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How to catch a pheasant: effective traps, tips

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How to catch a pheasant: effective traps, tips
How to catch a pheasant: effective traps, tips

Video: How To Make A Pheasant Trap & Catch A Pheasant 2024, June

Video: How To Make A Pheasant Trap & Catch A Pheasant 2024, June

Many since childhood wanted to learn the secret of how to catch a pheasant. This bird is tricky, although if you know the characteristic habits, you can cope with it without firearms. Consider the methods and types of traps that allow you to catch this game alive, which, incidentally, is known to many children from the poem about the colors of the rainbow.


About the nature and habits of the bird

The question of how to catch a pheasant arose many decades ago. In those days, such a hunt was considered the privilege of rich people. They gathered in whole teams for a pleasant and exciting pastime. In excitement, hunters might not notice how flew all day.

Now this bird is also not written off from hunting accounts. Pheasant meat is not only a delicious variety, but also a dietary one. If you have gastritis, an ulcer or problems with the pancreas - the meat of the bird in question will be very welcome.

Eggs carried by females are not particularly popular with the population. They have an unsightly appearance, and the taste is not particularly good. The bird itself belongs to the chicken family, however it is not carried so often as its domesticated "sisters". In this regard, the contents of the specified "bird" for commercial purposes for the sale of eggs is inappropriate.

Interesting Facts

China is considered to be the birthplace of the bird in question, but it has taken root in the vast expanses of post-Soviet states without any problems. Adult roosters reach a weight of up to two kilograms, and the length with the tail often varies within one meter. The preferred habitat is forest plantations and other areas of wildlife.

Some people are interested in how to catch a pheasant in order to later domesticate it. This practice is not very popular, but has the right to life. Recently, a motley bird and housekeeping are not so rare as several decades ago.


How can I catch pheasants?

To wound this bird so that it subsequently lives at home is practically unrealistic. Hunting dogs are also not particularly suitable for catching birds, since they will not be able to deliver the beast intact.

Over the years, experienced hunters have invented several ways to catch a pheasant. Among them:

  • lures with sleeping pills;
  • trap cells;
  • standard hook for fishing;
  • snares with loops;
  • network.

Of course, the easiest way is to buy an animal in the market or from private owners. But, firstly, it is somewhat costly. Secondly, hunting is an exciting gambling adventure. If live and healthy individuals are required, the gun should be excluded immediately.

Above are methods for catching pheasant that are relatively safe for birds. Before you go for prey, you need to properly prepare:

  1. It’s hard to decide that such a hunt is yours. Since the bird is quite cunning and smart, you will have to be patient and skill to catch it.
  2. Acquire and test for strength and triggering materials for the trap.
  3. To study the habitat of the bird, including areas of its movement, pasture and watering places.

How to catch a pheasant on the loop?

Such a trap is designed to capture birds in one individual. The method is one of the most complex and requires careful preparation. This is due to the fact that the feathered beast will be careful and cautiously look at the unusual design. Nevertheless, the loop is considered the most humane way.


It is easy to build a trap yourself. Here the quality and the correctness of the selected material will play an important role. It should be fairly soft and durable. Otherwise, the pheasant will damage the paws or break out of captivity. Before installing a trap, it is necessary to determine the places where the bird most often feeds. Bait will increase the chances of success. Since this beast is very careful, it is necessary to carry out all manipulations at night when he sleeps.

Loop making

To the knowledge of how to catch pheasant in the loop in winter, it is necessary to add information about the creation of the trap itself. For its manufacture, the following manipulations will be required:

  1. A standard mid-section steel wire is purchased.
  2. Purchased billets are cut into segments of a length of 1, 500 millimeters each.
  3. A ring with a diameter of 100 mm is constructed from wire.
  4. An ordinary loop is made from the prepared circle.
  5. Traps place birds in their habitat.

Then it remains only to wait. By the way, hunting in this way can take several days. But the snare can be placed almost everywhere where the pheasant is found, even in your own garden. Specialists often use boiled corn for bait.

