
What is the largest bird in the world

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What is the largest bird in the world
What is the largest bird in the world

Video: 10 Of The Largest Birds In The World 2024, July

Video: 10 Of The Largest Birds In The World 2024, July

The world of birds strikes the imagination of even trained specialists. But what does an ordinary person, in essence, know about him? We can say that the birds fly (it turns out that not all). Another thing is that they are covered with feathers. In the best case, we can name all known species. And for example, what is the largest bird in the world, you know? Anyway, how to answer a similar question? Surprised? Then read.

Selection criteria"

If someone asks you what is the largest bird, do not rush to call an ostrich. Yes, everyone knows that he is just that. But only if the criterion of "magnitude" is mass. But the birds have not one parameter, but a whole set of characteristics that are significant for these representatives of the living world.


For example, the wingspan. The ability to fly, endurance and so on depends on it. And the size, it turns out, can be counted very differently. Some offer to weigh, others - to measure the wingspan with a centimeter, others - compare beaks. Therefore, when you hear the question of which is the largest bird, specify what is meant. Then only demonstrate extensive knowledge in ornithology. So you will not get in the wrong. And for reference, check out some of the outstanding views so you can “shine.” We start from the criterion.

By weight

Here the answer with the ostrich will be just right. It is truly the largest bird on Earth. Some specimens grow to 2.7 meters, while weighing one hundred and thirty kilograms. But these birds do not fly. But they run great. In the wild, found in the savannahs of Africa, even in the Middle East. They live in small harems. The male collects several female individuals around him, which he jealously guards. He is hatching eggs.


Now some of their species are bred in many areas of the planet. Ostriches feed mainly on plants, although they do not refuse small animals. To grind food, they, like many other representatives of the feathered world, have to swallow pebbles. They perform the function of a millstone in the stomach. Therefore, the question of what is the largest bird by mass, you need to answer: ostrich.

Wing span

This criterion is measured between the last feathers of open wings. The primacy here belongs to the wandering albatross (3.6 meters). The bird with the largest wings hovering over the waters almost all the time, only reproduces on the ground. The pink pelican, which can be admired on the coasts of Vietnam or Africa, is practically not far behind the albatross. Slightly inferior (3.4 m) to the leaders of the African marabou. It can be found in the Sahara. This predator soars high in the hot sky, looking for carrion, which feeds. The Andean Condor has the same parameters. It can be seen on the tops of the cliffs. He inspects the surrounding mountain landscapes, looking for food.


Biggest seabird

We turn to limited categories, that is, to those that do not cover all the representatives of birds. Among seabirds, a giant is considered a wandering albatross. He is a leader in wingspan. The emperor penguin, a resident of Antarctica, bypasses his body weight. Some individuals reach forty-five kilograms. They are also known for being able to dive deeply and for a long time. Try it, swim under water for fifteen minutes! A penguin can. Although this species does not try to fly, and its wings are not adapted for this.

Among the predators

There is such a bird - harpy. It is unique in its huge size and wingspan. It is believed that this is the largest bird of prey. Although it can be said that the choice is relative. So, a white-tailed eagle flaps its wings wider, but its mass is less.


Condor is more in all respects, but does not fit into this category, since it feeds on carrion. The big-eared kite is also trying to compete with the harpy. But this species cannot grab hold of prey so powerfully. Therefore, the leader in this category remains harpy. For proof, you can list the "prey" of this bird. It is amazing. Harpies prefer to attack mammals climbing trees. For example, porcupines, monkeys, possums or sloths are quite suitable for them. Agree, only a strong and powerful predator can cope with such prey.

The biggest beak bird

In this category, the toucan leads. This is an incredibly bright feathered. Surprisingly, these birds are distant relatives of woodpeckers! Toucans inhabit the tropics of America. Their beak is huge. Imagine that in some individuals it is equal in volume to the rest of the body (up to 55%). This body does not bear an obvious functional load. It would seem that the toucan could do with a normal beak. Scientists suggest that this body is involved in regulating body temperature, although no evidence has been provided.


Largest extinct

The described leaders are much inferior to those who lived on the planet millions of years ago. So, scientists have indisputable evidence that a feathered creature belonging to birds, whose wingspan reached seven and a half meters, previously lived on Earth. This is double the size of an albatross. The fossilized remains of this giant were discovered in South Carolina. Earlier, the record among the extinct belonged to Argentavis magnificens. His wings fluttered only six meters. Scientists admired the fragility of the structure of the skeletal system of giants. With such wings, they easily soared above the surface of the oceans, skillfully using air currents. It is incredible that the ocean did not destroy the remains of the found specimen, giving them the opportunity to petrify and "get" to our times. I wonder what else scientists will discover? Perhaps these records will seem ridiculous after future discoveries.