the culture

Kyrgyz patterns and ornaments - features, history and interesting facts

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Kyrgyz patterns and ornaments - features, history and interesting facts
Kyrgyz patterns and ornaments - features, history and interesting facts

Video: A country that's worth discovering: 7 Facts about Kyrgyzstan 2024, June

Video: A country that's worth discovering: 7 Facts about Kyrgyzstan 2024, June

For an ordinary European, eastern culture has always been considered exotic. Very popular are China, Japan, India, Thailand. But a lot of interesting things can be learned about the culture of other countries, such as Kyrgyzstan. Ornaments and patterns of the country will tell about the development and thinking of this people.

Ornaments of Kyrgyzstan

It all started with dots, dashes, stripes and lines. Over time, images of animals, birds, people and signs appeared.

Since ancient times, residents of the country have been convinced that patterns are something living, thanks to which important information is transmitted. “Living patterns” - the so-called painted Kyrgyz ornament was called.

National Kyrgyz patterns keep many secrets. And only a knowledgeable person can decipher what information is contained in certain images.

An interesting element is the shields hanging on the most prominent places in each family, which were decorated with intricate ornaments. After reading it, they learn a lot of interesting things about the status of this family and its other aspects.

Drawings on clothes tell about social status and spiritual development. For example, a pattern on a Kyrgyz cap. This hat is worn only by men. It is sewn from white felt. Both well-to-do and poor people wore caps.


The rich cap was higher. The color of its edging is of great importance:

  • Green is a symbol of youth. A cap with such an edging was worn by boys.
  • Blue is a symbol of growing up and growing. Put on guys after 20 years.
  • Brown - experience and strength. Worn by the fathers of the family for 30, with life experience and a willingness to protect their lands.
  • Beige - deliberation of their actions and prudence. Men put on for 40 years.
  • Black is wisdom. Intended for men who are over 60.
  • The all-white cap is the most honorable. Aksakals and elders wore it.

A lot can be learned only about the headdress of the Kyrgyz people. Secrets are kept by lines, circles and various curls on household items and clothes.

On household items, parents used patterns to encode well-being and happiness for the future family life of their children; a very intricate ornament was obtained.


The Kyrgyz have been practicing pattern therapy for a long time. A knowledgeable master could “catch” the pattern of fear, anger, sadness, pain or sadness of a person. And after the ornament was ready, the master gave the pattern to a man and he threw it into the fire. It is believed that after such therapy the patient was restored mental balance.

Types of Ornament

Color and ornamentation technique are a way of artistic expression. Several types of ornamentation are identified:

  1. Geometric.
  2. Vegetable.
  3. Cosmogonic.
  4. Animal.
  5. Zoomorphic.
  6. Anthropomorphic (human image).
  7. Derivative (mixed).


Kyrgyz patterns reflect certain events, energy, place, appearance and motive. As music reproduces important moments and colors in the process of sounding, so do ornaments.

Geometric view

This is the oldest type of ornament. Most often, it is found on carpet products, in stone, wood carvings, and in leather embossments.

You can see all kinds of chains, zigzag lines, polygons in the form of stars.

During the Bronze Age in Kyrgyzstan, there were many ceramic products with geometric patterns. Kyrgyz patterns are also seen in cave paintings.


People tried to portray the structure of the world around them:

  • the circle is the sun or moon;
  • square - earth;
  • rhombus - a symbol of fertility;
  • triangles are mountains;
  • spiral - life;
  • swastika - movement of the sun;
  • two or more spirals in a row and fastened together - this is a sign of eternity.

Many scholars suggest that the first sign of any pattern is the dot - the simplest element of the ornament. Over time, the patterns became more complex.

Plant look of ornament

The ornament decorates with itself any thing and represents a difficult art system. During its creation, diverse means of expression are used - color, elasticity, flexibility and angularity of ornament lines, as well as the beauty of the plant world.


There is a tree theme in the Kyrgyz ornament. It was the embodiment of the universe, so it was called the "World Tree".

The theme of the world tree means the connection of heaven with earth. The plant itself represents life on earth. He was also compared with a man: like a magnificent tree, a man is connected with heaven and earth.

An analogue of the “World Tree” is a pillar or mountain, they support the sky so that it does not fall, and are a means of connecting them. From here comes the mythological strengthening of the cosmogonic action of separating the earth from celestial space.

Cosmogonic Ornament

Everything related to natural phenomena and space is reflected in such an ornament:

  • land;
  • water;
  • lightning;
  • snow;
  • rain;
  • wind.


A circle is often depicted on the back of a man’s robe. This is the Sun. People say: “You will be behind me, you will see the sun (life).” What do these words mean? In Kyrgyz patterns, a man is the sun - a symbol of power, warmth and life. From a circle a column of sun rays is directed downward, and from the horizontal horizontal, at the bottom of the dressing gown, flowers bloom.


The man is the father of children, the defender, the head of the family and the breadwinner. The ornament depicts both the sun and the vertical. And the feminine is horizontal and earth.

Animal ornament

The name speaks for itself. The image of representatives of the animal world, it is also called the "animal". Many gold, iron and bronze ornaments were made, on which predators are depicted in battles.


You can find scenes where herbivores are tortured by wolves or tigers. Such scenes are a struggle between good and evil.


Often in the patterns are fabulous birds and winged horses. Over time, people's consciousness changed and the "animal" style disappeared.

Zoomorphic ornament

Earlier, the nomadic people in the Middle Ages converted to Islam. Based on the Arabic graphics, a new round in the Kyrgyz folk ornament began.

It was believed that the unsuccessful drawing of an animal desecrates the work of the creator. Over time, people for fear of punishment from Allah stopped painting animals and birds. So instead of animal ornament zoomorphic arose. The people painted separate parts of animals and birds.


On the patterns you can observe:

  • deer horns;
  • horse head;
  • ram's horn;
  • bird sky or nest;
  • footprints of animals and birds;
  • the neck of a camel and a swan.

Mutton horn is the main element of the Kyrgyz pattern. The horns of animals mean the highest form and are an attribute of the celestial body.

Anthropomorphic ornament

Such patterns contain an image of a person. Cave art is replete with images of people in motion: hunting animals, riding a horse, in ritual dances. Often painted a man in beautiful clothes on the throne. Unfortunately, the anthropomorphic pattern quickly disappeared from Kyrgyz products with the advent of Islam.
