
Igor Bochkin is an actor who loves luck. Biography, filmography, personal life

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Igor Bochkin is an actor who loves luck. Biography, filmography, personal life
Igor Bochkin is an actor who loves luck. Biography, filmography, personal life

Igor Bochkin is an actor who owes his star status to such films and TV shows as “Goryachev and others”, “Barkhanov and his bodyguard”, “Report”. This talented man speaks of himself as a favorite of fortune, recalling how once, by the will of fate, he was late for a train that crashed. Directors like to entrust him with the roles of brutal, freedom-loving, strong men. What is known about him?

Actor Igor Bochkin: childhood

The city in which the artist spent his childhood is Moscow, it was in the capital that he was born in February 1957. Igor Bochkin is an actor who in the early years of his life learned what grief is. At the age of ten, the child lost his father, was forced to help his mother, who was left without the support of her husband.


Remembering his childhood, Igor says that it took place on the street. Mother came home only to spend the night, as she tried to earn money for herself and her son. However, the young Bochkin did not get involved with a bad company and did not abandon his studies, as he already possessed such qualities as responsibility and independence.

Igor Bochkin is an actor who realized his calling in early childhood. His first viewers were classmates and friends whom he entertained by mimicking other people's voices. The boy's talent did not go unnoticed by adults.

First successes

Igor’s acquaintance with the world of cinema happened back when he was a child. His fate was determined by an accidental encounter with an assistant director who was looking for a talented boy to play a role in the film "Lights". Young Bochkin with pleasure agreed to play Kuzka Zhuravlev, his character is a mischievous boy who constantly gets involved in adventures. The picture was released in 1972.


Novice actor Igor Bochkin received the second role almost immediately after the release of "Lights". His next character was Misha Basharin, the image of which the guy embodied in the film "Red Sun". Then Igor took his participation in the filming as a fun game, but he thought about his acting career.

The desire to become an actor grew stronger in Bochkin while serving in the army. Returning to the capital, he joined the number of applicants trying to enter GITIS. A serious competition did not become an obstacle for the young man; he conquered the selection committee not only with his talent, but also with confidence.

Marriages and divorces

It was thanks to his admission to GITIS that his beginner actor Bochkin met his first wife. His biography testifies that a pretty classmate Alice became the chosen one of the young man. The lovers got married a few months after they met, but already in their last year they made a mutual decision to leave. Igor explains his first divorce by the fact that his wife was jealous of his creative successes.


Becoming a graduate of GITIS, Bochkin began to receive episodic roles. He was allowed to meet his second wife in the film "Such a Tough Game - Hockey", which was released in 1983. His chosen one Svetlana was not an actress, on the set he appeared as a costume designer. Family life again lasted only a few years, Igor explains the breakup with his complex character. Svetlana gave birth to a daughter, Sasha, who now lives in Spain.

The third wife of actor Bochkin appeared in his life by accident, it happened in the early 80's. A charming stranger was invited to the company by one of Igor's friends, he liked the girl so much that he convinced her to leave her husband and marry him. The marriage lasted 14 years, but the actor still abandoned his wife for another woman.

Star role

The audience happened to learn about the existence of such a wonderful actor as Igor Bochkin only in 1988, when the scandalous tape “PE of a regional scale” was released, in which he got the main role.


The picture told about the life of the Komsomol elite, demonstrated the vices inherent in its representatives. Igor embodied the image of one of the Komsomol leaders, making his hero rude and depraved. The scandalous glory of the film is associated with the presence of an explicit sexual scene with the participation of Bochkin. The tape, too bold for those times, had the effect of an exploding bomb, the main actor woke up famous.

Interesting films with his participation

Having flashed in the film "State of emergency of a regional scale", I managed to get a taste of the real glory of Bochkin. The actor attracted the attention of directors who literally overwhelmed him with offers. An interesting role went to him in 1990, when he embodied the image of the leader of the terrorists, who made a group of schoolchildren their hostages, in the picture "The Busy Busy".

The role of the former paratrooper Pavel was played by Bochkin in the film "Reportage". Adventure melodrama is interesting not so much with the plot, which is quite commonplace, but with a brilliant acting. The hero of Igor helps an American journalist in search of a vaccine that can save the world.

Fans of the actor cannot but remember his role in the comedy "Barkhanov and his bodyguard." Igor brilliantly dealt with the image of a charming fraudster, who can not be caught by law enforcement agencies. The series "Goryachev and Others" became popular, in which Bochkin also starred.