
How to survive in Moscow: tips and tricks, how to save up for an apartment, a grocery set

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How to survive in Moscow: tips and tricks, how to save up for an apartment, a grocery set
How to survive in Moscow: tips and tricks, how to save up for an apartment, a grocery set

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How to survive in Moscow? This question worries many, because the Russian capital remains an object of attraction for thousands of Russians who dream of making a career. It is in Moscow that really big money is spinning, it is there that it is easiest to declare oneself, to ensure a comfortable old age. But all this in the future, if a person just arrived in the capital, it is not easy for him to settle there. At first, you naturally have to survive.

You came to Moscow …

In fact, many people know how to survive in Moscow. There are a sufficiently large number of ways to effectively save, so that, getting a small salary by metropolitan standards, not only enough for food and rental housing, but also there is something to save for the future.

Many begin to work in Moscow on low-paying specialties - these are taxi drivers, sellers, first-level managers, public transport drivers. Most of them have fairly modest income by the standards of the capital - from 30 to 70 thousand rubles. After all, do not forget that Moscow is one of the most expensive cities in the world. There is a high cost of real estate, transportation services, products, entertainment. And at the same time, according to Rosstat, about half of Muscovites have this income.

At the same time, people with equally low salaries lead a completely different lifestyle. How does it come out. The thing is that some people know how to survive in Moscow, and others do not. Many make a number of common mistakes, for example, in the first months of spending most of the money on food and rental housing. After that they get into debt, become disillusioned with life in the capital, and leave.

And others tell how to survive in Moscow without money, well, or almost without them. By receiving a modest salary, they manage not only to have fun, not to starve, but also to send money to the province to parents or relatives. And after a few years of concentrated labor, even save up for a car or an apartment somewhere in the Tver region.

In this article, we will share tips on how to survive in Moscow without money.

Who comes to the capital?


As a rule, there are two of the most common scenarios in which people come to the capital. For them, the most relevant question is how to survive in Moscow visitors.

Many, working in the provinces, constantly hear about high Moscow salaries and at some point decide to try their luck. Having accumulated a little money (usually for the first time about 50 thousand rubles are enough), they board the train and come to the capital. Quickly enough, I manage to get a job, especially a driver or a seller, and get the same 50 thousand rubles a month.

Priority expenses - rental housing. On average, in Moscow you can rent an apartment for two with a friend, this will cost about 15 thousand rubles each. Two meals a day in the dining room - about 700 rubles. But at the weekend, the majority can not deny themselves the desire to relax and "break away" and trite get drunk, which leads to significant gaps in the budget.

After a couple of months of such a life, it turns out that such a visitor owes money to everyone in the district, he asks relatives or parents to buy him a return ticket and leaves for his hometown, scolding the capital. He could not decide for himself how to survive in Moscow.

The second option is more rational. For example, many visitors from the former Soviet republics, earning the same money, manage to save up for a couple of years a couple of apartments in their homeland, in the countries of Central Asia. Others acquire cars or start-up capital to start their own business and earn many times more. They discovered a secret how to move to Moscow and survive.

Rental of property

One of the first problems that visitors have to solve is where to live. The best option: rent an apartment in a pool of acquaintances outside the Moscow Ring Road. For example, this can be done in the city of Zheleznodorozhny, which is just a 35-minute train ride from the Kursk Station. This is just one good example. There are dozens of such settlements within walking distance from the capital.

So, a slightly killed three-room apartment in one of the satellite cities can be rented for about 25 thousand rubles a month. It may well accommodate three married couples. Of course, he will live tightly, but very economically, for the first time this is a great option that will help solve the problem of how to survive in Moscow.

As a result, it turns out that renting a house for one person will cost only 4 thousand rubles, another thousand rubles will have to be paid for utility bills, a train ticket costs about one and a half thousand, for two thousand you can buy a monthly subscription for the metro, another 500 rubles will go to payment of mobile Internet and telephone. Thus, it turns out 10 thousand rubles of mandatory expenses.

If you are not afraid to spend more time on the road to Moscow, then you can rent a similar apartment in Orekhovo-Zuevo for 15 thousand rubles, then the journey to the capital will take about two hours. In this case, you can meet the amount of 2-3 thousand rubles per month for housing per person.

Food expenses

A significant part of the expenses in the budget of each family is spent on food. In order to minimize them, you must refuse to visit cafes and canteens, and eat at home, work or study to take a dinner prepared on your own. Fortunately, almost all employers now provide the opportunity to warm up food at lunchtime. This is the best option for surviving in Moscow. Students can also adopt this advice and take food with them to class.


