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Names for girls, their meaning, influence on character and fate

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Names for girls, their meaning, influence on character and fate
Names for girls, their meaning, influence on character and fate

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The name given to the child affects his character, and therefore, his fate. It carries a certain energy and a huge flow of information, sometimes playing a prophetic role in the life of a baby. Thousands of people walk on our planet with the same names, but everyone has their own destiny. So it has a different effect on their life? There is nothing surprising in this. It corrects and complements the natural human qualities, therefore it is important to seriously and responsibly approach the issue of name-giving. The article will talk about names for girls, about the nature and fate that are formed under their influence.

Ways to name girls

It is currently believed that when choosing a child’s name, parents should consider how their own names sound. That is, at least one letter in the names of the parents and the child must match, if so, then they will be happy with their baby, if not, the result will be the opposite.

In ancient times, our ancestors called the baby, using the holy calendar. A name was chosen that corresponded to the saint's memory in the church calendar, he should have been closest to the date of birth or baptism.

They also focused on the time of year when the baby was born. If he was born on a frosty winter, he was given a gentle, soft name to soften the effect of nature. When deciding on a child, parents tried to soften their natural qualities.


Children born in the spring do not know how to fend for themselves, so names were chosen for them that could inspire confidence in them and add leadership qualities to them.

Summer kids are very active, but they lack endurance and patience. These qualities can be adjusted using the name.

Autumn kids are distinguished by good health, stubbornness. They need to use the right name to add purposefulness and ability to communicate with people.

You can provide the right to choose the baby. In antiquity they did so. Parents and relatives sat around the baby and listed the names aloud, carefully monitoring the reaction of the child. If the baby smiled at a name, they called him that.

In addition, the tradition to name the baby in honor of the first comer remained. Our ancestors believed that a child who was named after a stranger would receive a good and happy fate as a gift.

Can a girl be named after mother or grandmother

There are traditions in some families to choose a name for a girl in honor of a grandmother or mother. In ancient times, it was a real ritual, which carried a huge semantic load. Together with the name, the girl receives an emotional example: what she should become and what to be.


This tradition of naming has both pros and cons.


  • The child is energetically protected by his family from all the troubles of the world, he feels himself part of a large family. He feels a sense of pride.
  • Children grow up internally free and very brave, they perceive the world around them as an interesting and safe adventure.
  • Since childhood, the girl has a model of strong relationships in the family, family ties, she will in the future create her own family on the example of this model.


  • Parents consciously or unconsciously expect from the child that he will be like a relative in whose honor the baby was named. But the child is a living person, he can inherit the worst qualities.
  • All the properties that the name brings will lie on the character of the child, breaking or reinforcing it. The result is not always what the parents wanted.
  • The name of the relative puts strong pressure on the child, because additional requirements are made to him. He simply must be like the one in whose honor he was named. As a result, the baby does not have the opportunity for personal development, cannot realize himself, and is forced to live according to the scenario of his family, which sooner or later will lead to psychological problems.

Random name selection

Most often, at present, children are picked up names according to the principle: "This is like, but this is not." And parents do not reckon with whether it is correctly chosen and whether it suits their child. What matters is the fact who insisted on a specific name for the child. It is this person who will have the most powerful influence on the formation of the character of the baby. Therefore, a random name is not at all random.

Orthodox tradition of naming

Names for girls in ancient times were given by the name of the saint, on the memorial day of which she was born or baptized. They did this so that the saint would protect the baby, and begged the Almighty for her a happy fate. According to the Slavs, the heavenly patroness took care of the fate of the girl, instructed her in good deeds, promoted the development of talents and protected her from troubles. If a child was named following this tradition, then the girl must buy her holy icon and congratulate her not only on her birthday and baptism, but also on Angel's Day.

You can choose a name for the girl in advance by roughly calculating the date of her birth. Holy Day should be closest to this date.

