men's issues

When the spring draft begins: dates

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When the spring draft begins: dates
When the spring draft begins: dates

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Video: George RR Martin asks Stephen King: "How do you write so Fast?!" 2024, July

For all young adults who have come of age, spring is associated with the phrase “spring call”. What these words mean for themselves, their parents and girls, can only be said by those who themselves have experienced it. But every young man with good health must go through this school of life.

Army is a man’s business


For many years, this particular call was the main one in the recruitment of servicemen into the ranks of our valiant army. For some time now this has ceased to be considered a worthy occupation. The young men strove in any way to get away from fulfilling their duty to the Motherland. And now a call is often heard to ignore the concept of duty to the Fatherland. But here comes the spring draft in the army, and everyone who wanted it or didn't want it, but who came up in age and health, goes to serve Russia. And no persuasion of relatives and friends to ignore the agenda should not stop young adults who have come of age to pay their debt to the country.

Army draft law


The Constitution of the Russian Federation contains article 59, which clearly spells out the obligation of a citizen of the Russian Federation to protect his homeland. The remaining acts are regulated by federal laws, among which there is the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”. It clearly indicates on what basis they are drafted into the army. If a person is a citizen of the Russian Federation, this is already sufficient reason for conscription. Citizenship is granted to a person by birth right in a given state or due to circumstances that brought a citizen of another country to permanent residence in our state. If citizenship is obtained, and service in the army has not been completed in any of the states, then a citizen falls under the general grounds for draft in the army.

Age and categories of draftees

So, following the law, conscripts should be considered all citizens from 18 to 27 years old, not previously drafted into the ranks of the Russian army. If there are obstacles by which a young man cannot go to serve directly in the army, he must report this to the military commissariat. The reasons may be the following:

  • not fit for service due to health reasons;
  • accounted for by a son or brother of a person who died in the performance of military duty;
  • has a degree;
  • Is under investigation, in places of deprivation of liberty or has outstanding legal debt;
  • already served in the Russian Federation or another state.

There are reasons for deferment from the army, which are also prescribed in the legislation. It:

  • if the conscript is temporarily unsuitable for military service;
  • is a single father;
  • married and has two or more children;
  • accounted for by a father as a disabled child up to 3 years old;
  • cares for the next sick relatives who do not have other guardians;
  • enlisted in organizations equated to the army;
  • have a child and a pregnant wife with a gestational age of more than 26 weeks;
  • elected on a permanent basis;
  • is a candidate for an elected position.

Also, deferral will be received by all those who are studying full-time in educational institutions.

What is the difference between the spring call?


What are the deadlines and how do they differ? The duration of the spring draft is two weeks shorter than the fall. It starts on April 1 and lasts until July 15. And the autumn draft begins on October 1, and ends on December 31. However, there are exceptions. If the draftee lives in the Far North or works as a teacher in a general educational institution, then for them the spring draft begins on May 1. But it ends the same way as everyone else, that is, July 15th.

Who gets in?


It includes citizens who have reached 18 years of age during this period. Or those who have expired during these periods of time, and the citizen has not yet reached the age of 27. As a rule, these are postponements due to full-time studies, expired terms of work in an electoral position, children reaching a certain age or the death of guardianship close relatives. If the reasons for the delay came immediately after a citizen reached the age of 27, then he was no longer called up for military service.

Where does it start?


When does the spring call begin? It starts from the moment a citizen begins to undergo a medical commission. The examination should be carried out by professional doctors who can detect diseases or their possible simulation. If in doubt, the examination may be transferred from an outpatient to a hospital in a regular medical institution if there are somatic disorders or to a psychiatric clinic if there is a suspicion of mental illness. Then, if a medical examination has been passed and following its results, the commission decided on the suitability for military service, the citizen is obliged to appear at the military commissariat at the indicated time to leave for the place of service. Distribution by combat arms and units may take place at a distribution point.

All medical examinations must meet the deadlines for spring draft.

To the army from school

Not so long ago, mothers of conscripts were worried that their children would go to the army without completing secondary education, without even getting a chance to enter a university. And although the army held classes that replaced school ones, as well as exams, it is still worth considering that it is one thing when the child is focused on studying and the upcoming exam, and it is completely different if the classes are held in between tense military exercises. Both the quality of knowledge of the school curriculum and military training suffered from such experiments.

This problem does not currently exist. If the young man comes of age during the spring call, he automatically receives a deferment until the end of training. If the results of the Unified State Examination of the potential conscript were more than satisfactory, then he receives an additional delay so that he has the opportunity to enter the chosen institution of higher education. Upon admission to the university for full-time studies, the draftee again receives a deferment for the duration of the training. If he decides to continue his studies further, that is, in a magistracy or graduate school, he can also fall under deferment, but only if he enters full-time again. If he does not enter the university, then he goes to service during the autumn draft. The same happens when expelled from any course in full-time education.