We use a network

Next, we’ll look at how to catch a pheasant using the net. This method is good if you plan to capture several individuals at a time. The main thing is to choose the right tool. The height of the network should be at least eight meters, its width - about 300 m. Smaller analogues will not work, since the bird can notice them and not fly in the right direction.

It is advisable to set a trap at night. Before the hunt, the snares are camouflaged with foliage and branches to minimize the suspicions of a cunning beast. As soon as the pheasant falls into the trap, you should give it a little "come to your senses, " and only then sort it by the cells for transportation.


Trap cell

The next method that helps to catch a pheasant without a gun is a cage. You can buy it or make it yourself. The material used is a wooden frame or metal mesh. The size of the trap should be such that the bird feels itself in it freely and spaciously, waiting for its fate.

To increase the chances of success, you can install the cage in the habitats of potential prey, remove the door from it and sprinkle food. Eating nourishing for several days, the bird will get used to the new feeding place and will visit it without any particular fear. Then the door is mounted, it is advisable to adapt it from above, so it closes most easily. After the bird gets inside the cage, the door is locked with a rope, preventing the prey from getting out.


Fishing tackle

How to catch a pheasant on a hook? This is one of the simplest methods, but it is also the most painful for a bird. The method is suitable for both summer and winter hunting. A hook of the required size is selected (No. 9 or No. 10), corn or another bait is fixed on it. They throw a fishing line and wait until the beast swallows the bait.

Experts do not recommend using the specified technique. This is due to the fact that the bird can get hurt, trying to get rid of the hook. If the beast is needed alive and healthy, it is better to pay attention to other, more humane traps.



We will learn how to catch pheasants in winter and summer, with minimal physical and mental harm. The above methods seriously affect the emotional health of the animal, which can become depressed. The bird in question is considered to be quickly outgoing from stress, however, it is more humane to use sleeping pills to catch it.

Such drugs can be bought without difficulty in specialized pet stores. The product is thoroughly mixed with food and crumbles in areas where the pheasant is used to feeding. Sleeping pills will act quite quickly, the feathered one will not even have time to get scared. Already on the farm, he will come to his senses, while he will be safe and sound. According to veterinarians, modern high-quality sleeping pills are made from safe components, do not adversely affect the body of the bird and the characteristics of meat.


Inventive hunters invented many ways to catch a pheasant without a gun. The most popular and effective ones are listed above. However, there are other innovative methods used in this direction. For example, the use of plastic bottles, in the middle of which bait falls asleep. The beast will stick its head in the trap and get stuck in it.

The extraction of prey by the hunter is a matter of technology. True, this approach will be effective if the diameter of the neck of the container is correctly calculated in relation to the size of the head of the bird. For the capture of birds categorically it is not recommended to use a trap. First, it will cause prey significant harm. Secondly, other wild or domestic animals may fall into the trap. It is better to choose one of the considered humane options.

Lure Ways

Knowing the methods of catching a pheasant alive, consider the methods of its bait, except for feeding. This can be done using decoy. The principle of its action is to imitate sounds similar to birds. It can be a leader’s cry or feathered mating trills. Animals will respond to the signal, which will allow the hunter to quickly find the place of their accumulation.

There are two types of the most popular decoys:

  1. Wind option. It is inexpensive in price, does not require electrical power. The device works on the principle of a whistle. When using this model, a special skill is required from the hunter to create sounds that are as similar as possible to pheasant screams. In addition, the wind modification is not loud, which allows you to cover a not very large area.
  2. Electronic decoy makes various and most similar sounds in the required register. Such a product is equipped with a volume control, but its price is quite high. In addition, it has a decent weight and dimensions, it needs periodic recharging.

How to transport production?

After catching a bird, it is necessary to organize its transportation to a farm or other new habitat. For this purpose, boxes, cages or baskets are used, the sizes of which are comparable with the dimensions of pheasants and their number. Hay or straw should be placed in the container, which will protect the game from injury during transportation. In addition, in the cold season, the litter will protect the game from freezing.

If the transportation capacity is open, it should be covered with thick cardboard or canvas, in order to avoid the bird flying out of the new shelter. If transportation is envisaged over long distances, individuals need to be fed and given water.
