the culture

What kind of person can be called cultural in modern society?

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What kind of person can be called cultural in modern society?
What kind of person can be called cultural in modern society?

Video: Evolution and human culture | Society and Culture | MCAT | Khan Academy 2024, July

Video: Evolution and human culture | Society and Culture | MCAT | Khan Academy 2024, July

"Cultural man" is a phrase that can often be heard on the street, in public places and so on. What kind of person can be called cultural? Today, to be cultural is the responsibility of every individual who lives in society and interacts with other people. Of course, in order for a person to be ranked among this high rank, he must have a very impressive list of skills, abilities and qualities, and also comply with many standards that have historically developed in the public environment. But it is necessary to begin discussions on this topic by defining what “culture” is.


There are more than thirty definitions of this term. For example, a literal translation from the Latin language means that it is “education” or “education”. But if you choose the most convenient and concise definition, it is possible to stop your choice on the following: the human world, its values, knowledge, skills, traditions and the like.


A cultured person is not an innate trait, but the most important component of human life, deserved by hard work throughout life. Culture is instilled in the child from the first days of his life in the family, kindergarten, school. But this process continues with growing up.

Modern cultural man

First and foremost, a modern cultured person must possess manners and be polite to others. The behavior of an individual often indicates whether a person is cultured or not. As they say in textbooks on sociology, man is a bio-psycho-social being, and the last component for his culture is extremely important. After all, if it had not existed, everyone would behave like an animal, guided only by an instinctive base. Toddlers are taught to possess etiquette from early childhood, as mentioned earlier, but this science is so complex that often even adults can not master it perfectly.


By the way, it is worth saying that cultural people around the world are represented differently. Etiquette rules at one point on the planet are very different from those at another. Therefore, this topic is extremely complex, although a common outline, of course, exists. So what kind of person can be called cultural?

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to determine what kind of knowledge and skills should be in the arsenal of the individual in order to be considered cultural.

External signs

As the famous Russian proverb says, “they are greeted by clothes, but escorted by the mind, ” therefore it is worth talking about external signs. What kind of person can be called cultural in this case? Presentability and accuracy in clothing is very important. Seeing a person who looks according to the situation, behaves appropriately, in which there is no vulgarity, others immediately understand that he is cultured.


Internal signs

It is worth saying about internal characteristics, such as character traits. A spiritually cultured person should be responsible, compassionate, polite with others, sincere, generous, courageous, but able to control himself in any situation, confident in himself and in his abilities. All this appears in people with age in the process of socialization. In addition, such a person should be tolerant, have a sense of proportion, never be rude to other people, respect everyone, sympathize, sympathize, help as much as possible to everyone who needs it.

Self development

Culture is not taken in man by itself. This is a difficult and methodical work of parents, educators, teachers and teachers. But the most important person who drives the process of socialization of an individual is himself - a civilized person.


In the world there are many examples of Mowgli children who were found in the jungle, but since socialization did not take place for a long time, even the most talented teachers could not help them become cultured people. A person himself must be aware of what is necessary for his formation as a cultural person. It is possible to become erudite, educated, educated and civilized only if you make the effort yourself.

Collaboration with other people

A cultured person is part of society, so he must be able to cooperate and get along with others. Such a person must at times forget about his good for the good of other people, which means being cultural. Helping a friend is constantly present in the fate of cultural people.