
What is the climate in Siberia? Novosibirsk: climate

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What is the climate in Siberia? Novosibirsk: climate
What is the climate in Siberia? Novosibirsk: climate

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Video: Russia Winter: Siberia experiences extreme weather conditions 2024, July

Siberia is known for its open spaces and severe weather. Its inhabitants are respected for their character, and foreigners are often even slightly afraid of them due to prevailing stereotypes.


But few foreign friends know that one of the largest scientific centers in the world - Novosibirsk - is located among the endless forests of Siberia. And only the weather recalls the tragic past, in which totalitarian regimes exiled people here. The climate of Novosibirsk is sharply continental. This means that there is a long frosty winter and a short but hot summer.

Compared to cities located in the same latitudes, the weather in the heart of Russia is much harsher - mountains that block the warm air from the west and south are to blame. Therefore, Siberians involuntarily have to be stronger than the rest - what is the climate in Novosibirsk, such people.

Harsh winter

Dry air, clear skies and constant weather help to easily tolerate cold at 30-40 degrees. A visitor from St. Petersburg will be surprised that the severe frost does not cause as much concern as the usual -10 о С and the dank Neva wind. And in early March, at a temperature of –15 ° C, the bright sun melts snow on the roofs, forming drops.

But do not be fooled - a long winter greatly complicates life. Houses need to be carefully insulated, it is better to keep cars in the garage, and wear fluffy hats. The climate of Novosibirsk often becomes a decisive factor in refusing to move to this city.

Spring and summer

Spring is coming late. At the end of April, winter gradually recedes and allows the sun to cope with the mountains from the snow. If there are a lot of snowdrifts, the Ob spreads, flooding the low-lying areas. Often the climate of the city of Novosibirsk presents surprises in the form of snowfall in May or, conversely, thaws in mid-March. You can walk through the puddles in the morning and suffocate in a warm jacket, and in the evening slide on the ice and scold yourself for what you could better get dressed.


Siberia is very rich in vegetation, and in summer the city is buried in verdure. Bird cherry blossoms, lilac smells fragrant, and centuries-old birches rest in the sky. The only negative is the large number of poplars. In June, “winter” comes again - there is so much fluff that it can be confused with snow.

Autumn in Novosibirsk

In late August, a full autumn begins. Day is shortened, and at night the first frosts appear. And although the sun is still warming, the long night gradually cools the earth, preparing Siberia for a difficult winter. The dry period is replaced by rains.

Most rainfall comes in the form of rain and snow from the northwestern regions. On the other hand, mountain ranges block the path of moisture-saturated air currents. Therefore, even in autumn, the climate is relatively dry. Novosibirsk almost does not notice the transition from autumn to winter - this happens much faster than from spring to summer.


Autumn is the time of harvest. The land in the middle lane is very fertile, and to grow any culture is not difficult. And for those plants that lack a short summer, Siberian summer residents use heifers.

Relief and soil

The relief is mostly flat, which facilitates the construction. However, if the site is located on the banks of the river, you need to take care of the fortified foundation and high base. Spring floods can flood the house. And although severe floods usually do not happen, however, in years when an abnormally large amount of rainfall occurs, the Ob and its tributaries cause significant damage.

In the Novosibirsk region, almost all known types of soils are represented - about a hundred species. Swamp, gray forest, salt licks, etc. This feature has spoiled the life of many builders. Often the soils mix, making it difficult to erect both small farm buildings and capital buildings.