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Sideshow is New Year's Scenario

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Sideshow is New Year's Scenario
Sideshow is New Year's Scenario

Video: stuffz11's ROBLOX video 2024, July

Video: stuffz11's ROBLOX video 2024, July

Sideshow is a short sketch. In the modern world, with its help, social events are usually diversified, making them more fun, exciting. After all, there is one more condition. Sideshow is necessarily a play of comic content. Without it today, not a single holiday in an institution or even at home can do.

How did the sideshow come about?

This word is of Latin origin. The first root that makes it up is inter. It translates as “between.” And "media" acts as an indication of the way of communication, a spectacular event. Thus, the meaning of the word “sideshow” can be explained as follows: this is what is between the main action, not so important, but vivid and memorable.


Initially, sideshow appeared in the theater and played a distracting role while the actors engaged in the main performance or in the opera changed clothes, had a rest. In meaning, this short scene should not be more significant than the main action, for which the audience gathered. But at the same time, sideshow scenes necessarily required completeness.

Famous masters of this genre

In Russia, for a long time, short miniatures were performed by entertainers between concert numbers. The presenters tried to shift the viewer's attention to another topic, entertain him a bit, make him laugh. Gradually, real masters of this genre began to stand out.


So there were wonderful duets of Tarapunki with Plugs, Nikitishna and Mavrikievna, Mirov and Novitskov, Kartsev and Ilchenko, Nagiyev and Rosta, Oleinikov and Stoyanov. Separate comedians, such as Arkady Raikin, went on a separate plan.


Today their list has expanded. These are Petrosyan, Stepanenko, Shifrin, Rozhkova. Now it is no longer possible to say that their numbers play the role of a screensaver between the main performers. Often people go to theaters to enjoy miniatures of talented performers.

So there was a theater of miniatures and a colloquial genre. Today stands out as a separate stand-up item. This is also a short humorous performance of the actor.

Short, funny and accurate on target!

If before the splash screen between numbers could be thought up impromptu, today the script for the sideshow should be carefully thought out, well rehearsed. His goal is not only to amuse the viewer, but also to convey to his consciousness something important, to make him think about the main thing.

For example, such are short scenes in the famous television comedy games called "Club of the Merry and Resourceful." Each miniature here is an exact blow to sloppiness, human stupidity, impudence and immorality.


Many teams that played in KVN and gained victories later began to organize their own shows. So there were "Comedy Club", "Ural dumplings", "Comedy Wumen" and others.