
What are the priorities of the Russian state policy in the economy? Goals and priorities of the economic policy of the Russian Federation

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What are the priorities of the Russian state policy in the economy? Goals and priorities of the economic policy of the Russian Federation
What are the priorities of the Russian state policy in the economy? Goals and priorities of the economic policy of the Russian Federation



The economic tasks of each state are to a greater extent determined by the far from perfect qualities of a market economy. The democratic mechanism is characterized by a huge number of shortcomings, which determine the relevance of state participation in the economy.

What is the policy of Russia aimed at?

The socio-economic policy of Russia is aimed at eliminating the following negative aspects:

  • The market system is not able to save irreproducible resources.

  • Lack of specific mechanisms to protect the environment.

  • Lack of regulations that could regulate the use of natural resources owned by mankind.

  • Complete disregard for the consequences of most decisions made.

  • Lack of incentives for the production of various kinds of goods and services oriented to collective use. These are roads, and dams, and public transport, and more.

  • The lack of mechanisms that can guarantee the rights of residents of the state to work and earn income.

  • Research of a fundamental type in science is not conducted on an economic basis.

  • A guideline for meeting the needs of citizens with financial resources. Without taking into account the interests of other segments of the population.

  • Instability in the development of the economy, in particular the cyclical scheme of prosperity.


What are the priorities of the Russian state policy in the economy?

As a result of the increase in production, global capital injections into the economy are required, which even the largest domestic enterprises are not able to carry out. Political control over the economy has a strategic purpose. The country has a huge number of enterprises that provide economic development, but cannot be entrusted to representatives of private business. An example is nuclear production and biological research. It is common for the state to set exclusively global goals in matters of economic regulation. This is not only the maintenance of macroeconomic balance, but also the guarantee of social production. Goals and priorities tend to change. This will depend solely on the stage of development of the country's economy as a whole.


Economic Policy Goals

The economic development of Russia can guarantee the goals that the government sets when building its policy. They can change, as mentioned above, but in most situations they come down to a single list. Russian policy is aimed at:

  • Maintaining harmony in the field of social production.

  • Stimulating the growth of production volumes.

  • Guaranteeing full employment.

  • Justified income distribution.

  • Price stabilization in the market.

  • Prevention of inflation.

  • Conservation of natural resources.

Quite often, clear contradictions can form between goals. The most common problem is to achieve a balance between increasing production and protecting the environment. The new economy is formed under the influence of state policy, which eliminates contradictions, eliminates conflicts and develops an effective management methodology.

From past to future

Studying the question of what are the priorities of the Russian state’s policy in the economy, it is worth saying that the role of the government as a regulatory entity that creates optimal conditions for the functioning of economic facilities is historically determined. Initially, the government pursued a strict fiscal tax collection policy. With the development of the economy, the list of tasks has increased. Since the 20th century, during the existence of the USSR, the government held the position of a total regulator, which determined the mentality of the country's inhabitants.


Since 1999, economic priorities have become a prerequisite for limiting impact. This practice did not take root, and since 2000, everything has returned to normal. The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation testified that by 2000, half of the economic segment was under the leadership of the government. By 2007, this figure had increased. There was a transition under state regulation by companies such as Sibneft and Gazprom. The phenomenon has two sides. On the one hand, the state fully assumed responsibility for the development of the economic segment, and on the other, it is practically unable to build an effective management system.

Long term policy

The main manifestation of the intervention of the Russian government in the economy is the formation of a long-term plan for the development of the latter. In particular, in 2008, the decree on the concept of social and economic development of Russia for the period until 2020 was legalized. If we study what are the priorities of the Russian state’s policy in the economy for this period, we can say about improving the well-being of Russian citizens, ensuring an adequate level of national security, the dynamic development of the economy and strengthening its position in the world market.


Social priorities

The new economy of the country is aimed at achieving high standards in the well-being of people. According to preliminary estimates, by 2020, not only the level of income, but also the living conditions of each person should correspond to indicators characteristic of highly developed states. We can talk about security, the availability of educational and health services, cultural goods, as well as the presence of an environmentally friendly environment.


Leadership and Innovation

The directions of Russia's economic policy are aimed at leadership and innovation. In the future, the state will not only have to maintain its leading position in the energy segment, in the areas of processing and extraction of raw materials. It should form an economy of knowledge and high technology, which will ensure a high level of competitiveness in the world market. We can say that the government’s plans are to provide high-tech goods and intellectual services in the world market, which by 2020 will account for at least 5–10% of the total number of identical proposals.


Based on what are the priorities of the Russian state’s policy in the economy today, we can talk about plans aimed at the formation of new territorial growth centers not only in the raw material regions, but also in areas where innovative, industrial and agricultural potentials are concentrated. This will reduce regional inequality. On the way to the goal, it is planned to create an extensive transport network, which will become the guarantor of interregional integration and territorial mobility.