Names by Saints


Here is a list of Orthodox names for girls by month:

  • January: Domna, Ulyana, Tatyana, Maria, Vasilisa, Melania, Agafya, Polina, Appolinaria, Claudia, Nina, Anastasia, Irina, Anisia, Theodora, Agrafen, Felitsat, Leonidia, Eugene, Aglaya.
  • February: Ksenia, Evdokia, Veronica, Agafya, Svetlana, Efrosinia, Maria, Zoya, Theodora, Anastasia, Christina, Valentina, Anna, Inna, Paul, Agnia, Rimma, Aksinya, Martha.
  • March: Nika, Margarita, Vasilisa, Antonina, Regina, Anastasia, Marina, Ulyana, Galina, Iraida, Evdokia, Kristina, Kira, Theodora, Marianna.
  • April: Matrena, Claudia, Svetlana, Lydia, Maria, Susanna, Alla, Theodora, Sofia, Ulyana, Praskovya, Theodosius, Alexandra, Vasilisa, Irina, Anna, Nika, Akulina, Galina, Larisa, Eva, Anastasia, Martha, Daria, Tamara
  • May: Faina, Muse, Alexander, Glafira, Irina, Efrosinya, Maria, Tamara, Claudia, Julia, Glyceria, Susanna, Elizaveta, Valentina, Taisiya, Kristina, Evdokia, Zoya, Pelageya.
  • June: Nelli, Akulina, Theodosius, Valeria, Ulyana, Efrosinya, Theodora, Thekla, Martha, Claudia, Sofia, Kira, Antonina, Maria, Elena Anna, Christina, Kaleria.
  • July: Valentina, Efrosinya, Alevtina, Rimma, Jeanne, Efimia, Irina, Margarita, Agrippina, Julia, Ulyana, Anna, Angelina, Inna, Evdokia, Maria, Julianna, Martha, Elena, Olga, Sarah, Marina.
  • August: Ulyana, Milena, Kristina, Praskovya, Valentina, Svetlana, Olympiad, Magdalen, Anita, Evdokia, Susanna, Concordia, Seraphim, Nonna, Anna, Maria.
  • September: Natalia, Love, Vassa, Elizabeth, Rufina, Anfisa, Nadezhda, Lyudmila, Theodora, Martha, Sophia, Vasilisa, Anna, Domna, Raisa, Vera.
  • October: Ustinya, Anna, Marianna, Eulampia, Sophia, Zinaida, Praskovya, Jonah, Zlata, Ariadna, Taisiya, Thekla, Efrosinya, Irina, Virineya, Pelagia, Veronica.
  • November: Elizabeth, Praskovya, Elena, Ulyana, Efrosinya, Theodora, Anastasia, Claudius, Matrena, Capitolina, Neonila, Glyceria, Natalya, Cleopatra, Maria, Nelly, Anna, Zinovia.
  • December: Ulyana, Anna, Catherine, Angelina, Barbara, Cecilia, Anfisa, Zoya, Augusta, Olga, Marina.

Psychologist's advice

The name should not be a burden to the child. An unsuccessfully chosen name may become the subject of ridicule of classmates, and subsequently contribute to the development of complexes in humans. For example, the name Apollo is too old and is not quite suitable for the name of the baby at the present time. It can easily turn into a nickname and it will be difficult for a child to establish relationships with friends.


Before choosing a name for a child, it must be remembered that this is the very first word that he will utter when meeting, and it is through him that the impression of him as a person will be created. When naming a child, the following rules must be observed:

  • The name must be mutable so that it is easy to form short (diminutive) forms from it. This is important for establishing a close relationship between the child and parents. For example, Tanya - Tanyusha, Tata, Tanya.
  • When choosing a name, you must consider how it combines with patronymic. It is better if there is no piling up of identical consonants or vowels that are at the junction, for example, Svetlana Anatolyevna.
  • By naming a child in honor of a mother or grandmother, you convey a girl instability of character, increased emotionality, irritability. Together with the name, the child inherits not the best qualities of the person in whose honor he was named.

Choosing a consonant name with a surname and patronymic

When choosing a name for a girl, it is necessary that at least one letter in it coincides with the letter in the name of mother and father, for example, if the parents are Olesya and Alexander, then the daughter can be called Olga, Alevtina, Valentina, and so on, but the names Marina Anna, Catherine.

