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How to get any candy from Pyaterochka without paying a dime: the legal way

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How to get any candy from Pyaterochka without paying a dime: the legal way
How to get any candy from Pyaterochka without paying a dime: the legal way

Sometimes there are situations when there is no money at all. No, of course, some amount is in the wallet, but you understand that you have to live on it for another week, or even two. And meanwhile, as luck would have it, one wants a sweetie so that there is no strength to endure. In this situation, you can act in different ways: endure, go visit a girlfriend for a cup of tea or sprinkle a piece of bread with sugar, imagining that it is a delicious cake. But we offer to go in a non-trivial way and get any sweets in the Pyaterochka chain store absolutely free, and most importantly - completely legal.

Sweets by weight


This is not about those sweets that are packed in boxes or bags, but about a weighted product. The fact is that bulk sweets are a product from the risk category. And it is in the departments of weight candies in 8 out of 10 stores that a complete mess is going on. And this is just right for us.

The fact that often there are no price tags on the product is bad. But the fact that it is often impossible to find the date of manufacture on sweets is already serious. When was this item displayed? Yesterday, week, month or year ago?


According to the rules of trade, employees of the department are obliged to cut from the box in which there were sweets the piece on which the manufacturer indicates the composition, date of manufacture and shelf life. Then this “plate” should be placed on the window where the goods are located.

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Workers know all this, and, of course, do it. But! Very often, the manufacturer indicates all these important dates not where necessary. They can be found both on the sidewall and on the bottom of the box. However, inattentive workers do not notice this, as a result of which a “plate” appears in the window that does not contain this necessary information.


There is one more option. Everyone who works in the sweets department is used to the fact that the shelf life of sweets is 6 or 12 months. But! Today, many manufacturers indicate a shelf life of only 3 months. Of course, nothing bad will happen if a person eats an expired candy. However, the store does not have the right to sell expired products.


So, your task is to find sweets with an expired shelf life (even for 1-2 days) or without information about the shelf life. Now you can put chocolates / marmalades / caramels in a bag and go to the cashier. Here you need to break the check, call the store administrator and show him expired or unmarked goods. As a result, they return the money to you and change the substandard sweets to fresh ones.