
How to push pigeons off the balcony? What attracts a pigeon to a balcony?

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How to push pigeons off the balcony? What attracts a pigeon to a balcony?
How to push pigeons off the balcony? What attracts a pigeon to a balcony?

Video: 7 Smart Ways To Get Rid of Pigeons 2024, July

Video: 7 Smart Ways To Get Rid of Pigeons 2024, July

Undoubtedly, birds are beautiful creations of nature. Many people like to watch their life, feed in city parks. But when the balconies of apartments become the habitat of pigeons, people forget about the love of birds. Fortunately, today there are many ways to drive pigeons from the balcony forever.

What can pigeons prevent

First of all, these sociable birds are carriers of dangerous diseases, such as salmonellosis, encephalitis, toxoplasmosis, listeriosis. Treatment of these diseases can bring a lot of trouble.

An unpleasant nuance is the fact that, having made the balcony of a city apartment their temporary home, doves everywhere leave their litter, which can also be a carrier of harmful bacteria and fungi. In addition, the bird's vital product is very difficult to wash off from surfaces. Birds living on the balcony cause inconvenience with their cooing, clapping their claws, rustling wings on the windowsills, which creates an unpleasant noise, which stops only at night.


Why doves live on balconies

One of the ways to push birds away from the balcony is to equip this part of the apartment so that it becomes uncomfortable for the birds. In order to do this, you need to figure out what the pigeon attracts to the balcony. There may be several common reasons for this:

  1. The balcony is a place that is protected from adverse weather conditions.

  2. Window sills are of sufficient width, which is convenient for take-off and landing of birds.


  3. Some people keep food supplies on the balcony, which can also attract pigeons.

  4. Trash in the form of old furniture and other household items, which is traditionally stored on balconies, is perceived by birds as an ideal place to hatch chicks.

If the balcony meets all the parameters described above, the likelihood that pigeons will fly there to nest is very high.

Pigeon fears

How to push pigeons off the balcony? To do this, you need to understand what these birds are afraid of:

  • sharp and loud sounds;


  • cats, since predatory pets are big lovers of bird hunting;

  • moving objects.

This knowledge will help you choose a method that will effectively save the balcony from the invasion of pigeons.

Ultrasonic devices

In hardware stores you can find bird repellents that operate by ultrasound. The device makes a sound that is not audible to the human ear, but has a great effect on birds and animals. An ultrasonic repeller plugs into the network near a place favored by birds, and creates a sound signal that is extremely unpleasant for birds. The range can reach up to 4 km.

Today, there are bird repellents that respond to movement and turn on when necessary. This solution helps save energy.


Various repellers

People who are tormented by the question: “What to do with a dove on the balcony?” Are prone to inventing home repellers from improvised materials. Such devices fight birds no less efficiently than purchased devices. The most common ways:

  1. A layer of foil is lined on the windowsill, which scares the birds with its noise, as a result of which they gradually lose their desire to sit on a rustling surface. A plus of the method is the fact that with the help of foil it is possible to protect the window sill from the droppings that birds leave behind.

  2. Pigeons do not tolerate shiny glare, so the same foil or CDs can be laid out on the windowsill.

  3. As a method that temporarily repels pigeons, you can use a realistic layout of a large bird of prey - an owl, a falcon. This structure will frighten pigeons for some time, and they will cease to nest on the balcony. The downside is that sooner or later the birds will realize that this is just an immovable figure, and will again take their usual places on the balcony.

Pigeons are birds that quickly adapt to innovations, so after a while these methods can lose their repelling effect.

Creating adverse conditions

An equally common option is to create conditions for life that will become unbearable for birds. To do this, use the following methods:

  1. Lubricating the windowsill with oil or petroleum jelly acts as follows: there is simply nothing for the pigeons to catch on, so it becomes impossible to sit on the ledge. The downside is that this method significantly pollutes the window sill, it is very difficult to wash it later.

  2. In hardware stores you can find a special adhesive tape with a smooth surface, which acts on the principle of oil, but leaves no residue on the windowsill.

