
What brick is made of

What brick is made of
What brick is made of

Video: How Bricks Are Made 2024, June

Video: How Bricks Are Made 2024, June

Brick is a well-known building material. Even without encountering it by the nature of their activity, many see objects being built from various types of materials. But not everyone knows how and what brick is made of.

Without going into difficult technical moments, we can say that it is made of clay, like any other ceramic product. In the production of using various grades of clay and its mixtures. So get an ordinary ceramic brick. Usually there are two main types of this building material: ceramic and silicate brick. Unlike the first type, silicate is made from sand, lime and some additives. In terms of ratio, it is approximately 90% sand and 10% lime. Additional components make up a small fraction of the total composition. By adding some ingredients, any color can be added to the silicate brick.

Having dealt with the composition, the question arises: how do bricks make? The production technology of these two species is different. Ceramic brick is obtained by firing in an oven. The firing temperature reaches 1000 degrees. This technology is the oldest, and therefore this type of brick is traditional. When firing, it is important to withstand this building material in the proper time to achieve the desired quality. The finished brick has a bright color and makes a clear sound upon impact. If the firing time was insufficient, then the brick will be lighter in color and have a dull sound. Burnt brick, the one that was overexposed in the furnace, has a black middle. Such a brick is not suitable for building walls, and can be used to lay the foundation.

Unlike ceramic, silicate brick is not fired. It is autoclaved. What brick, clay, sand or limestone is made of is mined in special quarries. Usually, in order to reduce the production costs of this material, plants are located close to the place of extraction of the main material.

Each type of brick has its own advantages and disadvantages. Silicate has good sound insulation and low heat conductivity. Therefore, even thinner silicate brick in these qualities does not differ from a thicker, ceramic one. But at the same time, the ceramic appearance is highly moisture resistant, which cannot be said about its counterpart. The undoubted advantage of silicate brick is its aesthetic appearance, which can please with its beauty for more than one year.

This building material is distinguished not only depending on what brick is made of. It also differs in its purpose. There is an ordinary, building brick, which goes to the construction of internal walls or walls, which will be subjected to additional decoration. Another type of this building material is called finishing, facing or facade.

An ordinary building brick has a relief pattern of arbitrary shape on the surface. It is necessary for better bonding with building mixtures. Finishing or facing brick has a smooth, even surface on two front sides. On some types of facade bricks there is a relief pattern on the front side, which bears an aesthetic value. Finishing or facing bricks may be hollow inside. This does not impair their properties, and even makes the wall warmer. Having studied what brick is made of, you can choose the one that will be the most optimal.

This building material is also used in virtual games, for example Minecraft. Almost every game strategy involves building from bricks. Fans of such fun know how to make bricks in minecraft. The process is the same as in reality. It is necessary to extract clay and make brick by burning.