
Kleptocracy is What is kleptocracy?

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Kleptocracy is What is kleptocracy?
Kleptocracy is What is kleptocracy?

Video: What is KLEPTOCRACY? What does KLEPTOCRACY mean? KLEPTOCRACY definition, pronunciation 2024, June

Video: What is KLEPTOCRACY? What does KLEPTOCRACY mean? KLEPTOCRACY definition, pronunciation 2024, June

What is kleptocracy? This is a government led by scammers who have come to power for personal gain. They are indifferent to the interests of the country and the people. They have one goal - to steal as much of the public funds that are possible from the taxes of all residents. As a result, the life of every citizen is getting worse.


Kleptocratic state - what is it?

The meaning of the word "kleptocracy" in translation from the ancient Greek language is "the power of thieves." Such states are considered third world countries, where the entire economy is tied to trade in resources. There is an open connection between the government and mafia structures in the presence of authoritarian methods of leadership. It is this style of government that is characteristic of juntas, dictatorships and oligarchies. Under such a rule, the connection between the leaders of the state and corrupt officials who are in family or friendly relations with them is clearly traced.

Such modes are not always durable. Therefore, a kleptocrat has classified accounts with foreign banks, usually with dummies, to which budget money is transferred. The two main features of kleptocracy are corruption and lobbyism.



Criminal activity, in which officials use position and influence to enrich themselves, is called corruption, it also includes the venality of officials and politicians. For the most part, this definition is used for the bureaucratic apparatus and the so-called political elite. Without corruption, kleptocracy is impossible. This is a crime against the state.

Signs of corruption include conflicts between elected officials and their constituents or executor (lower official) and their superior. First of all, a corrupt official should have the right to distribute money and have a great influence.


Another important sign of kleptocracy. This is a form of influence on public authorities, deputies and members of the government, which is provided by a group of people in order to comply with their interests and make decisions that satisfy their needs. Lobbyism is considered legal and illegal. It happens to be legal when an individual or public organization tries to influence the government through petitions, rallies, and demonstrations. Here it is even possible to remunerate an official by paying expenses for his campaign, transferring funds to his charity funds. Illegal lobbyism is the transfer of money bypassing the law.


Government of any country can be blamed on kleptocracy

Is there kleptocracy in Russia? In terms of logic and common sense, all governments in the world can be blamed for kleptocracy. Name at least one person going to power for the sake of an idea. Such people do not fall into top positions, even if a miracle happens, they do not live long. They don’t come to power alone. The leadership is always a group of people united by one goal - to get power and all the benefits that it gives.

Among them there is one bright leader, the rest are gray cardinals who are directly involved in the board. There are no random people in these groups or parties. Here are all friends, acquaintances, relatives. An example is the Kennedy brothers, spouses Clinton, dad and sons Bush, the Trump family.

Any American president falls into power primarily thanks to the support of certain circles, whose interests he will represent for exactly four years, without forgetting about himself. Everything in this world has a price. This is talked about openly only when you need to blame an objectionable ruler for some criteria.


Game of democracy

Elections in America are essentially a game of democracy. The rich people of the country, there are not so many of them, are conditionally divided into two parties, which express their interests and equal, manipulating the opinion of the people, beat each other, not forgetting to water opponents with mud. Today you rule, tomorrow we. Can any third party wedge themselves into this process? Of course not.

The connection between legitimate lobbying and outright bribery, to put it mildly, is conditional, since payment for an elective company is already recognition of this candidate as dependent on those who paid for it. Here you can see a direct conspiracy - you pay me the election, I express your interests. Scandals with the affairs of charitable foundations give the right to doubt their direct purpose, and not money laundering.

In which country is there no corruption? She is everywhere. In the US, it is considered disaster number 2 after unemployment. The EU’s main executive body, the European Commission, estimated that the EU’s corruption losses to the EU member states amount to 120 billion euros per year. In Russia, as in any other country, there is corruption, which takes on significant proportions.

There is a struggle against this evil, although the results are small, but there are. Therefore, we can give a different definition of what kleptocracy is. This is the ruling regime, in which there are no legal mechanisms to combat corruption, or this struggle does not exist at all.