women's issues

How to wash viscose: manufacturer's recommendations for washing, improvised stain removers, the use of gentle household chemicals and tips from good housewives

Table of contents:

How to wash viscose: manufacturer's recommendations for washing, improvised stain removers, the use of gentle household chemicals and tips from good housewives
How to wash viscose: manufacturer's recommendations for washing, improvised stain removers, the use of gentle household chemicals and tips from good housewives

Items from beautiful and practical viscose are present in any wardrobe. However, artificial fabric is quite capricious and, if improperly handled, can stretch and deform. Therefore, housewives should adhere to some rules and tricks for caring for this delicate fabric, which we will discuss below.


Rayon: quality and features of fabric

Before proceeding to the answer to the question: "How to wash viscose?" - We suggest you familiarize yourself with the features of this type of fabric.

Viscose fiber is created artificially in the processing of cellulose fiber. This fabric first appeared in the 19th century and quickly gained popularity due to its practicality and pleasant appearance.

Viscose fabric is quite soft, so it is easy to drape and creates delicate folds on clothes. Things made of viscose pass air well and quickly absorb moisture.

The modern textile industry is represented by a wide range of viscose fabrics: from calm matte shades to bright and shiny fabrics.

This fabric is hypoallergenic, does not accumulate static electricity. Therefore, viscose clothing is very pleasant to the body.


Things from viscose: how to care

When purchasing things from viscose, remember: this fabric is quite delicate and whimsical. It requires special care. With improper washing, you can easily ruin a thing, viscose fabric is prone to deformation and loss of color. Learning about this, many housewives ask the question: "Is it possible to wash viscose?". Of course, you can and even need to do this regularly! Won't you go in dirty clothes ?! But you only need to adhere to certain rules.

Remember that the higher the content of viscose fibers in the fabric, the less it is subject to shrinkage. How to wash 100% viscose and a fabric with polyester content so that it does not sit and does not lose color, you will learn below.

Basic rules for washing

The first thing you need to start when preparing for washing is to study the labels on the clothes. Responsible manufacturers indicate the recommended temperature and method of washing. Do not neglect this, because, depending on the composition of the fabric, these conditions may differ on different things.


Next, arrange things in three heaps: white, black and color.

Another important rule: before washing, turn things inside out from viscose. And all the accessories - zippers, buttons, etc. - you need to fasten it so that when washing the fibers of the fabric are not damaged.

Some more general tips on how to wash viscose:

1. Delicate tissue can be affected by direct contact with stain removers and home remedies such as soda, vinegar.

2. When choosing a detergent, give preference to products that do not include alkali and chlorine.

3. Stains on viscose fabrics should not be “washed out”. In order to eliminate strong pollution, soak the item in warm water with the addition of liquid detergent for 35-40 minutes.

4. If the fabric contains polyester, it is prone to spools. How to wash viscose with polyester? For machine wash, use a special bag.

5. To wash things from viscose fabric, you need to use soft water. You can soften it with a spoonful of ammonia diluted in water.

6. To give the fabric a smooth and bright color, it is recommended to add a little vinegar to the water.


If you choose between hand and machine wash, then a more gentle option for viscose is, of course, hand wash. But here, many housewives make a fatal mistake, after which the thing is suitable only for mopping. How to wash viscose with your hands? There is nothing complicated. Follow our recommendations.

Earlier, we talked about the fact that when wet, viscose fibers are quite fragile. Therefore, in no case:

  • do not rub;
  • do not twist;
  • Do not squeeze viscose fabric.

Prepare a warm soapy solution before washing. Water temperature should not exceed 35 degrees. When exposed to viscose, hot water tissue can sit and deform. Hence the answer to the question that interests many housewives: "How to wash viscose so that the thing doesn’t sit down?" Avoid hot water.


Soak the product and leave in a soapy solution for several minutes. Then gently and as carefully as possible remember and iron the fabric.

Rinse the product in warm water and shake to get rid of excess water.


Machine wash

Modern washing machines also do a good job washing things from viscose. Since not every housewife wants to wash viscose with hands, and often it just does not have enough time and effort, read the recommendations for washing products from this fabric in a washing machine:


  1. Use a special washing bag to avoid the formation of spools and bumps on things.
  2. Items made of delicate fabrics must not be washed with rough clothes.
  3. For washing use "Delicate" or "Manual mode".
  4. Refuse automatic spin after washing. Instead, manually rinse the item under warm water and shake to get rid of excess water.
  5. For washing, use liquid detergent without alkali and chlorine.
  6. If the fabric is very dirty, soak the item before washing. And in the machine you can add oxygen stain remover or bleach without chlorine.
  7. When rinsing, the use of a fabric softener is recommended.

Drying rules

Caring for a thing is not limited to washing. It is not enough to know only how to wash viscose. After that, you need to dry the product correctly:

  1. Place the washed items on the coat hanger so that excess water comes out of the glass (do not use metal to prevent stains on clothing).
  2. A good option is to spread the thing on a plane, so you will definitely avoid deformation. But in no case do not try to stretch the product.
  3. Avoid using a heated dryer or other temperature effects (hair dryer, batteries, fireplace).