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How to visit "Lenkom" comfortably: hall layout

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How to visit "Lenkom" comfortably: hall layout
How to visit "Lenkom" comfortably: hall layout

The popularity of the Lenkom Theater extends throughout Russia and far beyond the borders of the country. His performances were loved by the audience of France, Germany, the Netherlands, Greece, the USA, countries of Eastern Europe and others. The official website of the theater allows you to experience the Lenkom spirit, get acquainted with the history of the theater, and also study the layout of the Lenkoma hall in advance.

Theater History Pages

The Lenin Komsomol Theater, familiar to everyone under the name "Lenkom", has a history of ninety years. Few people know that, being the embodiment of high professionalism and fidelity to classical art, he grew up from an amateur theater in which representatives of working youth were both actors and directors. And TRAM itself (the Theater of Working Youth) was created under the auspices of the Komsomol organization.

The Great Three Directors

The exit of the theater to a professional level, along with a significant update in the repertoire policy, is associated with the name of the director Ivan Nikolaevich Bersenev, who headed the theater in 1938. Together with him, such actors as Rostislav Plyatt, Serafima Birman, Sofya Giatsintova shone on the stage of the theater.

The arrival of Anatoly Efros in 1963 was a milestone for Lenkom. For several decades, viewers admired the play of Alexander Zbruev, Valentin Gaft, Alexander Shirvindt, Lev Durov, Mikhail Derzhavin under the guidance of a talented director.


Mark Zakharov, who headed Lenkom in 1973, brought the theater to a new professional level. The ingenious director, screenwriter, actor and teacher, the new art director created a brilliant acting troupe that deservedly enjoys the love of the audience, who invariably fill the hall of the Lenkom Theater every performance. Performances with the participation of Alexander Abdulov, Nikolai Karachentsev, Elena Shanina became a legend.