
Climate of Asia: general characteristics, interesting facts and reviews

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Climate of Asia: general characteristics, interesting facts and reviews
Climate of Asia: general characteristics, interesting facts and reviews

Video: ASEAN explained in 5 minutes 2024, July

Video: ASEAN explained in 5 minutes 2024, July

In climate formation in Asia, the relief plays a large role, which in this part of the world is represented by deserts, high mountain ranges and closed highlands.

general information

Asia and Europe together form the largest continent on planet Earth. Asia is part of the continent of Eurasia.

A feature of this part of the Earth is that it is characterized by the most diverse climate. Almost all types of conditions on Earth are observed here: the cold Arctic climate of the north, continental Siberia, the monsoon east and south, the semi-desert of the central part and the desert south-west of the continent.

Features of the climate of Asia

Peculiarities of the geographical position prevailing over the lowlands of the mountains, compactness and the vast size of this part of the world are the most important factors in the formation of its climate.

The location of Asia in the Northern Hemisphere at all latitudes determines the arrival of uneven solar heat on the surface. For example, the values ​​of the total annual total radiation in the Malay Archipelago (equator) range from about 140 to 160 kcal per square meter. cm, between 40 and 50 northern latitudes, it is 100-120 kcal per square. cm, and in the northern parts of the continent - about 60 kcal per square. cm.


Asian climate overseas

In overseas Asia, tropical and subtropical, equatorial and subequatorial climatic zones are represented. Only on the border of Mongolia and China (northeast) with Russia and on the northern part of the Japanese islands is the belt moderate.

It should be noted that most of the foreign Asia belongs to the subtropics. The subtropical belt stretches from the Pacific Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea and amounts to thousands of kilometers.

On the circulation of air masses

Air masses circulate over Asia in directions that depend on the seasonal position of low and high pressure centers. Above the mainland, the most important center of atmospheric pressure in winter is the Asian (Central Asian or Siberian) anticyclone, which is the most powerful of all winter climate centers on the entire planet. Dry and cold temperate continental air, spreading in all directions from it, gives several spurs. Of particular note among them is the Central Asian spur towards Iran and the south-eastern spur directed towards China (East).

The climate of East Asia depends on the monsoon. In winter, on the southeastern part of the mainland, the largest pressure differences are formed between the warm ocean and cold land, which determine the occurrence of continental winter monsoon flows from the land that are stable in direction and strength to the sea. This monsoon circulation covers China Northeast and East, Japan Islands and the Korean Peninsula. In the Aleutian Islands (northern part of the Pacific Ocean), the Aleutian minimum is formed in winter, but for some reason it affects the climate of only the narrow coastline of North-East Siberia (mainly the Kuril Islands and the coast of Kamchatka).


central Asia

An interesting fact is that in the Central Asian highlands, winter temperatures are almost as low as in Siberia. Despite the more southerly location, the temperature here is not very high, due to the high position of the terrain. The temperature here fluctuates greatly during the day: hot in the daytime, cool at night.

What is the reason for such a climate in Central Asia? The huge altitude of the Tibetan plateau and the thick wall of the Himalayas, blocking access from the Indian Ocean to wet winds, create a rather harsh dry climate on the northern side of the Himalayas. Although Tibet is located at the latitude of the Mediterranean Sea (subtropical climate), frosts in winter can reach sub-zero temperatures of up to 35 degrees.

In the summer, the sun is very hot, despite the fact that it’s cold in the shade at the same time. Night frosts are common even in July, and in the summer there are snowstorms. In the summer season, pressure decreases and temperature rises over Southeast and partially Central Asia. In the direction of the center of the mainland from the sea rush masses of summer monsoon, which bring a relative decrease in temperature and moisture.

The Central Asian basins in winter are characterized by the lowest temperatures (-50 ° С). Very severe frosts come to Western Tibet. July temperature averages 26-32 ° С, and the absolute maximum reaches 50 ° С. The sand surface in the Karakum desert is heated to 79 ° C.

The climate of this part of Asia is characterized by large fluctuations in temperature from year to year, sharp fluctuations in temperature per day, a small amount of atmospheric precipitation, low cloud cover and dry air.

The climate of the countries of Central Asia (Central Asia) is especially beneficial for vegetation. Due to dry air, summer heat is relatively easy to carry. The excellent climate conditions of the mountainous areas are good enough to create resorts.


The countries included in Central Asia: Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan.

Southwest asia

This wonderful territory is washed by the waters of the Black, Mediterranean, Aegean, Red, Caspian, Marmara and Arabian Seas, as well as by the waters of the Persian Gulf.


The climate is tropical, subtropical continental and Mediterranean. Tropical has minimal rainfall and high temperatures. Natural areas are represented by hard-leaved forests, deserts and semi-deserts.

Iran, Iraq and Turkey are the largest states in Southwest Asia. The climate here is great for a summer vacation.

The highest temperatures in the summer (hot plains of Arabia and Lower Mesopotamia) are 55 ° C. The lowest summer temperatures (northeast of Hokkaido) are plus 20 degrees.


East Asia

This part of Asia occupies the eastern extreme part of the continent of Eurasia. It adjoins the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

Continental monsoons contribute to the formation of colder air in any zone of this Asian region than in other parts of the planet typical of the same latitudes.

The climate of East Asia is mostly monsoon. And this is rainy wet summer (80% of annual precipitation). From the ocean, although it is cooler than on land, warm air masses come. Cold sea currents move from north to south along the coasts. The warm lower layers of air above them quickly cool down, and therefore lower mists often appear here. The atmosphere becomes two-layer - the warm upper slides along the colder lower, and precipitation is obtained.


The mechanism of summer monsoon circulation is associated with cyclones caused by the contact of the warmest and coldest air masses.

When cyclones capture dry continental air from the continental depths, drought occurs. Cyclones born near the Philippines (far to the south) are quite pronounced. As a result, typhoons occur, which are systems of winds with hurricane speed.

The territories of East Asia include China, Mongolia, the Korean Peninsula, the islands of the Yellow, Japanese and East China Seas, as well as partially the islands of the South China Sea.
