
Kabardian breed of horses: history, characteristics, description of the exterior

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Kabardian breed of horses: history, characteristics, description of the exterior
Kabardian breed of horses: history, characteristics, description of the exterior

Video: War and Peace in the Caucasus 2024, June

Video: War and Peace in the Caucasus 2024, June

Of the many animals that man has managed to tame and domesticate, the horse has long occupied a special place. It was used not only as a vehicle. This clever animal has long been one of the best companions of man.

The ancestors of modern horses lived almost all over the globe, in different climatic conditions, with different reliefs. Today, the subject of study in our article will be the Kabardian breed of horses. She is one of the oldest in the world. The Kabardian breed of horses (its review) is included in all modern directories on horse breeding.


From the history of the breed

The Caucasus has always been distinguished by significant elevations, between the intermountain basins, valleys and high ridges. Under these conditions, a unique breed of horses was created, which today is known as Kabardian. The Highlanders needed a special horse on which they could climb mountains or easily overcome significant distances.

Indigenous plain breeds did not fully meet these requirements, and over time a new one began to form here, obtained as a result of ennoblement of local animals, which were crossed with representatives of other breeds, mainly brought from other countries.


The Kabardian breed of horses is the result of a centuries-old "folk" selection. Steppe horses were crossed with Arab, Persian, Karabakh and other eastern specimens. Kabardin (Circassian) breed of horses from a historical point of view is pan-Adygean. The word Adygash can be translated as “Adyghe horse”. It got its current name due to the fact that horse breeding from the Circassian lands only in Kabarda has reached its highest development.

Characteristic qualities of this animal were determined by the need for horseback riders. High agility and amazing endurance, courage and at the same time caution while driving along mountain trails, made this animal ideal for lightning raids and long trips.


The Kabardian breed of horses was formed during year-round keeping in the herd. In the summer they were mountain pastures. In winter, the horse was transferred to the foothills and plains, feeding at that time grain and hay.

Kabardian horse breed: characteristics

This strong and hardy animal feels equally comfortable both in the conditions of the plain and in the highlands. It is surprisingly easy to tolerate changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure. Making their way among steep climbs, mountain slopes, rocky ledges and trails, these animals easily maintain their balance.

Natural endurance, as well as remarkable physical strength, allow a laden herd to cover a distance of one hundred kilometers in a day. The Kabardian horse breed is distinguished by a strong constitution, resistance to many diseases and high fecundity. Interestingly, for breeding in the farms of breeding horses of this breed use up to 19-20 years. Although there are frequent cases when, at a more advanced age, they have strong and healthy foals.

The strength of this breed is evidenced by convincing victories in runs that can last for weeks. The Kabardian breed of horses, the description of the exterior of which we will present below, when kept in the home yard very quickly gets used to its owner, is easily trained (often they are used in circus rooms).

Foals are taken away from their mothers in the fall and raised on a paddock in the yards in groups, feeding the babies with hay and concentrated feed. In the daytime they are released to pasture. With the best individuals at the age of two, they begin to conduct training, if in the future it is planned to use them at the races.


An amazingly energetic Kabardian horse moves. She does not care for mountainous terrain. The step of these horses is very smooth, without jerking, and the gallop and trot are measured. When driving herds or riding a horse, the Kabardins easily and confidently walk in deep snow, wade across rivers. Difficult weather conditions do not bother them.

There is another amazing quality that a Kabardian horse possesses. The horse-draft horse of this breed has an unusual intuition, which allows her to feel the route. This quality allows herds to be distilled at night and in dense fog.


Experts believe that the "Kabardinians" are very harmoniously composed. These horses have a slightly elongated and well-developed body. The head of the animals is small, dry. The neck is strong, muscular and long. The chest is quite wide. The profile has a characteristic hump. The croup is drooping and wide, the back is straight and short.

At the stud farms, the largest individuals are selected. On such farms, males are 160 cm tall, have a chest girth of about 190 cm, and a metacarpal girth of at least 20 cm. Mares are slightly smaller: 155, 185 and 19 centimeters, respectively. The weight of an adult animal is about four hundred kilograms. The hooves are characterized by increased hardness, which in some cases allows you to do without horseshoes.



The most common colors in this breed are dark - black (black), bay (brown), dark bay, and karak (black with reddish tan). White spots on the legs and head, like other colors, are not typical for the Kabardian breed - if they take place, which means that before you is not a purebred “Kabardinka”.


Unfortunately, in recent years there has been a significant decrease in the number of Kabardian horses. This is largely due to their lack of agility at racetracks. A new group of this breed was bred during the crossing of Kabardian individuals with purebred horses. A group of Anglo-Kabardian horses was eventually allocated to the Anglo-Kabardian breed, officially approved in 1966.

The Anglo-Kabardian breed of horses combines the best qualities of the original breeds used and is distinguished by its specific appearance. From purebred breed they received high agility. And from the "Kabardinians" - endurance, a strong and hard horny layer of hooves, unpretentiousness.



For many centuries, these animals were used as war horses, therefore, they were required to be able to take part in the battle along with the owner, fearlessness, the ability to wade through narrow mountain ledges. It is for this reason that a balanced and benevolent character has formed in the breed.

Nevertheless, newcomers who do not have much experience in dealing with these horses should not choose this breed - animals can sometimes be temperamental, be unnecessarily “strict”, not listen to an inexperienced rider, and even disobey him. In rare cases, they can throw or bite if they consider it necessary.


Kabardian breed is used under the saddle, for transportation of goods, as well as for work in harness. These animals are suitable for equestrian runs and crossings, especially over rough terrain over long distances. Kabardian horse can be used in amateur sports - show jumping or horse racing. However, it is not very suitable for professional sports - the sharpness indicators are significantly inferior to other horses.
