
Kachmazov Yuri Mikhailovich: biography of a businessman, family and his condition

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Kachmazov Yuri Mikhailovich: biography of a businessman, family and his condition
Kachmazov Yuri Mikhailovich: biography of a businessman, family and his condition

Kachmazov Yuri Mikhailovich is a well-known businessman who has a tremendous fortune and is one of one hundred rating places among Russian billionaires. He is also known as an entrepreneur who controlled AvtoVAZ, Volgomost and other similar enterprises. Already a British citizen, since 2011 in Russia has been put on the federal wanted list.


Yuri Mikhailovich Kachmazov was born in 1966 in Syzran, Kuibyshev region. His father is Ossetian. After graduating from school, he served in the Airborne Forces.


After returning from the army, Yuri Mikhailovich entered the Polytechnic Institute of the city of Samara. But he soon took academic leave, after which he did not return to college. There is a version that he was once caught in the market, where he “rolled caps”, the dean of the institute, and as a result, the student was later expelled.


Start a career in small business

Former student of the Polytechnic Institute Kachmazov Yuri Mikhailovich, whose biography is interesting and rich, even in his student years he began to engage in small business. So, first he tried to make money on the Samara market “Energetik” in the game “thimble”, and then he was also engaged in buying and reselling gold and currency.

Job in Moscow

Soon Kachmazov Yuri Mikhailovich, whose photo is in this article, leaves with his three friends in the capital. There, he also continues to play thimbles in the markets, trying to earn his first money and profit from those who are passionate and fall into his net. It is not known who helped him at this time, but he soon returned to Samara again for gold, which he bought, having already decent money. So, a businessman with a huge fortune started from scratch.


Work at AvtoVAZ

Having earned a little in small business, Yuri Mikhailovich Kachmazov decided to go to AvtoVAZ, where he was engaged in the resale of cars. Now a novice businessman took cars at the base, which was located on the Zavodskoye Highway, just near the South Bridge. VAZ cars were taken in small batches from a businessman. But at the same time there was a gradual introduction into AvtoVAZ.

Firm "SOK"

Based on the resale of cars, a new company was soon opened, which was called SOK. For its opening, a hippodrome in Samara was used, where small property of several small businessmen was delivered. This property included several tables and two copiers.

It is known that Kachmazov’s business was supported by two generals: Evgeny Grigoryev from the tax police and Vladimir Bolshakov from the FSB. So, in 1995, the CEO of SOK was able to establish barter between AvtoVAZ and the Plastic company in Syzran. As a result of this, for three years, SOK was able to calmly provide full control over finances and sales in the Syzran company Plastic and partial control over AvtoVAZ.

Yuri Mikhailovich Kachmazov actively participated in all this, whose state is currently enormous and allows him to be in the ranking of the richest people in Russia. In 1998, the future well-known businessman also became a member of the board of the company RosLada. In the same year, he also became president of the SOK board of directors.

Since 2000, for four years, SOK has been actively involved in the redistribution of spheres of influence in completely different types of business. And since 2006, Kachmazov Yuri Mikhailovich and his partners are actively participating in the elections. This gave them the opportunity to receive a large number of leading posts in the Samara City Hall. So, in 2006, after Viktor Tarkhov, who was supported by the SOK company, won the election, this company had seven leadership posts.


Already in the spring of 2005, Kachmazov Yuri Mikhailovich allowed SOK to disseminate official information about who was among the owners of his group. As it turned out, the owners of the company were various top managers who had a small number of shares. And most of the shares, seventy percent, were owned by Yuri Kachmazov.

At this time, Kachmazov Yuri Mikhailovich, whose condition is very great, had a large number of guards. Approximately their number could vary from five to fifteen. All security by a successful businessman was hired in Syzran. The businessman Kachmazov himself always moved only on expensive SUVs, and it always had to be a motorcade, all the cars had 010 numbers.

The owners of the SOK company for a long time hid behind numerous firms that were formed in different cities. For example, in Syzran, Samara, Izhevsk, Moscow and even on the Virgin Islands.

Sunset business Yuri Kachmazova

In 2005, the famous AvtoVAZ suddenly changed power. This happened due to the fact that the chairman of the board of directors resigned. The director Vladimir Kadinnikov was replaced by people from Rosoboronexport, who immediately began to remove the unwanted people who were in power of AvtoVAZ. Among them was Kachmazov Yuri Mikhailovich, whose family is far from business and public life. From that moment, the sunset of the successful business empire of Kachmazov begins.

