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Interesting quotes about fools

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Interesting quotes about fools
Interesting quotes about fools

Video: TOP 20 Quotes about Fools | Most Popular Quotes | Quotes for Facebook 2024, July

Video: TOP 20 Quotes about Fools | Most Popular Quotes | Quotes for Facebook 2024, July

Quotes about fools undoubtedly interest many. Some want to reread them systematically in order to make sure of their own intellectual viability. Others get to know them out of interest. Quotes about fools are meaningfully presented in this article.


They should pay attention to people who think about the meaning of life and have a certain sense of humor. In some cases, this helps to understand how to behave, suddenly finding yourself in an unpleasant situation.

The meaninglessness of the disagreement

In a dispute with a fool, true stupidity is born (G. Malkin)

You may notice that some people are ready to prove their case, regardless of the circumstances. They do not even try to listen to the opinion of the opponent. The main thing is to uphold one’s own position, at any cost. Such a manifestation of stubbornness is characteristic of people who are near-minded, stupid, not inclined to analyze the situation. They in no way find in themselves the ability to rely on specifically existing facts and regulations. Quotes about fools and idiots emphasize the idea that if disagreements with the interlocutor are too pronounced, it is likely that it is pointless to engage in a heated debate.


If you do not want to waste time in vain, then it is better to abandon this unattractive activity. In the world there really are people who do not bother with mental exercises. Somewhere inside, a person simply does not feel such a need, does not want to make an effort. As a result, stupidity alone multiplies.

Openness and immediacy

Fools are not shy, although shyness accepts all kinds of stupidity (J.J. Russo)

An individual not burdened with intellectual knowledge, as a rule, says everything that he thinks. He does not even reflect on how appropriate this is in a particular situation. Such a person does not care at all to make a favorable impression in society. That is why no shyness is characteristic of her. In most cases, openness is characteristic of young children.


In adults, the direct expression of feelings disappears due to the fear of condemnation that may arise in society. Quotes about fools show that there are foolish people, deprived of this peculiar internal defense mechanism. Against the background of the general mass, they often look blissful, because they are not responsible for their own actions and actions. By creating endless nonsense, an individual can even feel happy.

The meaning of what was said

Only a fool hears everything he hears (O. O'Malley)

In people's speeches, in fact, there is so much allegorism that it becomes even hard to imagine. Unfortunately, not all people are able to search for a deep meaning in spoken words. Quotes about fools and smarts just emphasize how these personalities differ from each other. A short-sighted person will never find the additional strength in himself to conduct an analysis of the situation. He will simply begin to perceive the interlocutor’s speech directly, seeing in it a real threat or joy for himself. The true meaning of what has been said may still remain unconscious. The thing is that until a person sees a specific problem, he will not begin to strive to solve it.