  3. Some make a scratchy surface by hammering nails into a plank. Such a design is placed in places chosen by pigeons, thereby restricting access. Some use small fragments of barbed wire for this purpose.

  4. An effective folk method is the scattering of salt and spices pigeons in the habitat.


When choosing methods to get rid of annoying pigeons, it is important to remember that the balcony is not a place to store food that might interest them. Also, one should not show slack and feed the birds.

Additional methods

If all of the above methods are unsuccessful and the pigeons are still interested in the balcony, radical measures should be tried. The most popular among these techniques:

  1. If the balcony is an open area, you should do its glazing. Of course, this entails additional significant costs. The glazing of open balconies will once and for all close birds access to this part of the home. It is important to pay special attention to window sills - they should not be too large, preferably small sloping structures on which pigeons can not hold.

  2. If a pigeon has made a nest on the balcony and is preparing for the appearance of offspring, the eggs should be replaced with other similar objects.


    The method does not work immediately, but when the bird notices the substitution, it will never return to the balcony, since the pigeons do not live in places where it was once impossible to breed.

  3. Water dousing - many birds do not tolerate such a step in their direction. To implement this method, you should install a garden watering on the windowsill and wait for the birds to turn it on. After several dousings, the birds will remember the balcony as a place unfavorable for life.

  4. An automatic air freshener with a pungent and not very pleasant smell can also push birds away from the balcony.

You should not show pity for the birds, because in this case you will have to endure the unpleasant neighborhood for another year.

Bioacoustic apparatus

In stores that specialize in products for killing and repelling pests, you can find such a useful thing as a bio-acoustic repeller for pigeons from the balcony. Its essence is that the device makes certain sounds, which imitate the cries of animals and birds, which can be dangerous for pigeons. Feathered feel danger and try not to approach the balcony. The nuance is that the sounds that the device makes can interfere with the quiet life of the owners of the apartment and their neighbors.

Dovecote construction

Sometimes a person, adhering to pacifist beliefs, does not want to intentionally harm living beings. In this case, there is an alternative way, how to push pigeons off the balcony. It's about building a dovecote in the yard.

It can be built from sheet metal or wood. It is important to provide comfortable conditions for pigeons in the building, and then they will be happy to move to a new home. However, the minus is that pigeons will not live in a dovecote just like that - you need to maintain optimal conditions - feed, clean. This requires certain material costs, as well as a large amount of free time.


Professional help

If all of the above methods did not help to get rid of the problem, you should entrust the matter to professionals. In this case, these are specialized services that are engaged in the destruction of insects, rodents, birds. This method is not suitable for compassionate or impressionable people, as companies use insecticides in their work, which lead to the death of birds. This can happen anywhere - on the balcony, near the house or even in the apartment, if the bird somehow got inside. Collecting and disposing of dead pigeons is not for impressionable people.

The help of professionals is often resorted to by desperate people, to whom pigeons have caused significant harm.

Preventative measures

How to push pigeons from the balcony or make the birds do not have a desire to settle there? The following measures are most effective:

  1. Cleaning on the balcony. Traditionally, a balcony is a place to store unnecessary or necessary things that are a pity to throw away. Time should be allocated and revised, thereby freeing the balcony from trash, which can serve as a shelter for birds. If this is not possible or the necessary things are stored in the room, it is recommended to simply cover them with a durable plastic wrap.

  2. Get a cat who will show a hunting instinct and hunt birds. Since pigeons are considered one of the most intelligent birds, they will quickly understand what's what and stop nesting on the balcony. However, in this case, it is important to ensure that the cat does not fall down from the visor.

  3. All edible supplies should be removed, even those that do not seem to eat. In fact, a truly hungry bird does not disdain even cat food.

  4. Do not feed the birds from the balcony or window, otherwise they will remember this place as favorable for life and breeding. If the desire to feed the birds is great - you should do it in a local park.

If the balcony is a passageway on which people often appear, the risk of the population with its pigeons is also minimal, since these birds do not like the hustle and bustle around them.