
Kate Middleton and Prince William: the child is the greatest happiness

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Kate Middleton and Prince William: the child is the greatest happiness
Kate Middleton and Prince William: the child is the greatest happiness

Video: Kate Middleton and Prince William with all three children went to a pantomime in London 2024, July

Video: Kate Middleton and Prince William with all three children went to a pantomime in London 2024, July

The love story of Prince William and Kate Middleton began more than ten years ago, and not always everything went smoothly. Many did not even see the future in their relationship or simply did not want to see it. It would seem that a simple girl and a prince - what could be common between them?


Despite the fact that Kate is not a special blue blood, she is completely self-sufficient, beautiful, elegant, restrained wise and possesses royal patience that helped her to become a real duchess after so many years of waiting. In response, the princess received the inexhaustible love of her subjects and became the happy mother of two wonderful children.

Main question

Before the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton died, the public began to discuss the imminent possibility of the firstborn appearing in the newly formed royal family. But only a year later, on the eve of the great Christmas holiday, the couple announced that they would soon have a baby.

The son of Prince William and Kate Middleton

On a beautiful summer day (07/22/2013), the first heir to Prince William, George, was born. Without exaggeration, this event has become the most anticipated not only for the royal family, but also for the whole world. The country was rejoicing when the baby was born, and in his honor more than fifty volleys of salute in the national colors of the flag of Great Britain thundered over the River Thames from the Tower Fortress, as if informing the universe of such joy.


Famous parents to the last kept secret not only the name of their firstborn, but also his gender. Therefore, subjects even made bets on who will be born in the royal family.

As Kate Middleton and Prince William told the press, the child will be baptized at St James's Palace. It was a kind of protest to existing traditions, since before that all the sacraments in the royal family took place only in Buckingham Palace. Although the place was not chosen by chance. It was here that Kate Middleton communed before her wedding, and the world said goodbye to Prince William's mother, Princess Diana.

The upbringing of George is directly involved in Kate Middleton and Prince William themselves. The child grows up as a very curious and active boy. He is beyond his years developed and smart. As they say, not only genes make themselves felt, but also a parental example, their boundless love and care.

Daughter of Prince William and Kate Middleton

In September 2014, representatives of the royal house officially announced the second pregnancy of Kate. It was not possible to hide this event for a long time, because the princess tolerated her poorly enough. Due to early and very severe toxicosis, the couple had to cancel visits to numerous government events. Therefore, after they shared the news of the upcoming replenishment with Queen Elizabeth, she was informed by the subject.

On May 2, 2015, a little princess was born - Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. The baby received such a name not by chance, but in honor of her royal grandmothers: Elizabeth (great-grandmother) and Diana (grandmother, mother of Prince William).


Charlotte not only did not begin to hide from the public, but on the contrary, on July 5, everyone was invited to this sacrament. Of course, outsiders were not allowed into the church of St. Mary Magdalene of Norflock County, but all who came could see the royal family personally and congratulate its members on this holiday. In addition, guests were invited to participate in a charity event and send all the flowers donated that day to the children's hospice, which has been patronized by Kate Middleton and Prince William for several years. A child at such an early age does not need expensive gifts; care and love are important to him. Therefore, everyone with great pleasure agreed to participate in this action.

With the advent of a daughter in the family, the eldest son not only did not become jealous of the parents for the baby, but, on the contrary, enjoyed spending time with his sister, indulging in it, sharing toys and sincerely loveing ​​children.

Royal love formula


As Kate Middleton and Prince William themselves admit, a child for them is the main reward for sincere love.

Even in their seemingly carefree and perfectly ideal life, they face the same difficulties as any of us. But our happiness depends on how we get out of them and how we can build relationships.