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Historical and Memorial Museum "Presnya" in Moscow: address, description, reviews

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Historical and Memorial Museum "Presnya" in Moscow: address, description, reviews
Historical and Memorial Museum "Presnya" in Moscow: address, description, reviews

The historical and memorial museum "Presnyaya Krasnaya" is located in the historical place of the capital, famous for the events of the Revolutions of 1905 and 1917, the August events of 1991 and the October 1993 events. From the moment of its opening, the museum has been collecting, researching, exhibiting historical documents and other sources that reflect the country's political, social and economic history, the spiritual development of society for more than 100 years. What is this museum? What is his story? What kind of expositions are there at present? The Krasnaya Presnya Museum in Moscow will be discussed in an article.


History of the museum

The Krasnaya Presnya Museum was opened in 1924 in a wooden ancient building of the 19th century, where the Presnensky District Committee of the Bolshevik Party and the Revolutionary Committee of the Council of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies worked during the revolutionary events of 1917.

The main expositions of the museum are dedicated to the October revolutionary events of 1917 and the events of the 1905 uprising.

By 1975, a new exposition and exhibition hall was built, the building of which was connected to the museum building by an internal passage.

In the same year, the wooden museum building was renovated.

In 1982, a diorama began, which was called “Presnya. December 1905 ”.

In 2015, the diorama was reconstructed, interactive maps, sound and light-dynamic equipment, and many other latest technologies were installed.

After reconstruction, the museum was renamed the Presnya Exposition and Memorial Department and became the department of the Museum of Contemporary History of Russia.

Museum Description

Particular attention is paid to the history of the revolutionary events of 1905. The exhibition presents documents, photographs of the participants in the uprising, weapons of the tsarist army and workers. The intense atmosphere of those times is perfectly conveyed by the diorama, which is located in a separate room specially equipped for it.


The museum also has a new exposition, “The History of Russian Everyday Life. 20th Century ”, which shows how people's lives have changed, judging by the public and private interiors of the premises presented here. The exhibition presents furniture, household items, toys, clothes, books, photographs and many other items, thanks to which an understanding of the history of the development of Soviet society arises. Sounds music, broadcasts, newsreels, news and commercials. The museum has a summer cinema where visitors can watch films of the 60s, there is also a pioneer room in which you can get acquainted with the life of schoolchildren of the 30s.


The Krasnaya Presnya Museum occupies a historic wooden structure, which is currently a memorial building and historical monument of the state level. The building of the exhibition hall was attached to the museum.


Contemporary expositions

The expositions of the Krasnaya Presnya Museum are divided into two large-scale thematic sections: “The History of Russian Everyday Life. 20th century "and" Moscow. Presnya. 1905 - 1945 years."

In the exposition “Presnya. Moscow. 1905 ”presents materials related to the events taking place in the capital in 1905, with the battles on Presnya, with preparations for the uprising. These are documents, photographs, weapons of workers and soldiers of the tsarist army, paintings, graphic sketches. In addition, materials are presented that illustrate the changes in the structure of the country caused by revolutionary events.

In the exposition “The Revolution of 1917 in persons and events”, visitors will see photographs, posters, paintings, documents, weapons, personal belongings of revolutionaries.

"Residents of Krasnaya Presnya on the defense of the Fatherland 1941-1945" - an exhibition that is dedicated to the military and labor feat of the Krasnopresnets. Materials are presented on assistance to the rear front, on the work of district residents in hospitals, and on the construction of defensive fortifications. A separate block of materials is dedicated to the soldiers of the 8th Krasnopresnenskaya division of the people's militias. Photos, personal belongings of the militias, fragments of weapons, the banner of the division are presented. More than 40 thousand inhabitants of Krasnaya Presnya fought at the front, 37 people earned the title of Hero of the USSR. The exhibition presents personal belongings, photos and documents of Gastello Nikolai, Kunikov Caesar, Popkov Valery, Anatoly Zhivov.


Exposition “The History of Russian Everyday Life. 20th Century ”- a unique and one of a kind in Moscow. 17 reconstructions of typical office and personal interiors, which illustrate different periods of the history of Russia in the 20th century, are presented to the court of visitors. Three sections are highlighted in the exposition:

  • The first section. Presented: the office of Kalinin M.I., chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR; the office of the head of the enterprise and a member of the senior party; workplace of the Mission Control Center.

  • The second section. The period from 1900 to 1950 is covered. Here you can see what the factory worker’s room looked like, the office of the factory manager, the Leningrad communal apartment, the pioneer room, the geologist’s tent, and the chambermaid in the rural house.

The third section. The period from the 1950s to the 2000s is covered. You can see the Khrushchev’s room and kitchen, a summer cottage veranda, a stall for a small wholesale market, and an interior of a country cottage.


The diorama is a landmark of the Presnya Museum. This is one of the largest dioramas in Europe. Its author is People's Artist of the RSFSR Deshalyt Yefim Isaakovich. He recreated the tense and tragic atmosphere of a fierce barricade battle between the tsarist troops and the workers' squads during the December uprising of 1905. The action takes place against the background of silhouettes of industrial enterprises, bridges, temples of the capital, which are recreated with documentary accuracy. The canvas area is 200 square meters. After reconstruction in 2014, the demonstration of the diorama is accompanied by musical, light-dynamic and noise effects. In addition, the show is accompanied by explanatory text in Russian, Spanish, English, French and German.


Temporary exposure

The museum presents a temporary exhibition "The apartment of V.I. Lenin in the Kremlin." Genuine memorial items and furniture recreate the atmosphere in which the greatest political figure of the 20th century, his colleagues and family, created and lived.