
How to make costing dishes in the dining room. Calculation of the cost of the dish

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How to make costing dishes in the dining room. Calculation of the cost of the dish
How to make costing dishes in the dining room. Calculation of the cost of the dish

Video: Food Costs Formula: How to Calculate Restaurant Food Cost Percentage 2024, July

Video: Food Costs Formula: How to Calculate Restaurant Food Cost Percentage 2024, July

The popularity of food service points will never go out, because human laziness and love of food are eternal. Indeed, not everyone who wants a Stolichniy salad, a Kiev patty and Prague cake for dessert, can afford to rush into the store in order to purchase everything necessary and lock himself in the kitchen, cooking for several hours. The harsh reality with work, traffic jams and fatigue dictates its own rules, but you really want to eat delicious food. For many years, entrepreneurial people who have managed to build a serious business in successful kitchens have been successfully successful on these human weaknesses. How to make a calculation of dishes in the dining room so as not to work in the red, or, conversely, not to scare potential customers at exorbitant prices? At the same time, golden hands are not enough for success, because the market and competition dictate their own rules. It would seem - the dining room and dining room, what can you earn there? However, people's attachment to the classics, when they were still cooking according to the Book on Tasty and Healthy Food, is worth a lot.


On fingers

In truth, at the moment, the output of the prime cost is overestimated, since it is more logical to formulate the final price of the menu item based on people's tastes, demand and average market demands, however, it is still recommended to calculate dishes for internal cost tracking and cost balancing.

As an example, let's take one of the currently popular French confectioneries: the company uses high-quality raw materials with an appropriate price tag, uses special equipment to prepare its products, which is very expensive (for example, using the same fully automated chocolate tempering machine doesn’t save on it it will turn out, as this is fraught with failures and spoilage of expensive resources), rents a room of the necessary area, etc., etc. The costing of dishes is at a glance, but they cannot reduce costs, since the quality, name and, as a result, demand will suffer, so you have to keep the bar. They also cannot deliver a uniformly high margin on those positions that are expensive in themselves, and those 300% of the cost that is heard from the population are simply swept away. So what to do? Consider the menu that the pastry shop offers:

  • yeast baking;

  • cakes and pastries;

  • marshmallows candy.

The first and third positions at cost, if not cheap, are close to this, while even half cannot be wound up on cakes because of expensive resources. Therefore, the second position is sold significantly cheaper, and the difference is made up for buns and sweets. Moral: the calculation of the cost of a dish is not always based on the purchase prices of its components.

Of course, the confectionery is different from the dining room, but the principle of working with the final food is similar.


Where to begin?

Especially lazy people can use ready-made online templates that can be found everywhere on the network, but they are too general and quite crude in counting. It would be more correct once once to independently display prices and stick to them in the future, adjusting based on demand. In order to derive the correct calculation of the dishes in the dining room, you must have:

  • the completed menu, which will indicate the list of dishes provided by the catering point;

  • routings for each menu item;

  • purchase prices of all products that are involved in the preparation of menu items.


A little tip: when choosing dishes in the dining room do not overdo it. The very definition of this point of catering implies simple, simple food that can cause nostalgia after the times of the Union. In other words, no sushi. And drawing up a calculation of dishes from the abundance of complex positions will become, if not more problematic, then certainly boring. An encyclopedia-thick list is difficult to maintain both on a professional and material level, as universal cooks are difficult to find in the cafeteria, and maintaining the desired food composition on an ongoing basis is unprofitable.


Technological maps

This term refers to a document that contains information about all the features of a dish. It includes the following data (not necessarily everything, part is selective):

  • Duration and specifics of storage of dishes. Conditionally: ice cream at a temperature of -18 … -24 ° C is stored for 3 months, while bread, at a temperature of + 20 … + 25 ° C, 72 hours;

  • nutritional value of the finished dish: the number of calories, in some cases, the ratio of protein / fat / carbohydrate;

  • requirements for the implementation and supply of the finished dish;

  • directly the recipe itself, which includes the composition and the preparation algorithm;

  • Recipe source

  • description of appearance, the principle of decoration of the dish;

  • weight of the finished portion.

