
Irina Chesnokova: biography, creative achievements and personal life

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Irina Chesnokova: biography, creative achievements and personal life
Irina Chesnokova: biography, creative achievements and personal life

Chesnokova Irina - Russian comedian, film actress, host of television and radio programs. She began her career with performances in KVN. She was a guest of the comedy program "Where is the logic?" on TNT. Chesnokova starred in the films: Civil Marriage, Chronicles of the Paranoid, New Russians-2, etc. To date, the most popular project with her participation is the show Once Upon a Time in Russia.

early years

The girl was born in 1989, on February 9, in Voronezh. Since childhood, Irina was open to all kinds of hobbies, from painting to fencing and acrobatics. At the age of 6, the girl already knew how to play chess excellently. For a long time, Chesnokova was engaged in dancing. Having studied for 4 years in a regular school, Irina's parents transferred her daughter to a gymnasium, in which the priority was the study of languages, especially Latin, English and German.


The girl planned to get higher education at the acting department at the Voronezh Academy of Arts, but soon transferred to another university, where she studied as a journalist. For several years, Irina Chesnokova combined her studies with work on Borneo radio. She was also seriously interested in Romano-Germanic philology.

The beginning of the creative path

The girl made her first steps in acting as a student, being a member of the Voronezh KVN teams Seryozha and Cat's Mom. Success came to Chesnokova in 2010, when she got into the St. Petersburg collective "Faculty of Journalism". Soon, the participants performed in KVN games on Channel One, winning the title of vice-champions and receiving an invitation to the Major League. Then, Irina had the opportunity to participate in the captain’s competition, which allowed the St. Petersburg team to overtake strong competitors and get into the finals.


In 2011, the comedian worked on the TNT Gubernia TV channel in Voronezh. Having moved to the capital, Chesnokova Irina, whose photo is located in the article, began to collaborate with Comedy Radio and conduct one of the morning programs. The girl’s company was made up of M. Peshkov and E. Rybov. At the same time, Irina managed to take the position of creative producer and chief editor of the Comedy Battle project. In 2013, Chesnokova left the KVN, which led to the collapse of the “Faculty of Journalism”. At the same time, the girl acted as the host of the broadcast of the “Non-Noon Show”, which aired on weekends.

Cinema and television

Since the spring of 2014, Irina Chesnokova appeared in the program “Here is such a morning, ” broadcast on TNT. Leading colleagues were M. Peshkov, E. Lopareva, M. Kravets, D. Shpenkov and others. Among the new shows with her participation, it is also worth highlighting the comedy television journal Students and the project Once Upon a Time in Russia.


In 2015, the girl first appeared in a movie. Her debut picture was the short Portfolio, the plot lines of which are built on black humor. The film tells about the complex relationship between customers and people in creative professions, namely endless unpaid edits, a lack of understanding of the intricacies of creative work and an understated pay. In a short film, customer behavior leads to the demands of an absurd correction of grandfather's funeral.

In the fall of 2015, the creative biography of Chesnokova Irina was replenished with the tragicomic tape “New Russians 2”, in which she got a cameo role. Then she starred in the film “In short, ” the participants of which played both touching scenes and told absurd stories. The main tasks of the characters of the picture are saving the planet from aliens, resurrecting people and searching for love.


In 2016, the girl played in two short films - the thriller “The Copy is True” and the comedy “The Chronicles of the Paranoid”. In the last picture, Chesnokova acted not only as an actress, but also as a screenwriter and creative producer. In 2017, the actress starred in the comedy Civil Marriage. Photo of Irina Chesnokova from this film you can see above. Then she played a cameo role in the comedy "Zomboyaschik." For 2018, the premiere of the comedy thriller “Not Fit” is planned, in which Irina will appear. The duration of the film is 21 minutes.