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How to write jokes: techniques for creating jokes, practical recommendations for comedians

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How to write jokes: techniques for creating jokes, practical recommendations for comedians
How to write jokes: techniques for creating jokes, practical recommendations for comedians

Video: Jerry Seinfeld Interview: How to Write a Joke | The New York Times 2024, July

Video: Jerry Seinfeld Interview: How to Write a Joke | The New York Times 2024, July

A great sense of humor always colors a person. Good jokes help to cheer up, compose an interlocutor, and sometimes bring comedians popularity and public recognition. To repeat the success of the best performers in the field of humor, you should learn how to write jokes that can make any audience laugh.

Material Search

There is no single answer to the question of how to write jokes and what topics to use when creating them. Each person has his own personal experience in different areas of life, and almost every event can become a good basis for a funny story. Find something that amuses you by recalling interesting cases that have happened to you or your friends. Exactly what seems funny to you will become material for a future joke, but you should not rely solely on your feelings. Your social circle will be the first audience to appreciate the quality of your jokes.


Talk more often with friends, colleagues, or family members about what they find funny. When watching a humorous program, notice the reaction of your loved ones to the performances of different artists. Having learned what will be of interest to your public, you will prepare a really fascinating, and most importantly - funny performance. Before you write jokes, familiarize yourself with the most relevant topics, and you will surely find something that will interest you and your future audience.

Material Check

What you can talk about with your family will not always be appropriate for a wider audience. There are many controversial topics, the discussion of which will cause an ambiguous reaction. Popular comedians from different countries often raise acutely social topics in their performances and sometimes turn out to be misunderstood. If we take the example of Russian comedians, we can note quite daring jokes of the residents of the Comedy Club program.

Those who write jokes for "Comedy" are authors with a lot of knowledge and experience in their field. At the beginning of the creative path, it is worth paying due attention to this moment and avoiding controversial topics. For example, reasoning about religion or race may not only be ridiculous, but also offend a lot of people. It is also worth noting the stories that you create, based on funny cases with your friends. Make sure that your story does not offend the person whose information you used to write the material. To understand how to write jokes in which questions of a personal nature will be discussed, you need to get acquainted with the speeches of more experienced authors more often.

Case Study

Television and the Internet provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the work of famous people, and humorous programs provide performances by the most popular comedians. A lot of comedy shows for every taste can be seen on almost every channel. Find for yourself several artists who seem to you the most ridiculous and interesting.


Follow their work, look for information, study the format in which they present their jokes. You do not need to copy all the tricks of this or that comedian, it is enough to be inspired by their ideas, and you will definitely become one step closer to the world of professional humor.

Format selection

Now that you have prepared the material, you can begin the main work, namely, giving structure to your text. First you need to decide in which genre your joke will be written. It all depends on what is closer to you and what thought you want to convey. If the text of the joke includes a story about yourself or your comments on a particular problem, you should give preference to the genre, which implies a single performance and work with the audience. It can be a monologue or Stand Up, popular in our time.


If the text is written for the performance of several persons and connected by a plot, you can choose a miniature. Speaking about how to write jokes, it is impossible to get around a topic such as the tricks that are used to create them.

Using joke techniques


At first glance, it seems that only professional comedians can write good material. But the truth is that even those who write jokes for Comedy Club or other programs that have been popular for several years, were also once beginning authors. Over time, you will begin to determine at a glance what will be funny and what will not. And at the beginning of your career you will be helped by techniques for creating jokes. Here are some of them.

  • When writing short jokes, remember that you need to limit yourself to a few words. Think about how to put the meaning of a joke into one small sentence and not overload it with unnecessary details. This technique will make your text more memorable.
  • When creating a funny story, take some time to introduce it. Interest your audience and prepare for the fact that soon an exciting and funny story will follow. Now that the audience expects the development of events, you can start the story.
  • No matter how long your narrative is, concentrate on the main idea. Carefully work through the main passage of the text, where the same joke will be, the meaning of which you carried throughout the story.
  • Use the element of surprise. Make the reader believe that he knows exactly how your story will end, and surprise you with a completely different outcome.