The new board of directors of the well-known AvtoVAZ pretty rigidly pushed SOK out of power, and all the top managers who were subordinate to Yuri Mikhailovich were immediately fired. After that, deliveries to RosLada of all machine kits were immediately stopped. Some of the contracts with Kachmazov's SOK company were terminated, and over the next few years, the company lost almost all of its assets in the automotive business.


Kachmazov Yuri Mikhailovich returns in 2008, but only in South Ossetia, where his SOK company tried to establish its own business. It all started with the fact that the friend of businessman Kachmazov, Eduard Kokoity, the president of the republic, took top managers from the firm of Yuri Mikhailovich to leadership positions in his state. The SOK company in this new state was interested in those projects that were associated either with the repair of roads, or with the construction of an airport, or with the repair of the Roki tunnel.

It is known that Kachmazov Yuri Mikhailovich, whose search continues at the present time, even planned to build himself a big house in South Ossetia, since his father was a native of this country. But Kachmazova’s company did not deploy its activities in South Ossetia, as the Moscow authorities did not allow this.

State of businessman Kachmazov

In 2007, Kachmazov Yuri Mikhailovich, whose children are known to the public, but do not appear in public, took ninety-third place in the rating of the Russian Forbes magazine, since at that time he had a fortune estimated at seven hundred million dollars. In 2010, according to another magazine, Finance, it ranked one hundred and twenty-sixth in the ranking of Russia's richest businessmen. At that time, Yuri Mikhailovich’s fortune was 26.5 billion rubles.

In addition, Kachmazov Yuri Mikhailovich, whose daughter avoids any communication with the press, in 2009 owned a large number of assets, among which were shares in Volgomost, Most Ivest, Osvara, Samara Cars and other companies that brought substantial income. In 2009-2010 a successful businessman owned only one percent of AvtoVAZ shares.

But soon, hurriedly, Yuri Mikhailovich begins to get rid of all his assets. IzhAvto, Plastik, and other profitable assets were gradually sold. And in 2001, businessman Kachmazov sold even his largest asset to Volgomost.


But during these years, businessman Yuri Kachmazov got rid of not only the assets of various companies, but also personal property. First of all, he sold his luxurious yacht, which became famous because of its length. Its length was thirty-eight meters. Luxury yacht "Smile" was built in 2004 by the most famous company, which is engaged in the construction of such yachts. Its width is 6.8 meters. The design of this vessel was specially designed by Hollywood experts. "Smile" impressed all guests with luxury both in decoration and in the interior. All furniture on this yacht and all accessories are made by Italian craftsmen.

Was sold over time, Yuri Mikhailovich and a large fleet. In 2010, businessman Yuri Kachmazov also sold his luxurious villa, which is located in the vicinity of the city of Samara. The villa building was completely glazed, it had a huge internal parking. The villa even has its own gas boiler room.


In early December 2005, documents were seized at the office of the SOK company, which was located in the capital. The reason for this was two criminal cases that were instituted during the verification process at AvtoVAZ. The first criminal case was instituted on the theft of money. The second criminal case was opened due to the fact that AvtoVAZ did not pay taxes on time, and this debt has already reached 230 million rubles.

All these criminal cases have led businessman Kachmazov to abandon his assets at AvtoVAZ. The crowding out of the SOK company led to the fact that it lost its successful and profitable positions in the Volga region. In 2009, Sergei Stepashin, chairman of the Accounts Chamber, suggested checking the legality of the sale of 75 percent of IzhAvto shares to SOK. As a result of such a trial, the plant stopped, and its debts soon reached 300 million rubles.


When it became known about the new deal, it turned out that after all, a controlling stake in this plant was pledged to Sberbank. German Gef, the head of the bank, did everything necessary to bring the perpetrators to justice. Sberbank appealed to the prosecutor general in 2010. After that, a criminal case was immediately opened on the fact of the deliberate bankruptcy of IzhAvto. The Investigative Committee soon announced the head of SOK in deliberate bankruptcy and in the withdrawal of assets, the total amount of which amounted to 6.7 billion rubles.

In 2010, Yuri Kachmazov left Russia, and in February of the following year he was put on the federal wanted list. In April 2011, the businessman Kachmazov was put on the international wanted list. The trial still took place, and he was convicted in absentia.

Political career

Successful businessman Yuri Kachmazov actively participated in politics. In 2006, he, as the representative of SOK, signed a trilateral agreement between the famous United Russia party and the government of the Samara Region on the implementation of an educational project. Yuri Mikhailovich provided active support in the election of mayors of Syzran and Samara.
