
What is her ideal life?

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What is her ideal life?
What is her ideal life?

Video: 3 Steps to Find Your Ideal Life by Jay Shetty | Motivational Guide 2024, July

Video: 3 Steps to Find Your Ideal Life by Jay Shetty | Motivational Guide 2024, July

All people strive to get something better and more than they have at the moment. This is not surprising, because if you do not want more, you can assume that life is empty and uninteresting. After all, only goals and dreams make each of us move forward. Now I want to talk about what an ideal life is and what are its criteria.



Initially, you need to understand what exactly will be discussed later. So what is an ideal? How can I understand this term for myself? According to the explanatory dictionary, the ideal is the highest goal of the aspirations, activities of a single person or group of people. An ideal is what everyone strives for. But then the following question arises: are there any criteria for this concept as such? It is safe to answer that there is no objective interpretation in this case. An ideal is a subjective term, that is, personal, special. Indeed, for one person the ideal is one thing, and for another - completely different.


How the concept of ideal life is formed

You need to start with the fact that today, ideal life is the product that modern magazines, television shows or cinema provide us with. For many people, unreachable peaks are red paths, expensive outfits and furnishings, exclusive cars, yachts and huge estates. But is it really so? In order to understand what is ideal for a single person, you must first listen to yourself, your "I". Indeed, it often happens that the image of an ideal life is created not even by celebrities, but by close relatives, most often parents. After all, they want to see their child as a doctor, fireman or banker. But is this ideal for the child himself? Not always. And as a result, the visible ideal life, even if it is already right in front of your eyes, does not bring any pleasure and spiritual satisfaction to an adult and self-sufficient person. And all because once the criteria for success were set incorrectly.

About Criteria

An ideal life is that image of the future that a person created for himself, regardless of the opinion of relatives, friends or other influential personalities. This is what the soul wants, the nature of man, and not his immediate environment. To understand what you really want from life, you just need to listen to yourself. Indeed, it is far from always that a person needs precisely a well-paid job for happiness. It is enough to do what brings real pleasure. No wonder they say that the best job is a hobby, for which they also pay extra.


Rules for creating an ideal

In connection with the foregoing, I want to highlight a few simple but important rules that should be followed when creating your ideal life.

  • You need to listen only to yourself and your heart.

  • The opinion of others is not important. Even if it is the desires of the closest people. Life is given to man once, and it is necessary to live it as your heart desires.

  • The most valuable thing is not material at all. This should not be forgotten. After all, there is even a saying: "the rich also cry."

  • And the main rule is that the rules, in fact, do not exist.

To summarize, I want to note: in order to achieve your ideal, you need to work hard and hard, without being distracted by stupidity. After all, all the most valuable is obtained through self-improvement and the transformation of the world into something good, bright and good.

A little about ideal people

It is also important to remember that concepts such as ideal life and ideal man are inseparable. When planning to achieve your ideal of life, you also need to determine what the ideal person should be: what he should have and what he should know and be able to. Again, here the question arises of the material and the spiritual: this must be strictly distinguished. Generally speaking, the ideal person is that person who tries to do good without demanding anything in return. Do not forget that today ideal Buddhist monks are often called ideal people: enlightened people who are alien to the pursuit of material wealth.
