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Celt is a great warrior

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Celt is a great warrior
Celt is a great warrior

Video: The rise and fall of the Celtic warriors - Philip Freeman 2024, June

Video: The rise and fall of the Celtic warriors - Philip Freeman 2024, June

Archaeological excavations today provide the main source of information about the life of the Celts, their culture, religion, crafts. Written data was preserved by Greek and Roman authors, works of early medieval chroniclers tell about ancient Celts, preserved proper names, toponymy data, folklore.

United people

Celt is a representative of an ancient tribe that lived in the first millennium BC on the vast territory of Western Europe. The Celts are descendants of a single prehistoric Indo-European people.


From this ancient race Germans, Slavs, Persians, Latins, later extinct Goths, and also Indians subsequently formed. Then their descendants appeared, nations formed, for example, the Slavs were divided into three groups: the western - Czechs, Slovaks, Poles; eastern - Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians; southern - Bulgarians, Croats, Serbs, Macedonians. The Celts are the ancestors of modern Scots, Irish, Breton, Welsh.

A genetically united Indo-European people who lived five thousand years ago in Russia (modern Krasnodar Territory), by the beginning of the Bronze Age, had created not only bronze weapons, but also invented a wheel and domesticated a horse. With new weapons, provisions on carts, fast cavalry, they easily captured new territories of Europe and Asia, thus becoming subsequently one of the most common groups of peoples on earth.

Celtic language

In Western Europe, a new community of Indo-Europeans formed - the Celts with a center in the Alps. Therefore, the Celt is a native speaker of the Alpine language group. Their most numerous people are called Gauls. During the Roman conquests, their language was strongly influenced by Latin, which is why it partially disappeared from everyday life. Later, the Celtic tribes living in the territory of modern France, were subjected from the north by the invasion of the Germans (Frankish tribe).


In Britain, due to the remoteness of the Foggy Albion, the Celts preserved their culture and language from enslavement by the Romans. The Celts' occupation of the Foggy Albion dates back to the beginning of the Iron Age (about 600 years BC). Celt is a member of a disparate group that did not recognize itself as a single people.


Three thousand years ago, the religious cult of the Druids was born, which possessed sacred immunity. The emergence of a class of priests is associated with the need to manage Celtic society. Stones placed vertically served as an altar. In the XIX century, among scientists, the view was established that Stonehenge was their sanctuary.


Their rich cultural heritage has been passed down by word of mouth for centuries, legends and traditions have existed in several ways. Like most ancient peoples, the Celts were pagans and believed in the afterlife. When buried with the deceased, many objects were left, for example plates, weapons, tools, jewelry, carts with horses and carts were not excluded. The Celts were sure: everything that was needed in this world would be useful in the afterlife.


The bulk of mythology was based on a belief in the transmigration of souls, during battles this confidence helped the soldiers to be brave and selfless, and reduced their fear of death. In difficult life vicissitudes, human sacrifice came to the rescue. The gods of the Celts: Taranis, Meadow, Ogmios, Teutat, Cernunnos, Belenus, Jesus, Brigantia.