
How does self-confidence affect our immunity? 10 reasons to start loving yourself

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How does self-confidence affect our immunity? 10 reasons to start loving yourself
How does self-confidence affect our immunity? 10 reasons to start loving yourself

Video: Self-Esteem 2024, July

Video: Self-Esteem 2024, July

A new field of self-compassion research proves that loving and feeling sorry for yourself is one of the best things you can do for your health. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the positive consequences that you will receive by increasing your self-esteem.

You will have less stress

Tough self-criticism activates the sympathetic nervous system and increases the level of stress hormones (cortisol) in our bloodstream. Too much cortisol can lead to problems - from weight gain to cardiovascular disease. Treat yourself like you would a friend who is going through a difficult time. Show support and understanding, not criticism.


You will lower your heart rate

In self-criticism mode, your heart is pounding and your blood pressure is racing. People are at risk when they fight with themselves. The natural answer is an attack on a problem, which in this case is our body. It is because of this instinctive mechanism that we are so inclined to be harsh on ourselves. But by turning off the body’s reaction to the fight, you slow down your heart rate, which helps your cardiovascular system.


You will increase your immune function

Stress affects immunity. This is because other systems temporarily slow down to give the body a chance to cope with the threat. But with chronic stress, they remain slow for a long time. You can counteract this dynamics by treating yourself better. Immune function is enhanced by compassion.


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You will be less worried and depressed.

Unsurprisingly, being self-conscious leads us to mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. With compassion for yourself, you recall the general humanity, namely, that mistakes, failures and struggles are part of the human condition. Compassion helps us protect ourselves from depression, helps us feel confident in the future.


You will lose weight

Compassion can help break the link between stress and food. Self-love helps people stick to their weight loss goals because it controls emotions. Indeed, often our unhealthy eating behavior is caused by difficulties with emotional regulation. People use overeating as a way to draw out negative emotions. Kindness for oneself will help get rid of this need.


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You better deal with diabetes

An interesting study was conducted at the Mayo Clinic. It was found that compassion actually stabilized glucose levels in patients with diabetes. The stress hormone cortisol increases blood glucose. Thus, reducing stress through self-love can be one way to combat diabetes.


You better deal with chronic pain.

By changing your thinking from criticism to compassion, you can change how your body responds to pain. Changing your thinking about pain can help you deal with everything from chronic back problems to childbirth. Meditation will relax your body so that it can better cope with pain.


You can change your mind

Using conscious meditation as part of a practice of self-compassion can really help change your brain for the better. Meditation helps the brain function more efficiently. She actually changes its structure. This increases the thickness of the cortex, which helps the brain connection.

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You quit smoking

Self-love can literally help you break the smoking habit. A study was conducted that showed that self-compassion training for three weeks helped people quit smoking. Another study found that self-confidence reduces alcohol consumption.
