
How did Anatoly Evdokimov, the lead singer of the travesty show, achieve worldwide success?

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How did Anatoly Evdokimov, the lead singer of the travesty show, achieve worldwide success?
How did Anatoly Evdokimov, the lead singer of the travesty show, achieve worldwide success?

No matter where people live, even in the smallest city, they want to not only watch grandiose shows on TV, but also to see artists in person. Unfortunately, if touring artists wander into provincial sparsely populated cities, then they cannot show a real, worthy, full-fledged show, they show the simplest numbers. This can not be said about Anatoly Evdokimov and his travesty show. Wherever the group comes, the artists always give all the best in the program.

Carier start

Anatoly Sergeyevich Evdokimov is a native of Moscow. He was born on November 21, 1975, always loved to portray celebrities. This love became his whole life, helped create a grand career as a dancer, soloist of the most popular travesty show not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Initially, the guy worked as a bartender in a nightclub, and there, by the consent of the director, began to arrange his solo performances. The audience admired the young man who very similarly portrayed Whitney Houston, Tony Brexton and Tina Turner.


"Dream Factory"

Thanks to Anatoly, the club became so popular that its owner persuaded a talented guy to create his own group, where there will be several artists. Anatoly Evdokimov had long dreamed about this, and he did not have to be asked for a long time to work out a plan for creating the show. So the "Dream Factory" appeared, and Anatoly became the main soloist in this show.

There were more artists, and the program began to expand. Soon, visitors to the institution could see Madonna, Edith Piaf, many other foreign and Russian celebrities, who were portrayed by dressed men.


Own show

In 1998, Anatoly Evdokimov decided to be not only a soloist, but also the main screenwriter, director, choreographer, costume designer, and owner of his own show. So he became the creator of the Evdokimov Show. He personally weaved hats, sewed costumes, and for six months he hatched the images of celebrities so that viewers could see the singers practically indistinguishable from real stars.

Soon Masha Rasputin, Sofia Rotaru, Edita Pieha, Lyudmila Gurchenko appeared. So the show program "Divas Show" was born.

Evdokimov's travesty show is a very expensive pleasure. All costumes are unique, created personally, decorated with rhinestones. Each new image is created for a long time, Anatoly Evdokimov personally looks through concert recordings several times so as not to miss a single recognizable gesture of celebrities. He pays more attention to the study of Russian stars, since Houston is easy to replace, Russian viewers have not studied it so carefully. But Masha Rasputin, the favorite singer of many, is not at all easy to parody, so that the image is as similar as possible.

Anatoly Evdokimov says that there is nothing better than accepting the gratitude of the audience after the performance for being able to see, for example, the Madonna. Though not real, but very similar. Anatoly also loves praise, because he puts his whole soul into his work.


Team dilution

In 2010, Anatoly decided to dilute his purely male team a little and invited two girls to work, Margarita and Olga. These girls are notable for the fact that they are not only high-class dancers, but also with their appearance they were able to earn many awards, prizes and prizes by participating in beauty contests. With their appearance, the "Evdokimov Show" has become more saturated, dynamic, aesthetic. The male half of the audience was especially pleased with such a replenishment in the team. They appreciated not only the talent of the new participants, but also their beauty.


The show of Anatoly Evdokimov

Now Anatoly Evdokimov has completely stopped appearing on club stages. His show is so popular that it gathers huge halls in theaters, concert halls.

By the new 2010 year, the Evdokimov Show presented the audience with a fairy tale for adults “New Year extravaganza”, this is a new reading of “The Snow Queen”. Here, Gerda, in search of Kai, literally passes tests by fire and water, fights the temptations of the vicious world of show business, escapes from the BDSM. In general, there was something to see.

By Halloween, Evdokimov’s audience was struck by a new show in which Gogolevskaya Pannochka from “Viya”, rising from the grave, sang her familiar voice in Sofia’s familiar voice!

All shows are really grandiose, they are so spectacular that they are remembered for many months!