
Historian Gurevich Aron Yakovlevich: biography, discoveries and interesting facts

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Historian Gurevich Aron Yakovlevich: biography, discoveries and interesting facts
Historian Gurevich Aron Yakovlevich: biography, discoveries and interesting facts

Aron Yakovlevich Gurevich - the famous medieval historian, whose work is associated with the renewal of the historical area of ​​the twentieth century, the father of Russian anthropology, the author of more than five hundred works that have been translated into many foreign languages. This figure was a foreign member of the American Association of Medievalists, the Royal Norwegian Union, the Netherlands and Berlin Academies, and the European Institute. Among other things, the great historian was a member of the Royal Society of England, an outstanding doctor of Poznan and Lund universities, the winner of numerous awards both in Russia and abroad. Even during his lifetime, the various researches of the figure in the field of history received worldwide recognition.


Aron Yakovlevich Gurevich was born on May 12, 1924 in the Russian capital. Coming from a family of a serviceman. The boy lost his father very early, and his mother died in 1943. After graduating from school with honors, in 1942 he entered the historical department of a state university in the capital. Until 1944 he worked at a military factory, since the guy was found unfit for service. In parallel with this, he continued his education. So, in 1950, a brilliant historian graduated from the graduate school of the corresponding institute. His mentor was the famous academician Kosminsky. In addition, Aron studied under Professor Neusykhin.


Carier start

In the same year, Aron Yakovlevich Gurevich defended his thesis, and only a few years later, his doctorate. After that, the historian began to give lectures at the Kaluga Institute. In 1951 he was appointed assistant at the History Department of Tver State University. From that moment on, the career of the leader went up rapidly. In one year he was a senior lecturer and associate professor, after which he received the post of professor.

Gurevich's activity was extremely extensive. For several years, Aron Yakovlevich worked on three volumes of "Scientific notes of the KPI." 2 years later, he transferred to the Institute of Philosophy, where he was a senior research fellow. In 1969 he worked at the Soviet University of World History. Here he worked until the end of his days, while simultaneously engaging in publishing. In 1987, Aron Yakovlevich Gurevich became the head of the IVI Center for Cultural and Historical Anthropology. Soon he also took over as editor-in-chief of the Odyssey yearbook, which was published on behalf of the center.


Specialty job

In 1989, Gurevich became a professor in the Department of History at the Philosophical Department of Moscow State University. In the same period, the distinguished teacher began to give lectures in England, Sweden, Italy, Norway, France, the USA, Denmark, Germany and other countries. In 1992, the historian became a senior fellow at the Meletinsky Institute. In the category of medieval culture, Aron Yakovlevich Gurevich wrote a lot of educational literature for universities. In addition, the pen of this figure owns several articles for a collective monograph entitled "The History of the Peasantry in Europe." And the memoirs of Gurevich Aron Yakovlevich "The History of the Historian" brought him universal recognition and popularity in university circles.

In 1993, the professor was almost completely blind, but he did not stop his activities. Even the last years of the life of Gurevich Aron Yakovlevich were extremely fruitful.


In 1945, the historian married, a few years later the couple had a daughter, who in the future followed in the footsteps of the great father and became a philological scholar specializing in the Scandinavian language.

On August 5, 2006, Aron Yakovlevich died, was buried at the Vostryakovsky cemetery in Moscow.

Historian Activities

Scientific interest for the scientist was the area of ​​the history of medieval Europe, Scandinavia, the culture of the peoples living in these areas, anthropology. His point of view in the middle of the twentieth century was regularly criticized, since he questioned the many views of Engels and Marx and had his own opinion about the origin of European feudalism. Gurevich was accused of using structuralist methods. It was due to the perseverance, determination and faith in the professor’s own teaching that many problems arose in his life. For example, in 1968, the professor was dismissed from the Institute of Philosophy due to the publication of several revisionist articles.


Aron Yakovlevich Gurevich is rightfully considered the father of the historical and anthropological scientific field. Its legacy is simply invaluable to modern medievalists. The value of the work of the distinguished professor went beyond the limits of media studies. The selected works of Gurevich Aron Yakovlevich had a huge impact on the whole of Soviet historical science, as well as on related fields: cultural studies, anthropology, philosophy.

Scientist Achievements

Aron Gurevich was a laureate of many honorary nominations; his name is associated with a number of outstanding publications and scientific works that have received worldwide fame. The professor was a member of the Bureau of the Scientific Union for World History, was a member of the editorial board of international publications, as well as a member of the Academy of Humanitarian Studies. Gurevich is the author of numerous paragraphs of a history textbook for teacher training universities, which has also been published in Portuguese, English and French. Among other things, he wrote many chapters in the teaching literature for the historical department of Moscow State University. In 1990, Aron Yakovlevich became a co-author of a school textbook on medieval history.


For a number of studies in the field of Western European history in 1993, Gurevich was awarded the Russian State Prize. In addition, for the monograph written by the scientist Historical Synthesis in 1997, he received the Kareev Prize.