But with home food, you must carefully save. There are a few rules that will help you spend quite a bit. The first rule: to purchase all products in chain supermarkets with low prices, for example, in Auchan, eat only home-made food, keep a clear record of expenses. There are a large number of delicious, nutritious and at the same time cheap dishes. For example, 30 servings of pilaf cooked in your kitchen will cost 1200 rubles, and this is a whole month of meals for one person.

As a confirmation: a portion of oatmeal with butter (for breakfast) will cost 20 rubles, navy pasta will cost only 30 rubles, omelette will cost the same, 15 rubles will cost a packet of branded cookies from the Auchan store, about 15 rubles - the cost of one orange.

It turns out that for 150 rubles a day you can provide yourself with six different meals. It’s easy to get used to such a diet.

It is worth noting that all calculations are based on the average prices of domestic supermarkets, and if you look for stocks and special offers, you can save even more.

You can save by using cheaper products. Suppose, in the same pilaf, you can add chicken meat instead of lamb.

Where to get dressed?


If you decide to save money or decide how to survive for retirees in Moscow, you should always remember about Moscow markets. Shopping centers "Moscow" and "Sadovod" are two large markets where shopkeepers with clothes and shoes come from all over the country to buy goods in bulk. There you can find all kinds of goods - from jewelry to haberdashery.

In fact, there is no need to buy many goods at a time in order to get a wholesale price. There is a little secret: you need to try to buy in the pavilions located as far as possible from the main entrance. There are also individual sellers who do not mind selling individually, you can find out about them from the reviews of those who often visit these markets, it is worth carefully evaluating the things that are offered to you and bargaining. After all, this is still a market.

As a result, clothing for an adult man who does not need to follow a dress code at work will cost very little money for the whole winter. If you look well, then a down jacket, hat, scarf, boots, two pairs of jeans, three sweaters, five shirts, two pants, 10 pairs of socks, two pajamas, slippers and a bag can be purchased for a little more than 13 thousand rubles.

Let it not bother you that a down jacket in this market costs three and a half thousand rubles, and boots - all 2 thousand. Half of the city will go to such cities; people in these markets are always full. And those who do not go to them, dress in online stores and shopping centers, in which the exact same down jacket can cost at least 10 thousand, and shoes - at least six.

Costs for cosmetics and household chemicals

Another store that you always need to remember about if you are deciding how to survive on retirement in Moscow is FixPrice. In this network, at a fixed price, as a rule, very low, you can purchase all the necessary cosmetics and household chemicals.


For example, three packs of washing powder (enough for six washes on average), toothpaste, shower gel, shampoo, liquid hand soap, body lotion, hair conditioner, facial cleansing lotion, shaving machines and face cream can be purchased for 900 rubles. This amount of cosmetics and household chemicals is guaranteed to be enough for one person for a month, or even more with economical spending. There are always a lot of buyers in this store, so do not worry that you will be offered low-quality goods at a low price.

The only thing to spend your money economically in this store is to understand its assortment. There you can really stumble upon very high-quality goods, or you can buy a frank cheap fake. You must be as careful as possible.

Moreover, these are not all options for saving on cosmetics and household chemicals. You can find these goods even cheaper in "Auchan", "Customs Goods" and "Funny Prices" stores.

Medication costs

Another cost item that you can’t do without if you plan to work long and hard without a long sick leave is medications. No matter how you guard against colds or flu, pick up at least some disease during the year. At the same time, you need to know that in Moscow the price of the same medicine can differ by 20 or more times. For example, vitamins for women's health can be purchased for 10 rubles, and it is possible for 200. The difference will only be in the package. Such a difference in prices can be in two pharmacies located next door on the same street. So this topic also needs to be carefully sorted out so as not to overpay once again.

There are many services for comparing prices in different pharmacies of the capital, as well as recommendations on how cheaper medicines with the same composition are called.

At the same time, we must admit that a person has to go to the pharmacy, even if he is not sick with anything. It is always necessary to have vitamins on hand that will help you not to get sick during epidemics and vitamin deficiency, pills for temperature, drops for a cold, cough syrup. All this, if necessary, can be purchased on average for 150 rubles.

Not only bread, but also spectacles

Agree that even if you came to the capital with the aim of earning as much money as possible, you still need to relax. This is especially true for young people. How to survive a student in Moscow without spectacles is not entirely clear.