In addition, you need to select a name that would be consonant with patronymic. For example, Maria Alexandrovna, Olesya Alexandrovna and so on.

In addition, before the adverb, it is necessary to find out what the name of the girl means, and how it can affect her fate.

Numerology and a happy name

The science of numbers was founded by the great ancient Greek mathematician, philosopher Pythagoras, who proved that numbers form their own language. And in the XVI century, the philosopher Agrippa revealed the secret of this digital language. Modern numerology allows you to decipher the meaning of dates, birthdays, names. They determine the fate of man. Translating the name of the child into the language of numbers, one can understand how it will affect the character of a person and his abilities.


So how to use a numerical language? It is necessary to translate the letters of the name into numbers in accordance with the table, then add them and get the number of the name:

  • 1 - A - I - C - b;
  • 2 - B - Y - T - S;
  • 3 - B - K - Y - b;
  • 4 - G - L - F - E;
  • 5 - D - M - X - Yu;
  • 6 - E - H - C - I;
  • 7 - E - O - H;
  • 8 - F - P - W;
  • 9 - З - Р - Щ.

For example, the name Svetlana consists of the following numbers: 1 + 3 + 6 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 6 + 1 = 24. This amount must be reduced to a single-digit number 2 + 4 = 6 and look at the value of the name number - 6.

The meaning of the numbers:

Number 1. This name number means a strong personality, full of energy. A child with this number is always confident in himself, in his abilities. He is brave and decisive. Such a person is never confused in difficult situations. Among them there are very few creative natures.

Number 2. These are romantic and sensitive children, but they are very emotional. These are creative people with many natural talents. But they are characterized by anxiety, shyness, timidity. Their character is very variable. From these children grow artists and artists.

Number 3. These children have abilities for sports and sciences, they enjoy a hobby all their life. They need to give reasonable advice on choosing a profession in time, then they will be able to succeed in their career.

Number 4. This name number means success in technical fields. Such people are characterized by such features as reliability, stability, conscientiousness. Qualities of character are revealed in difficult conditions.

Number 5. This number gives its bearer independence and spiritual freedom. They like to accumulate their own experience. They like travel very much, they have a humanitarian mindset. Their life is filled with happy moments.

Number 6. State officials and politicians grow out of these children. They become famous personalities due to their views on the world and scientific works. But they must be accustomed to work from childhood, since their main drawback is laziness.

Number 7. The child is successful in the field of science, philosophy, art, he can also prove himself in the religious sphere. But his success depends on discipline. Children with this name number are usually leaders among their peers.

Number 8. It has a beneficial effect on business relations and portends wealth to the name holder with this number. Since childhood, they are very hardworking and strive for success at all costs. Very often distracted by the little things.

Number 9. These children are the undisputed peer leaders. They have bright abilities for mathematics and other technical sciences. They are musical, very sensitive. They become wonderful engineers, designers, architects. But their weak point is the lack of a sense of proportion.

Number 11. Children with the same name are decisive, reasonable, strong, which helps them achieve high goals. But, at the same time, they are very smug, narcissistic, selfish.

Number 22. These are usually eccentric people, often possessing brilliant talents. Manifest themselves from early childhood, as inventors and researchers. Very often carried away by mysticism and the mysterious world.

How a name affects a person’s fate


Our destiny is influenced by many factors: place and time of birth, parents, health, education. But not the last role is played by character and name. For girls, the meaning of the name is most important, since it is the female sex that is more sensitive to the influence of this factor. About his influence on the fate of the lady has been known since ancient times. Since this is an integral part of the personality, its “calling card", its face in society. The saying that they are greeted by clothes is very true for the name, as it forms the first impression of a woman. A beautiful name for the girl adorns her and creates a favorable impression. It reflects the nature and inclinations, determines its successes and failures, and also affects relationships with peers and adults.

