
Mapping the value stream: concept, definition, method for identifying losses, analysis and construction rules

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Mapping the value stream: concept, definition, method for identifying losses, analysis and construction rules
Mapping the value stream: concept, definition, method for identifying losses, analysis and construction rules

Video: Value Stream Mapping for Manufacturing Organizations 2024, June

Video: Value Stream Mapping for Manufacturing Organizations 2024, June

In the conditions of dynamically developing processes of the modern economy, the creation of increasingly complex industries and control procedures, one of the most relevant approaches to their improvement is the introduction of methods for optimizing various losses. First of all, this concerns the resources of enterprises - temporary, financial, technological, energy and others.


Features of the activity

In practice, there is a certain ceiling, which is associated with the level of technological and organizational development of the system (organization, enterprise). It is clear that it is impractical to require total automation of production from a small workshop for sewing clothes according to various criteria, and especially economic ones. However, regardless of the size of the system, it is necessary to ensure the maximum and optimal use of available resources with minimal losses, which is true for any organizations and activities.

In this case, it becomes necessary to use progressive process control techniques that are based on the theory of creating lean or lean production. These include 5S and TPM systems, value stream mapping and SMED, etc.


Innovation Purpose

Lean ("lean") production is a system of special approaches to organizing activities, which considers its main goal to eliminate the losses of a different nature in the system. The mechanism is quite simple: everything that does not add value to the customer should be classified as unnecessary (loss) and be eliminated from the system. It is clear that the cornerstone is the concept of "loss", since their definition will directly affect the effectiveness of the method. In this case, training in mapping the flow of creating value for their specialists is a significant advantage in the market for the provision of services

Types of losses

Lean Manufacturing is one of the fundamental concepts of manufacturing logistics. And although there are several different approaches to determining losses, we single out the most universal types:

  • Waiting time - any downtime in the activity reduces the value of the final product. Waiting for materials, equipment repairs, information, or guidance from the management slows down the process and increases the cost of its implementation.
  • Unnecessary operations (unnecessary processing of products) - unnecessary technological operations, stages of projects, everything that is provided for by standard procedures, but can be leveled without losing customer confidence.
  • Unnecessary movement of workers - the search for tools, equipment, irrational movements due to poor organization of the workplace, etc.
  • Unnecessary movement of materials - poor organization of the inventory system, lack of progressive transport logistics and outsourcing mechanisms for material and technical supply.
  • Excess stocks - the binding of working capital of the organization as a result of high costs of excess positions in the warehouse.
  • Technological losses - obsolete data processing systems, technological processes and processing routes.
  • Losses from overproduction - the manufacture of excess quantities of products, which leads to an increase in the cost of storage, transportation and subsequent sale.
  • Intellectual losses - the lack of mechanisms to encourage the initiative of workers and employees, a weak system of rationalization proposals, the suppression of a creative approach to work.

One of the most common methods for eliminating losses in the system and optimizing the processes of project implementation is to map the value stream. Lean manufacturing allows you to create an adaptive system that flexibly responds to changes in the environment.


Value stream

A value stream is a set of all actions (operations) that are performed on a product in order to achieve its desired state or to obtain the required characteristics. Actions are differentiated into two groups:

  • creating product value (adding value);
  • not creating product value.


As can be seen from the presented figure, the stages of technological change of the product (blue color) add value to the product, and the stages of auxiliary operations - preparatory, transportation, storage - (pink color) - on the contrary, rather reduce the value of the product due to unnecessary loss of time.

Mapping process

The basis of the mapping technique is the development of a special graphic algorithm that shows the process of creating products (project execution) over time. This algorithm is called the value stream map, which is a graphical model based on a specific set of characters (signs, symbols).

The main advantages of the card:

  • obtaining a graphical model of the ongoing process, taking into account various additional processes for a holistic visual perception (the task is to see the general flow of events);
  • the ability to detect various types of losses at all stages of the project;
  • the possibility of parametric optimization of the resulting model in order to minimize costs of all kinds;
  • work with various indicators of the algorithm, which will find expression in improving real processes.

Formation of the mapping of the value stream based on standard graphs and symbols - rectangular and triangular blocks, directional and step arrows and other shapes. It makes it possible to record the stages of the process under study in a language common to all specialists. At the same time, it is recommended to differentiate the symbols depending on the flow in question - material or informational.

The mechanisms for mapping the stream of creating value in lean manufacturing allow us to identify all the places of accumulation of unnecessary elements.


Building Rules

Mapping the flow of value creation involves the implementation of a number of simple steps that will allow you to quickly create the desired project model with the specified parameters. For instance:

  • To analyze the material and information flows in order to obtain a reliable picture of the current state of the process.
  • Pass flows in the forward and reverse directions in order to identify the hidden causes of losses and find negative patterns.
  • Under any circumstances, take time measurements yourself, without relying on the results of other specialists or standard values.
  • If possible, create a map also on your own, which will make it possible to avoid both the mistakes of others and template solutions.
  • Focus on the product itself, not on the actions of operators or pieces of equipment.
  • Build a map manually using a pencil or markers.
  • Visualize process elements with colors to enhance perception.


Value Stream Mapping Examples

Consider the example of creating a flow map in the field of workflow inherent in the activities of any institution.

The main task is to choose the best supplier. The standard decision process is as follows: selection of the supplier (12 days) - execution of the text of the contract (3 days) - approval by the functional services (18 days) - visa of the authorized person (3 days) - obtaining the seal of the head (1 day) - obtaining the signature of the counterparty (7 days) - registration at the authorities (3 days).

Total we get the necessary amount of time to obtain the required contract - 48 days. The result of the analysis was the discovery of the bottlenecks of the decision-making scheme.

The main changes after analyzing the map:

  • An order was issued to delegate the signature of part of the documents to department heads (reducing the load on the control apparatus and significantly reducing the number of approvals).
  • The same requirements have been developed for all services (a common understanding of the requirements for contract documents, reducing the number of performers errors).
  • Implemented the cross-cutting principle of analyzing documentation by creating a common group of specialists from different services.
  • New contract templates used.
  • Optimized documentation mechanisms through an electronic system.
  • An electronic system for tracking the quality of documents passing through the stages of the process has been developed.

The main result of mapping the flow of value creation was a 2-fold reduction in the time it took to obtain contractual documentation, including coordination time in departmental services.
