women's issues

How to understand that a man really loves you? How to understand if a married man loves you?

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How to understand that a man really loves you? How to understand if a married man loves you?
How to understand that a man really loves you? How to understand if a married man loves you?

Video: 4 Signs that a Man LOVES you and Adores You (number 2 may surprise you) 2024, June

Video: 4 Signs that a Man LOVES you and Adores You (number 2 may surprise you) 2024, June

Women and men are very different. And this applies not only to appearance, but especially to the psychology of perception and behavior. But sometimes signs sent by a man are incorrectly “read” by a woman. That is why in this article I want to talk about how to understand that a man really loves you: signs of love of representatives of the strong half of humanity.


A bit about men and women

As mentioned above, men and women are different from each other. So, if a lady wants to fall in love with a man, the guy is likely to notice it right away. It can be talking about anything, cute gifts or treats. Women can even attract relatives and friends to achieve their goal. In men, the opposite is true. They almost never betray themselves externally, remaining as imperturbable as before. How then to be, how to understand that a man really loves you?

The young man not only listens, but also hears

If a guy is really in love with a girl, he will try to find out about her as much as possible. That is why in conversations a man will try to catch every word of his lover, not wanting to miss even the smallest detail. But here there is one “but”: one should not be offended if a loved one has forgotten something. It's just that men perceive and even understand the information told to them in a slightly different way. That is, what is important to a woman may seem secondary to a guy.


The man says

The next tip on how to understand that a man really loves you is to listen to him. Already only from the information that the guy gives out, you can understand how he relates to the girl. If during a conversation the topics do not go beyond the weather and everyday topics - do not flatter yourself. After all, if a person is in love, he will gradually let into the soul the object of his admiration. A man in love will tell about his family, and about work, and sometimes even about the most secret. This is one of the most important features. After all, as you know, mostly men speak little.

The appearance of a man

It must also be said that a man in love, as well as a woman, is trying to look his best. If a guy puts a beautiful shirt on a date or buys a new sweater, it means that he is not indifferent to what his companion will think about him. Is this not the first sign of love?

Again, one “but”: you should not expect that a sloppy person who never paid attention to his wardrobe, and then became abruptly clean, will change. Love will pass, and old habits will return to their place.

Earner man

How to understand that a man really loves you? You need to look at how the guy manages his money. Every man already considers himself a getter, and a lover - even more so. That is, a young man who has tender feelings for a woman is unlikely to make her beloved pay in a restaurant or buy trinkets for herself.

Also here it is necessary to take into account the fact that the guy may not talk about his income, but here he will definitely be planning something financially expensive in love with his young lady.


Time for beloved

The next tip on how to understand whether a man really loves is to evaluate the time the couple spends together. It often happens that friends take offense at their friend in love, calling him henpecked. But this is not surprising. Just a young man wants to spend as much time as possible with his beloved, paying less attention to his comrades. So, of course, it will not always be. But at first it was a normal reaction of a representative of the opposite sex. After all, a man only wants to learn more about his chosen one.

Victims for the beloved

Sometimes women ask: how to understand by actions what a man loves? It is safe to say that if a guy makes certain sacrifices for his own sake, this says a lot. But this does not mean at all that the beloved must redo himself, act contrary to his concepts or views. Victims should also be reasonable. It's normal if a guy refuses to watch football for the sake of going to a cafe with a lover. But if a man abandons his beloved business simply because his lady so desires - this is already completely abnormal. Such guys will behave similarly in other situations. This should not be forgotten.

A few words about married men

Sometimes it happens that a married man does not give attention to his wife. Well, what can you do, as they say, you will not command your heart. But how to accurately understand the seriousness of his intentions, how to understand whether a married man loves you?


Little gifts and tokens

You need to understand that if a guy is married, he can not give all the best for a relationship with a new lover. He will have to lie to his wife, to devote time to two women in parallel. Therefore, it is impossible to demand too much from such a young man. But the guy can prove his attitude with the help of gifts. It does not have to be expensive presents. It can be a cute postcard or a modest flower. The main thing is with what facial expression or words it is presented. It is these signs of attention that testify to the love of a representative of a strong half of humanity.

Beloved man will never hurt

The next clue is how to understand that a married man loves you. So, if a guy does not hurt and tries to protect his lady - this is a sure sign of love. That is, the young man will try to protect his passion from negativity, bad news or information that is unpleasant for her. Well, of course, he will not speak rude or open his arms. Loving guys respect their sweetheart, her opinion and her desires.


A piece of life

How to understand that a married man really loves and is ready for a lot of things? It is necessary to trace how deeply into his life he lets a new lover. Of course, such a man would not introduce his passion to his parents, but he could present it to his faithful friend. It is also not surprising if he talks about his favorite vacation spots, activities, hobbies and hobbies. The maximum of what can be told without affecting another, parallel life.

Joint rest

Another tip on how to understand that a married man loves you: if a guy is planning a joint vacation is a sure sign of favor. That is, such a man should really try to allocate at least a couple of hours of free time, not to mention a few days. And if a young man is constantly trying to find some hours or days - this definitely indicates his love.

Cute nonsense

The last clue how to understand whether a married man loves you: you need to analyze his behavior. People in love are somewhat similar to children. They can fool around, make nice nonsense and unreasonable little things. If the guy is just like that, he is definitely in love. Such a man can write gentle, stupid SMS-messages, kindly joke.