There is an astrological calendar of names, which presents beautiful names for girls in accordance with the zodiac sign:

  • For a ram, the names Raisa, Alice, Alla are suitable.
  • For the calf - Sabina, Monica, May, Diana, Angela.
  • For a twin - Eliza, Taisiya, Lucien, Clara, Yvette, Gloria, Albina, Aksinya.
  • The names of Selene, Simon, Melania, Lolita, Letizia, Juliet, Bogdan are suitable for crayfish.
  • For lionesses, royal names are most suitable - Eleanor, Emma, ​​Roxanne, Laura, Lada, Capitoline, Ilona, ​​Dora, Bella, Ariadne, Adelaide, Aurora.
  • For virgins - Edith, Stella, Regina, Linda, Constance, Hertha, Vita.
  • Libra - Snezhana, Pelagia, Nelly, Milena, Love, Isabella, Zlata, Veronica.
  • Scorpions - Elina, Teresa, Tahira, Seraphim, Martha, Magdalene, Louise, Zara.
  • Sagittarius will suit such names as Thekla, Patricia, Muse, Marianne, Isolda, Jeanne, Violetta, Berta, Bella.
  • Balanced Capricorns - Eleanor, Renate, Nora, Cyrus, Barbarian.
  • Aquarius - Frida, Novella, Gloria, Aelita, Ilona.
  • Mysterious fish - Ninel, Venus, Eve, Amelia, Adele.

How to choose a decoration name

There are a huge number of beautiful names for girls, and choosing the right one can be very difficult. It should be easy to pronounce, it should have a riddle, it should be combined with patronymic. Each name, as you know, has a certain energy. When choosing, it is very important to know the meaning of the name of the girl. Psychologists recommend avoiding both rare names and very popular ones. If it is very common and often found, then mystery is lost, and for a girl with a name too rare, on the contrary, there will be a problem with his correct pronunciation and spelling.

Choosing what to name your baby, you can use the list of girl names on the church calendar. It is believed that then the guardian angel will protect the daughter.


Here are some tips for choosing a beautiful name for the girl:

  • You can call a name that was popular in our country several years ago. For example, Maria, Sofia, Polina, Natalya, Julia, Catherine, Anastasia, Anna. Despite the fact that they are quite common, they retained a certain mystery and mystery. From an early age, these babies are closely interrelated with the fate, name and meaning of the name. Girls are characterized by such qualities as wisdom, tenderness, femininity.
  • Choosing a name for your daughter, you can familiarize yourself with old Russian names. They remind of feelings and endow the owners with kindness, wisdom, industriousness and generosity. The most famous Russian names for girls: Tsvetana, Stanislav, Slavs, Radmil, Miloslav, Milen, Zlatislav, Darin, Vasilin, Bozen. In addition, they are very well combined with middle names and last names.
  • A rare beautiful name for a girl can be borrowed from other languages. For example, Chloe, Eliza, Juliet, Jessica, Gloria, Laura, Francoise, Dominic, Beatrice, Aurelia, Leila, Sabrina, Constance, Athena, Miranda, Bogdan, Cornelia, Jacqueline, Olivia, Gabriela, Mirabella, Natella, Michelle Rox.
  • An exotic name, of course, will distinguish a person from the general mass, but many problems arise with it. For example, Juliet is very poorly combined with simple middle names - Juliet Ivanovna. In addition, they create a number of inconveniences when communicating with people.
  • Many creative parents come up with their own names, for example, Miol, formed from Olga and Mikhail. Such names bring a lot of difficulties to their owner, they are very difficult to pronounce, and problems arise with their spelling.
  • Choosing a beautiful name for a girl, it is necessary to analyze its diminutive forms. Because, it would seem, the beautiful name Praskovya in an abbreviated form does not sound very harmonious - Parasha.
  • When choosing a name for a daughter, you need to get acquainted with a list of the most popular names of girls in previous years. Because it happens that it seems rare at first glance, it has long lost such a status and is at the peak of demand.

You need to trust your intuition, it is possible that the name that was chosen before the birth of the baby does not suit her at all.