It is impossible to neglect the technological map, since the principles of work "maybe" and "by eye" will please only up to the first fine from the supervisory authorities.

There are two ways to get this document - to purchase a ready-made one, which you will make up to order, or to withdraw it yourself. The first is frankly expensive, and the second is nothing complicated, which we will prove below.



Name of menu item: Kiev cutlet.

Technological map number 47.

Type of heat treatment of the dish: roasting.

The expected output of the finished dish (serving size): 310 grams.

Layout of products per 100 grams of the finished dish:

  • peeled chicken - 29.82 grams;

  • butter - 14 grams;

  • chicken egg - 3.27 grams;

  • bread from premium flour - 8.88 grams. The expected mass of the semi-finished product at the exit is 50.35 grams;

  • cooking fat for roasting - 5.21 grams;

  • garnish bean (routing number 741) or potato (routing number 42) - 52.08 grams.

Nutritional value of a dish, its chemical composition and calorie content, recipe

Name, grams

The amount of nutrients per 100 grams of finished food

The percentage of loss of nutrients in the cooking process, %

Squirrels 52, 93 4
Fats 215.34 36
Carbohydrates 56.4 fourteen
Calorie content 2745.1 21
B1 mg 0 12
B2 mg 0 4
C mg 0 51
Ca, mg 0 19
Fe, mg 0 5

The beaten chicken fillet is stuffed with butter, dipped in eggs, breaded twice in ground white bread, fried in hot deep fat for about 6-7 minutes until a crust of saturated golden color is formed. Spread on a baking sheet and bring to readiness at a temperature of 200-220 ° C in the oven. Products are optionally served on heated croutons. The side dish is the default bean or vegetable.

Product purchase prices

A point without which it is impossible to deduce the costing of a dish in the dining room. Ideally, it is worth adding transportation costs to them if the raw materials are brought not by the supplier, but you yourself, through the mediation of transport companies or on your own. Also consider the funds spent on loading / unloading, if these services are paid separately.

Counting principle

Having the above information in hand, the matter remains small.

It is necessary to indicate the name of the dish, on the basis of the technological map, put down the products that are required, in the right quantity, indicate the displayed purchase prices and summarize. That's all, you got the cost of the dish.


Let's move on to practice

Calculation of the dish (example - all the same cutlet in Kiev, we take the average prices in the capital):

  • peeled chicken fillet - 29.82 grams, where 1000 grams costs 180 rubles;

  • butter (real, made in accordance with GOST) - 14 grams, where 1000 grams costs 240 rubles;

  • chicken egg - 3.27 grams, where 1000 grams costs 120 rubles;

  • bread from premium flour - 8.88 grams, where 1000 grams costs 60 rubles;

  • cooking fat for roasting - 5.21 grams, where 1000 grams costs 80 rubles;

  • garnish bean (routing number 741) or potato (routing number 42) - 52.08 grams, where 1000 grams costs about 50 rubles.

As a result, we get:

  • chicken fillet, cleaned of skin and bones - 5.37 rubles.;

  • butter (real, made in accordance with GOST) - 3.36 rubles.;

  • chicken egg - 0.4 rubles;

  • bread from premium flour - 0.54 rubles.;

  • cooking fat for roasting - 0.42 rubles;

  • bean garnish (technological map No. 741) or potato (technological map No. 42) - 3.12 rubles.

Thus, we get the costing of the dishes in the dining room "Chicken Kiev": the cost of 100 grams of serving is 13 rubles 20 kopecks.


The calculation of all the items listed in the menu, including side dishes, desserts and drinks, is made according to the same principle.

Of course, prices are unstable, and manually rewriting the cost from time to time is at least irrational, so you can create food templates in any program that allows you to count, the same Microsoft Excel at least. Just drive in the components, prescribe the calculation formula and adjust the purchase price when it changes.

If it is planned to implement automated accounting, then everything is elementary at all - almost all trading programs that are “tailored” for catering systems have the option of “costing dishes”. Moreover, it is revealed not only in the possibility of posting the current purchase price of ingredients to the relevant lines - they are also carried out, in real time, moving and writing off. Thanks to this, you can always track step by step where, figuratively speaking, “2 kilograms of oil disappeared”.