
How to get to Vnukovo from the Leningradsky railway station: location map

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How to get to Vnukovo from the Leningradsky railway station: location map
How to get to Vnukovo from the Leningradsky railway station: location map

Video: Airport (Domodedovo) to downtown Moscow by Aeroexpress train 2024, June

Video: Airport (Domodedovo) to downtown Moscow by Aeroexpress train 2024, June

Need to know how to get to Vnukovo from the Leningradsky railway station? The article will help with this. Comprehensive information will be provided below on how to get to the desired point on any type of transport. Among other things, various recommendations and useful tips will be given.


Recommendations for travelers

First you need to study the proposed route “Leningradsky Train Station - Vnukovo” (how to get from where) in advance, so that in the future without haste, turmoil and excitement to make a trip. After all, as a rule, if a person is unprepared and not armed with information, then he chooses the worst option. Suppose that a guest of the capital who first arrived in it, of course, can be confused, plunged into the noise and bustle of the city. Unscrupulous taxi drivers often use this when approaching and imposing their services. Usually they voice huge tariffs for their services and assure that these are ordinary Moscow prices. But of course, this is not true. Be careful and choose your preferred route in advance.

Leningrad Station

If you arrived at the Leningradsky railway station, first you need to go out into the city to take the metro. There is no direct route from Leningradsky Station to Vnukovo.


Before asking the question: “how to get to Vnukovo from the Leningradsky railway station?”, You need to decide on the following points:

  • what is preferable to get to;

  • how much time is left;

  • what financial resources do you have?

Only by indicating these aspects, you can choose the best option.

To begin with, the Leningradsky station is located on Komsomolskaya Square. There are three stations on it. Leningrad (which we are talking about) and Yaroslavsky - have a northern direction of railway traffic. In addition, from the latter you can leave in the eastern direction - to Vladikavkaz. From the Leningrad train go north and northwest. The building of the Yaroslavl Station is gray, with turrets on the roof. Leningradsky is located in a yellow two-story building. Across the street from it is the Kazan station. From here, transport follows south and south-east.

It is worth noting that between these stations there is an underground passage that leads to the subway.

Moscow Metro: cheaper and faster

The fare for the period of 2016 is 50 rubles one way. If you plan to use the subway more often, it is recommended to purchase a ticket for at least 5 trips. The larger their number, the more profitable.

Now you need to navigate in terms of their own location. It is advisable to study all the nuances before the trip to make it easier. But the local metro scheme, located in the lobby, will help.


On it you need to find the Komsomolskaya station on the Ring (brown line) at the intersection with the Sokolnicheskaya (red) line.

Before passing through the turnstiles, you should pay attention to the signs: “Transition to the Komsomolskaya station of the Ring Line” and the brown strip marked with the number “5”, located immediately below the inscription. It is necessary to go exactly in the direction of the pointer.

Going down to the station hall, you need to find a sign called “Kievskaya”. You need to get there and get off at this station. Thus, you will get to the Kiev station. We can say that we partially figured out how to get to Vnukovo from the Leningrad station. We add that the journey takes about half an hour.

Kiev railway station

After arriving at the Kievskaya station, take a close look. Signposts inform you how to go to the Kiev station. An additional reference point may be the Evropeisky shopping center, opposite which there is an entrance to Aeroexpress ticket offices.


This is a comfortable train, which follows non-stop from the Kiev railway station to the final stop “Vnukovo Airport”. How to get from the Leningradsky railway station to the Kievskaya station we discussed. Now let's examine all the nuances associated with fare payment and talk about the schedule of this convenient and fast type of railway transport.


These modern electric trains include business and standard wagons. Of course, the latter are in great demand. Tickets can be purchased in several ways:

  • at the register;

  • with a bank card;

  • near the turnstiles;

  • on the Russian Railways website or on partner sites;

  • card "Three";

  • using a mobile application.

If you decide to purchase a Standard ticket, the fare will be 470 rubles. If the user installs a special application, then he will have the opportunity to book a ticket, saving 50 rubles.

It is worth noting that there are many tariffs:

  • round-trip at Aeroexpress;

  • family type;

  • between airports and the Moscow metro (one trip);

  • from the airport and Moscow metro or ground transportation (single trips);

  • children's option.

An abundance of options provides a wide selection. In addition, competent cashiers at the station will tell you the most profitable type of ticket.

We continue to study the question: “how to get from the Leningrad station to the Vnukovo airport.

Aeroexpress trains run every hour, and in a certain period every half hour. It all depends on the season and passenger flow. The beginning of traffic is 6 in the morning, and the last train leaves at 12 at night. On the way - 35-40 minutes.

Taxi ordering

Direct transfers from Komsomolskaya Square to Vnukovo can be made directly by taxi. But this is the most expensive option, which takes at least 2 hours in time. In addition, in Moscow there are constantly traffic jams that extend the trip for many hours.

How to get from Leningradsky Train Station to Vnukovo Airport by taxi and where to go in this case? Very often, passengers leaving the train see men with signs on their necks. These are the people who provide transportation services in Moscow - taxi drivers. As a rule, they work privately. But the guest of the capital needs to be very attentive and careful, since a taxi driver may require a truly astronomical amount for travel - sometimes over 3, 000 - 4, 000 rubles.


In the building of the station there is a reference or dispatching office for calling a taxi. There they will tell you the exact amount in rubles and explain where to meet the driver. The fare depends on the enterprise and can be 1, 500 rubles or more. Often the fare is calculated not per kilometer, but over time. As you know, in Moscow constant congestion and traffic jams form. It’s up to you to decide: is it worth giving a huge amount to get there comfortably, but spending half a day on it?


Want to know how to get to Vnukovo from the Leningradsky railway station cheaper? Then you should, while still on Komsomolskaya Square, go down the subway and turn not onto the Koltsevaya, but the Sokolnicheskaya line. In the hall on the sign you need to find which side the trains depart in the direction of Troparevo. You need the Southwest station. It is more expedient to accommodate in the first carriage, since it is more convenient to exit from there to the south lobby. After exiting the train in the passage, turn right. Next, there is a staircase from which you need to go left. Buses will be visible along the street. Focus on transport number 611 (it has an additional letter designation). If you are traveling to the airport, you can catch any one except the bus without indicating the route number with the inscription "Vnukovo", because it does not go through the airport.

This type of transport runs every 20 to 30 minutes. In the absence of traffic jams, the traveler will reach his destination in 40 minutes. The fare, like the metro, is 50 rubles. In the end, your costs from the Leningrad station to the Vnukovo airport will total 100 rubles. This is a tiny amount compared to a taxi and Aeroexpress.