
How to make a water analysis in St. Petersburg

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How to make a water analysis in St. Petersburg
How to make a water analysis in St. Petersburg

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Water analysis in St. Petersburg can be ordered at one of the accredited research laboratories. For example, in the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology on ul. Mokhovaya, 11. Information about its composition, properties is a guarantee of the safety of life and health of the population.


Determined indicators of drinking water

In a laboratory located in St. Petersburg at the following address: 10th line V.O., house 59, office 214, samples are analyzed by indicators:

  • organoleptic, which include smell, turbidity, color, taste;

  • chemical, related to the content of chemicals in water samples;

  • microbiological.

The cost of a full analysis (twenty indicators) is 5400 rubles.


Estimated Parameters

Analysis of water in St. Petersburg at the Osmos company (Blagodatnaya St., 69B, off. 2307) involves checking for the following characteristics: its content of salts (calcium bicarbonate), oxidation, alkalinity, permanent and temporary hardness. The cost of such a study varies within 5, 000 rubles.

Analysis of water in St. Petersburg allows you to identify the quantitative content of various substances in the analyzed samples. You can order verification of water samples at the office or by phone. The cost of services depends on the type of analysis.

Currently, water samples contain a significant amount of organic compounds of artificial origin. Analysis of water in St. Petersburg in the laboratories of the Osmos company (Blagodatnaya St., 69B, of. 2307) makes it possible to identify micro- and macroelements present in samples, to determine options for optimal cleaning. The cost of analyzing water from a well is 4, 200 rubles, and a full analysis will have to pay 10, 000 rubles.

The content of trace elements in water is limited to ten fractions of a mg in one liter. For example, these include heavy metals, which are subject to stringent MPC requirements.

If you make a water analysis in St. Petersburg, you can verify the absence of these hazardous elements in the samples, not to fear for health.

According to the limiting indicators, it is supposed to have a unit for sanitary-toxicological, general sanitary, organoleptic indicators.


Water Analysis Techniques

You can donate water for analysis to St. Petersburg at the address: Osmos company, ul. Blagodatnaya, 69B, of. 2307 to verify its safety. Different techniques are used at the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology, branches in St. Petersburg are located at different addresses: Volkovsky Prospect, 77; st. Moldagulova, d. 5; Vitebsky Ave., 41, bldg. 1.

In such laboratories they conduct a qualitative analysis of water from a well in St. Petersburg, give a conclusion on the suitability of such sources for food use.

Analysis of natural and drinking water by the titrimetric method, permanganometry, fringe oxidation, as well as the photometric method. A complete list of all the techniques used in assessing the quality of samples, ranges of measurements, types of errors - all this can be clarified in the research laboratory.

Features of sampling for research

This stage can be carried out independently by the owner of the apartment, house, or apply for the services of a specialized organization, such as CEC.

First, a sampling is carried out for bacteriological analysis, for this, firing is performed by circular movements of the crane with a gauze swab fixed on a wire, previously moistened with ethyl alcohol.

If there is a constant pressure of water, in this case there is no need for preliminary firing of the crane.

The tank is filled with water, also intended for chemical analysis:

  • for the content of petroleum products;

  • volatile organic impurities.

When sampling from a well, water is first poured into a bucket, then it is divided into containers. Professionals use a bathometer designed for impressive depth to draw water from a well.
