
How to identify trees in central Russia? Deciduous trees of central Russia

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How to identify trees in central Russia? Deciduous trees of central Russia
How to identify trees in central Russia? Deciduous trees of central Russia

Video: Unit 6 Russia: Physical Geography, Climate, and Vegetation 2024, July

Video: Unit 6 Russia: Physical Geography, Climate, and Vegetation 2024, July

In terms of species composition, temperate forests are much less tropical. Trees in central Russia are few in number and, it would seem, should be known to everyone. But this is not so. Of course, everyone can easily recognize birch, pine or spruce, but not everyone can distinguish elm from maple or be able to describe what the linden looks like. It should also be noted that some trees predominate in forests, while others dominate in cities. This article will focus mainly on forest species.

Trees of central Russia: names

The most common coniferous tree on the East European Plain is pine. Ordinary spruce is a little less popular. Sometimes there is white fir and falling larch. But the dominant position belongs to deciduous. They grow faster than conifers, and are easier to adapt to environmental changes, so they take root even in big cities. According to studies conducted on the territory of the Central Russian Upland, the prevailing indigenous species are pedunculate oak, linden-hearted and ordinary ash. Of course, birch and aspen are found everywhere. Along the banks of forest rivers, various species of willows and black alder grow. In shady places comes across a rough elm (aka mountain elm). The characteristic trees of central Russia are various maples, and ordinary mountain ash, and wild apple. In cities, the decorative forms of apple trees, black and white poplar are widespread, horse chestnut is found.

Common ash


This tree is one of the most impressive in our forests: it reaches a forty-meter height. Ash has a straight trunk; the bark is grayish greenish. The tree prefers moist, but not swampy soils, so it often grows along streams and rivers. Young ash trees, unlike adults, are not demanding for light. In winter, the tree is easy to identify by large black buds. Ash crown - high set, openwork, beautiful shape. He has very recognizable leaves - long (up to 35 cm), unpaired.

In general, the leaves of trees in central Russia are the most accessible material for identification. By analyzing their shape, determining the species is relatively easy.

Heart-shaped linden (small-leaved)

It is a fairly tall (up to 35 meters) tree. It grows on the plains and in the foothills, often on cliffs, slopes. It takes root well in cities and therefore is often used as an avenue plant. The linden has a straight trunk with a wrinkled grayish bark. The trees that grow in the meadow have powerful egg-shaped crowns. Linden is a honey tree. It blooms late in the middle of summer. Small white-yellow flowers have a pronounced sweetish aroma and attract bees. In addition, they are a drug.


Flowers are collected in a bunch, at the base of which is a long leaf - lionfish. The fruits of linden are round nuts. The leaves are rounded heart-shaped, slightly resembling poplar. Deciduous trees in central Russia, as a rule, are not particularly durable, but hearty linden can live up to 800 years.

Black (sticky) alder

This tree has nothing against high humidity. It is found in river valleys and even in swamps. Alder grows up to 30 meters. Her trunk is dark, with deep "wrinkles", the wood is reddish yellow. The leaves are rounded, with a notch opposite the cuttings. Alder blooms in mid-spring, just during the flood. In male trees, flowers are collected in long yellow-purple earrings. Female inflorescences are in the form of solid cones.

Black alder loves light and grows fast. This is a healthy plant. Its wood is suitable for use in high humidity conditions.


English oak

Trees in central Russia are medicinal; some of their parts are often used in medicine. The oak with its dark and very rough, but healing bark is no exception. This tall tree grows both in the hills and in the valleys. It has nodular branches and easily recognizable leaves, which are called cirrus, since they consist of several pairs of fused lobes.

Oaks bloom in late spring. The fruits are light brown-yellow acorns (2-3 pieces on a long petiole). Oaks live long, their wood is hard and not subject to decay. For this reason, expensive furniture is made of it “for centuries”.


Rough elm (mountain elm)

The name of the tree is due to the abundance of longitudinal cracks in its bark. The height of the elm is 30 meters, while the plant is very slender, with a long strong trunk and a relatively wide crown. The trees of central Russia are unpretentious: for example, rough elm gives copious growth both in moist lowlands and in the mountains, climbing to a height of 1000 meters above sea level and rooting on rocky steeps. Elm is demanding not so much to the ambient temperature as to soil fertility. It has large, rough and not very symmetrical oblong leaves with a bilobate margin.

Rough elm appreciates partial shade, so you will not find it in open spaces. It blooms very early; violet-red flowers are collected in dense small bunches. By summer, the fruits of the elm ripen and fall. They are flattened nuts surrounded by two fused wide lobes.


Poplar and Aspen

Almost everyone can identify these plants, the determinant of trees in central Russia is hardly needed here. But nevertheless, speaking of the most common plants in our country, one cannot ignore these species. By the way, not everyone knows that the second name of aspen is trembling poplar. This tree is very undemanding to the soil, but loves the sun. Aspen rapidly captures fresh clearings and clearings, but its century does not exceed 90-100 years. The trunk is long and smooth, with a gray-greenish bark. Crohn is small, rare and high. The leaves are almost round, with an uneven edge. The slightest breath of wind makes them tremble, due to the special structure of the petiole. Aspen leaves are dark green above, gray below. In the fall they get a rich burgundy color.

Black poplar is better known as a “cultivated" tree. It can be more often found in cities along the highway or on village streets than in forests. Poplar appreciates the sun and moisture. Under favorable conditions, the tree grows up to 40 meters. The bark is gray, rough, with longitudinal cracks. Crohn is extensive. Leaves are heart-shaped.