women's issues

How to be beautiful without makeup? Tips & Tricks

How to be beautiful without makeup? Tips & Tricks
How to be beautiful without makeup? Tips & Tricks

With the help of cosmetics, a woman tries to look more attractive. Even many thousands of years ago, the fairer sex adorned their face and body. However, natural beauty will always lead. Unfortunately, in our time, few people think that the skin sometimes needs rest. A good example is famous people (artists, actors, singers), who are increasingly seen in public without makeup. Of course, stars without makeup do not appear on important events. But they are trying to find time for their skin to rest from a lot of makeup.


How to be beautiful without makeup, but continue to feel confident? This is what will be described in this article.

First of all, pay attention to your skin. Well-groomed and healthy, she will always attract the views of others. How to achieve this? It is necessary to monitor its condition, observing all stages of care (cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition, protection).

If you have certain problems, you can turn to traditional medicine. With regular use of infusions and decoctions of herbs, the skin will become more tender, smooth, its color will improve significantly, black dots will no longer bother. And drinking the necessary amount of water (or green tea) during the day, you can smooth out small wrinkles.

It is worth noting that you should not give up all cosmetics, because the person still needs a nourishing cream (both day and night).


Slightly tanned skin also looks more attractive. The sun or tanning bed will help to hide small pimples and minor imperfections on the face.

Many women, asking a question about how to be beautiful without makeup, mistakenly believe that it is enough just to stop using the usual means and put your face in order, but this is not at all.

Do not forget about the condition of the teeth. A beautiful smile always adorns a person and has the ability to communicate. Modern dentistry can fix any problems.

Lips also need care. A good tool is a mask of candied honey. Acting as a scrub, it removes old cells and nourishes the skin. To prevent lips from cracking, you can use hygienic lipstick or nourishing balm.

Making eyelashes thicker, you can emphasize the eyes. To do this, cilia at night need to be lubricated with a mixture of burdock and almond oils in 1: 1 proportions. If necessary, make the eyelashes darker, you can use castor oil.


When answering the question of how to be beautiful without makeup, do not forget about the little things. The appearance of the eyebrows is also very important, they should look natural. Excess hairs need to be plucked, and a small amount of nutritious cream will make them obedient.

A major role in creating the image is played by hair. Good care and proper haircut will help curls become healthy, thick and obedient. If a woman used hair dye, it is better to replace it with ammonia-free. A good styling simply does not allow the lady to go unnoticed.

When answering the question of how to be beautiful without makeup, it is worth noting that lifestyle plays a significant role. Proper nutrition, good sleep and lack of stress very quickly allow you to look more attractive without applying special products to the skin.

But if a woman cannot completely abandon her usual look, hypoallergenic cosmetics, which are as safe as possible, will come to the rescue.