
Izeta Gadzhieva: biography, achievements, personal life and interesting facts

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Izeta Gadzhieva: biography, achievements, personal life and interesting facts
Izeta Gadzhieva: biography, achievements, personal life and interesting facts

Her story is inspiring, and her name is recognized in different parts of the world. Anyone who is at least somehow familiar with the fashion industry can safely call Izet Gadzhiev the best designer in the world. We will tell you about a purposeful woman who has been the owner of a recognizable, fashionable and sophisticated fur house for more than 10 years. What is Iseta Hajiyeva and her charismatic world fraught with: attractive beauty, a vulnerable soul, or tough militancy?


Originally from Kaspiysk

Izeta Gadzhieva by nationality Lezghinka. Born and raised in the coastal city of Kaspiysk (Republic of Dagestan). At a young age, Iset entered the large economic institute of Moscow named after George Plekhanov. At first glance, it seems that a beautiful southern woman always wanted to take a place in the creative field, but her first career path began with banking. It was here that Izeta Gadzhieva was able to build a dizzying career, which ultimately allowed the future designer to plunge into the fashion industry.

Creative beginning

Izeta is one of the few women in Russia whose work is world famous. Now the name of the designer can be heard in the news from international catwalks and shows, as well as in various competitions that are held among the aces in the field of fashion.


In her interviews, the woman repeatedly said that the craving for beauty, inspiration and creativity was always present in her. However, Iset was able to finally finish a successful financial career and go into the fashion industry only in 1997. It was during this period that the woman herself designed the fur house, began to develop models and create incredible things. After almost 20 years, Iseta participates in the world "Fashion Weeks", in her outfits we can repeatedly see Victoria Bonya, Ksenia Sobchak and other famous socialites.

IZETA brand

The works of Izeta Gadzhieva opened up a charismatic world for us. The designer works on unique outfits for people of all ages, so everyone in the famous fur house will be able to find a product to their liking. For more than 10 years, the IZETA brand has existed and flourished, which produces the highest quality, comfortable and individual items from leather and fur.


When the Fashion House was just gaining its popularity, the designer faced the first crisis in the country, where her knowledge in the field of economics and finance was useful. Iseta began to create products where the fur was fixed on a light but strong fabric. Thanks to this, her models gained weightlessness and at the same time popularity.

Now, under a single brand, exquisite products for women and men are produced, as well as accessories and evening lace dresses are made. For many years, regular customers of Izeta Gadzhieva have been stars of world and Russian show business, such as the Malikov family, Maria Rasputin, Monika Radicatti, Vera Brezhneva, Sati Casanova and Laysan Utyasheva.

What is a brand?

Izeta fashion house has three important qualities: sophistication, sophistication and quality. This is often said by the owner of the fur house herself, because she subtly feels the desires of her clients and introduces innovative solutions in the fashion industry. The IZETA brand combines harmony, luxury and convenience. Izeta Gadzhieva likes to include chinchilla, mink, sable and swakara fur in her products. As a rule, the designer works on each project personally, putting as much effort, patience and inspiration as possible. That is why the Izeta fur house is popular all over the world, because its brand is not only high-quality and well-known, but also accessible to every true connoisseur.


The biography of Izeta Gadzhieva is literally built on her creative impulses. In an interview, the designer admitted that fashion is the only thing that makes her want to live and makes her happy. Every day a woman works hard to create unique and sophisticated things that will never lose grace and elegance. Izeta puts a lot of effort to achieve the pinnacle of success and the current popularity is far from the limit.

Personal life of the designer

Izeta is not just an attractive woman who is fond of design and fashion, feeling individuality and elegance. Izeta Gadzhieva is a versatile personality. She is attracted to painting, and architecture, and books. In his busy schedule, the designer includes yoga with meditation, which allows you to find harmony among the surrounding chaos, tune in to a creative wave and recharge with energy.

Enormous help is provided by the husband of Izeta Gadzhieva, who is engaged in the selection and supply of working material (leather, fur). The whole family of the famous owner of a fur house is sympathetic to her path, because the disclosure of creativity requires a lot of life-long time.

Awards and achievements of Izeta

Since the inception of the Fashion House, Iseta has won over 10 different awards: Grand Sertificate, Golden Spindle. She is a laureate of the national award "Sphere - fashion designer of fur products". The designer also regularly takes part in the Moscow Fashion Week, presents her collections on the catwalks of international gala shows. Since 1997, the IZETA brand has been expanding. Every year new lines are launched, such as IZETAMAN, IZETAWOMAN, Haute Couture, IZETACrystal, IZETACruise, IZETAHOME.
