
What kind of animals are there? Some classification features

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What kind of animals are there? Some classification features
What kind of animals are there? Some classification features

Video: Animal Classification for Children: Classifying Vertebrates and Invertebrates for Kids - FreeSchool 2024, July

Video: Animal Classification for Children: Classifying Vertebrates and Invertebrates for Kids - FreeSchool 2024, July

The fauna surrounding us is very diverse. Flying, crawling, floating, walking and running: “Each creature has a pair, ” as the Bible says. And about how many of these "creatures", and what are the animals that live on the earth, in the air and water, read this article.


Animal classification science

There is a science systematizing all the inhabitants of the biosphere. It is called a taxonomy and determines what animals are. Science is able to find out the degree of kinship between organisms, which may not always be due to external similarities. It happens that animals similar to each other belong to different orders, and dissimilar ones (for example, armadillos, anteaters, sloths) are combined into one detachment. Determining the kinship of certain creatures depends on the origin, and on paleontological and genetic research.


What are the classes of animals?

All life on Earth is divided into five large kingdoms. The world is populated by bacteria, protozoa, fungi, plants and animals (multicellular creatures that are able to move, eating plants or other animals). The animal kingdom is divided, respectively, into 10 types, among which the most progressive are the chordates (they have a primary skeletal axis). The most highly developed are vertebrates, which have a spine transformed from a chord.

What kind of animals are there?

Types, in turn, are divided into classes. Five classes of vertebrate animals are distinguished: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. The latter has the highest organization among all vertebrates. There are also two subclasses of these animals: oviparous and viviparous. The former lay eggs, like birds, for example, but they feed their babies with milk. The second (both marsupials and placental) give birth to either underdeveloped cubs, who are then in a special bag of the mother, or give birth to already formed babies.

Find out what animals are, you can and in more detail. Subclasses are divided into orders, orders are divided into genera, and genera are divided into species. Today, up to four thousand mammals live on our planet. And each of the animals individually is called an individual.

Food chain concept

Find out what other animals are? Herbivorous, omnivorous, carnivorous. Green plants provide themselves with food through photosynthesis, which turns air, water, solar energy into complex compounds. Animals do not know how to do this. They have to eat plants or the like. So the food chain is formed.



Most existing animal species eat plant foods. They use certain parts of plants and their varieties that are most suitable for the digestive system of a given organism. Each has its own preferences: leaves and stems, roots and bark. Much of this can be difficult to digest, but the simplest microorganisms and bacteria that live in the stomach help this process in herbivorous animals. Each class, type, unit has its own herbivorous. These are insects: beetles, bees, butterflies, grasshoppers, and fish: for example, representatives of bony, and reptiles: turtles, and birds: passerines, chicken. In the class of mammals, marsupials, artiodactyls, artiodactyls, rodents, hare-like, and proboscis are herbivores. Some cetaceans also prefer phytoplankton. In the food chain, such animals are called second-level (trophic) organisms.