In addition, this is Moscow - one of the best places in Russia to expand its horizons. But free entertainment is also enough here. You will be surprised, but for several years you can fruitfully join the culture in the capital without spending a dime. The main thing is that there is enough free time.


In Moscow, there are 65 parks, recreation areas and estates where you can walk for free. And this is not counting the so-called Greater Moscow railway zone. Every weekend, by train, you can travel to a new place, you can not repeat for more than a year.

Now about the museums. In the capital there are 50 exhibition venues in which admission is always free, and another 75 do not take money from visitors every third Sunday of the month. Several times a week, free performances are held in the city in order to attract spectators and popularize the theater, free concerts of beginners, but no less talented rock groups, regularly take place.

Summing up the preliminary result, it can be noted that for 25 thousand rubles a month one person can live in Moscow without denying anything to himself. That is, a married couple can spend no more than 50 thousand rubles a month, if he knows how to save money and knows that in Moscow you can survive even for a little money. To live in an apartment 30 minutes from the place of work, regularly use the metro and electric trains, eat normally six times a day, renew your wardrobe every season, spend free time actively, purchase cosmetics, necessary household chemicals and medicines.

So if there are children left in big Russia or in one of the former Soviet republics of Central Asia, then they can be sent without problems another 10-20 thousand rubles a month, which is enough for clothes, food, mugs and help for elderly parents who stayed with them while you earn in Moscow. So in the capital there are not so few who, with a small salary, can classify themselves as survivors. Moscow is a city of opportunities that you need to be able to use.

As a result, with such calculations (taking into account the money that we send to children or parents), we get that 60 thousand rubles are spent on everything for a month. With a total income of 100 thousand (two salaries of 50 thousand each), it turns out that you can save 40 thousand rubles a month. Total in just one year runs almost half a million.

For what to save

Of course, in order to live in such cramped conditions, there must be a specific goal. For example, buy an apartment in a provincial town or get your own car. This goal will be realized in a few years. But you don’t have to rely on an apartment in Moscow itself, its cost is enormous, and a mortgage, even at current relatively low interest rates, will not allow you to postpone anything.

Another option, how to spend several hundred thousand rubles, is to open your own business in the province. For example, this can be done on a franchise, in which case the risks will be minimized.

At the same time, it should not be considered that the leisure of a visitor who seeks to earn as much as possible in Moscow is limited only to walking in the park and lunch from a container. Even if you save as little as three thousand rubles a month for entertainment, you will find where to spend them with profit in such a city. So, we continue to acquaint you with the beginner's guide on how to survive in Moscow.

Hot tours

Last minute holiday packages to the resorts are an optimal and inexpensive way to relax during your vacation to the fullest. In such a huge city, where 15 million people live, you can find last-minute tours almost every day. On your legal vacation, you can go to relax at a foreign resort, without even getting a visa in advance. If you save three thousand rubles a month during the year, then you will accumulate 36 thousand. This is more than enough for a burning tour, say, to Turkey for 10-12 days. This will include a flight, a transfer from the airport to the hotel and back, regular meals and a comfortable room.

In Moscow you can find tours even to the Dominican Republic for only 30-40 thousand rubles per person, but for this you really need to be lucky. True, for a short time, most likely, for five days, in the most inexpensive hotel and without food. So if you do not like such a vacation, then make a choice in favor of Turkey.


If hot resorts are not your style of relaxation, you can go to one of the cities of the Golden Ring for money once in two months, staying there overnight. Remember that if you plan your trip yourself, without resorting to travel agencies, it will cost you quite inexpensively. Here's how to survive alone with a child in Moscow, you can go to the resort, and explore the suburbs, the surcharge for your son or daughter will still be small.

By the way, you can save on transfers to any capital airport, if you use the bus on the Troika card. The only thing in this case you will not be able to take a lot of baggage, but you will not have to pay about a thousand rubles for Aeroexpress or taxi. True, if you fly with a low-cost airline, then you will have minimum luggage.

Cheap metropolitan entertainment

With reasonable savings, you can from time to time not only eat at home, but also visit cafes and restaurants. There are enough establishments in the capital with an average check from 500 to a thousand rubles. So if you postpone the same three thousand monthly, you can pamper yourself in such institutions at least every Saturday.

As you can see, you can survive in Moscow after receiving even a low salary. Если вы любите кино, то можете отыскать кинотеатры на окраине города, в которых сеансы по утрам будут стоить не дороже 150 рублей, а попкорн можно заранее купить и принести с собой.
