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Boy conception calendar: how to calculate which days to conceive a boy?

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Boy conception calendar: how to calculate which days to conceive a boy?
Boy conception calendar: how to calculate which days to conceive a boy?

Video: Ovulation Calculator for A Boy | Tips and Tricks of Ovulation Calculator for A Boy 2024, July

Video: Ovulation Calculator for A Boy | Tips and Tricks of Ovulation Calculator for A Boy 2024, July

If the gender of the unborn child is important to you, then it is necessary to approach pregnancy planning more responsibly. Over the centuries, various signs and calendars have been created, which with a certain probability can promise the birth of either a boy or a girl. But keep in mind that everything is relative, and none of the methods can guarantee the gender of the baby you need.

Japanese and Chinese calendars

Very often, when planning a pregnancy, they look for a boy’s conception calendar. The Japanese table, for example, suggests determining the future gender of the baby, depending on the months of birth of the parents and the date of conception of the baby. But it does not guarantee a 100% chance of conceiving a baby of the sex you need. The table and graph indicate only that in a certain month there are more chances for a boy to appear, and in another - girls.

To calculate the possible gender of the baby according to the Chinese table, it is not necessary to know the month of the birth of the pope. For this method, only the month of conception and the age of the mother are important. Agree, this method of determining the sex of the child is very doubtful.


You must admit that both the Japanese and the Chinese boy conception calendar are not very convenient for planning pregnancy. Indeed, in this case, it is necessary to try to conceive a child only in certain months. And if all else fails, transfer attempts to the next suitable date. It is unlikely that many will have a desire to skip a few months just because of the hypothetical possibility of conceiving a girl instead of the desired boy, and vice versa. By the way, practice shows that there is no clear relationship between the tables and the real gender of the children.

Old Russian method

But in Russia they chose a different approach. The calendar of the conception of the boy of our ancestors, by the way, many use to this day. Of course, it was not preserved in its pure form, but the principle remained the same. Many gynecologists also talk about this modified method, if you ask them about planning the sex of the baby. Although this method does not provide a 100% guarantee, in its modern form it has at least some logical explanation.


So, the Slavs believed that the sex of the unborn child depends on the day the menstruation begins. Each period corresponded to one of the seven Principles, which were called Rozhanitsy. According to the beliefs of the ancient Russian people, there were seven of them: Meria, Alive, Moryana, Didiliya, the Golden Mother, Zizya, Makosh. Each of them patronized either masculine or feminine. Depending on which Rozhenitsy was a day at the time of conception, and it was calculated what gender the child would be. That is how in Russia they determined how to conceive a boy. The calendar says that this can be done in the days of the patronage of the Rozhanitsy, whose name is Alive, Golden Mother, Zizya. On other days, when Moryana, Merya, Didiliya and Makosha are responsible for the conception, we get a girl.

To find out which Rozhanitsa is the patron, it is necessary to calculate the days of the monthly cycle. It was noticed in antiquity that it is impossible to get pregnant before the 10th day from the beginning of menstrual flow. From the 11th day Rozhanitsy were distributed as follows:

  • 11th day - Alive;

  • 12th - Moryana;

  • 13th - Meria;

  • 14th - Golden Mother;

  • 15th - Didilia;

  • 16th - Zizya;

  • 17th - Makosha.

From the 18th to the 21st day, it was believed that conception was unfavorable. And from the 22nd to the 28th day it is already impossible.

Modern interpretation of the Slavic method


One of the current methods of planning a child’s gender is similar to the old Russian one. It also involves calculating the days of the cycle. Only this method helps to conceive a boy by ovulation and is not attached to any pagan deities. It is based on the motility and vitality of a man’s sperm.

It has already been scientifically proven that the sex of the baby depends only on which sperm fertilizes a mature egg. If the carrier of the Y chromosome takes part in the conception, a boy will be born. If there is only X in his genetic set, then a girl will appear. In addition, it was found that sperm boys are more mobile, but their life expectancy is much shorter. But those that contain the chromosome-girl are more tenacious, but they move more slowly. Based on these facts, you can calculate which days to conceive a boy.

How to calculate the sex of the baby by ovulation


So, if you want only a male heir, then proximity is better to plan directly on the day of ovulation. But for the appearance of the girl, refrain from sexual intercourse on the day the egg is released. Of course, this method also does not give any guarantees, but at least it is based on scientifically proven facts, so the probability of obtaining the desired result is higher.

Of course, you can use this method only if you have a stable cycle and you know the exact date of ovulation. But even if you can’t boast of regular menstruation, you can also plan your baby’s gender using this method. True, you will have to further figure out how to determine ovulation.

Favorable days for conception


Before you begin planning your baby's gender, understand your cycle. Normally, it lasts 28 days, ovulation occurs on the 14th day. In this case, there are no obstacles to clarifying favorable days, but it is possible to calculate the boy’s conception calendar for any cycle. To do this, you will need a regular thermometer, with which you will measure the basal temperature and record values. Before the day the egg comes out, the temperature will be minimal, and after its release it will rise sharply. The next day, it will be higher by 0.4 degrees Celsius.

In addition, you can determine the day of ovulation using special tests, which are freely sold in the pharmacy. But if you want to be 100% sure when exactly you have ovulation, then you should track it by ultrasound.