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What places are hiding the name of Fort Bragg

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What places are hiding the name of Fort Bragg
What places are hiding the name of Fort Bragg

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At the mention of Fort Bragg in the United States, various associations arise. For some, the name of this area is associated with the amazing “glass” beach in California - a real miracle that Mother Nature herself worked on. And for some, Fort Bragg is one of the training centers for the special operations forces of the United States of America, where legendary green berets are trained. ” Located in different states, these facilities are of great interest.


Glass beach

Just north of San Francisco, on the Pacific coast, is the city of Fort Bragg, founded in 1857. It is part of California's Mendocino County. A quiet provincial American city has become famous thanks to one attraction, which is a symbol of the fact that Nature will always remain stronger than man.

For several decades, the "crowns of nature" thoughtlessly mocked the environment. They turned a small part of the coast into a landfill for household waste and even cars. Only in the late sixties, local authorities drew attention to the problem and eventually banned the dumping of garbage.

It is symbolic that the ocean returned to the people their waste. On the shore of one of the beaches appeared small multi-colored glass polished with sea water, which was chosen by the marine inhabitants.


Tourists reviews

Visiting Fort Bragg in California leaves a lot of conflicting feelings. There are enough such beaches and bays that have suffered from human activities. Of interest is how Nature itself tries to cope with the violation of the ecological balance.

On this beach they don’t swim, it is forbidden to make colorful pebbles. This place is a wonderful example of human stupidity, making you think about what remains for posterity.


Military base

The famous Fort Bragg military unit in North Carolina was named after the American commander Braxton Bragg. Originally it was a training artillery training ground, but since the twenties it has turned into a permanent military base, where the first brick barracks have still been preserved.

The Second World War revealed the need for modern mobile arms. For this reason, not only artillery and infantry were trained at Fort Bragg, but also paratroopers and motorized rifles. The brilliant experience of the Europeans in using special forces in local conflicts prompted the US leadership to create similar units at home.

President Kennedy understood the need and importance of army special forces. The tasks that were assigned to the experts required not only excellent military qualifications, but also knowledge of the languages, customs and traditions of the peoples, which were under the scrutiny of the American military leadership.

"Fort Bragg" has become not only a training center for reconnaissance and sabotage groups, but also a forge of personnel for conducting psychological warfare. This military unit began to be associated with the famous green berets. These guys know how to survive and fight in various climatic conditions - from the desert to the jungle, even the Arctic cold is not afraid of them.


Green berets

The nature of North Carolina is the best suited for the training of top-class intelligence saboteurs. The specifics of these units, which are the real cultural elite of the armed forces, at the initial stage of development was double subordination. On the one hand, it was the army, on the other, the CIA. After a series of high-profile scandals, they were reassigned to the Pentagon. Due to the constant intervention of the USA in the internal affairs of various independent states, these fighters always find themselves at the very edge of the attack.

Careful selection, diverse and multi-level training create excellent specialists. The main emphasis is on the interchangeability of team members. The fighters are able to provide competent qualified first aid, they are well versed in modern means of communication, they know the mine-subversive business.

The choice of the region of service is strictly regulated. First of all, it depends on the external data of the fighter. For example, the similarity with the natives of Southeast Asia will determine the further location and variants of the languages ​​studied.

Given the formidable reputation of "cruel punishers" and publicized by the media, they do not enjoy respect among experts. History knows cases when the vaunted green berets refused to participate in hostilities, if for some reason their comfortable life was disturbed.

A striking example is the anecdotal case with ice cream. Severe American warriors simply refused to clean up the area from partisans and terrorists, without having received their favorite treat during the distribution. The command had to embark on various tricks to cool the "righteous" anger of their patriots.