character and destiny of which is closely interconnected, in adulthood also learns to cope with various difficulties and temper spirit. If in childhood she was used to the fact that everything goes to her thanks to whims, then in more mature years the girl finds other ways to get what she wants. In addition, from the eccentric and emotional girl, Glyceria grows into a practical, pragmatic person. This does not mean that it becomes a cold, prudent machine, just the initial bias towards emotions is balanced by prudence and sanity. Sometimes this process of growing up can take place quite naturally and not bring the girl discomfort. But for a more spoiled person, growing up may seem painful, and inside the girl feelings such as disappointment in people and distrust will be strengthened.

Special mention should be made of the people whom Lukerya draws closer to him. The meaning of the name makes her quite legible in this matter, and therefore she is surrounded by a small number of friends, whom she, however, trusts infinitely. To enter into the inner circle of this girl’s communication is not so simple: she will not bring anyone closer to herself whom she will not be completely sure, one hundred percent. Lukerya manifests himself as a good friend who will never refuse help. The girl will be able to share their sorrows and joys with loved ones and demands the same in relation to herself. In the event of conflicts and quarrels, Glyceria will be difficult to worry about, but natural pride will rarely allow her to take the first step towards reconciliation.



As a rule, a very beautiful, really “sweet” person is hiding under the name of Glyceria. And the owner of this name knows this very well. She skillfully manipulates the crowds of fans that surround her, but is in no hurry to make a choice. The girl appreciates freedom very much, and therefore she is in no hurry to bind herself with obligations, and especially marriage bonds. The external image of Glyceria makes an impression of her as a strict, impregnable woman. She loves to flirt, find herself in the center of male attention, however, she adheres to rather strict moral principles throughout her life. Among other things, she will never maintain a relationship of convenience and will almost never separate feelings from passion.

The meaning of the name Lukerya is also manifested in the fact that, having entered into a relationship, the girl tries to take a leading position in them. But she can not stand henpecked.



With regard to health, the name does not impose any negative prints. On the contrary, it contributes to the full healthy development of the body. However, the girl is recommended to support herself with preventive methods of vitamins and minerals, as well as more often to be in the fresh air. In addition, it is very important for Lukerya to remember the need for a full regular rest.
