women's issues

When hair is oily at the roots, what should I do? Reasons and rules for leaving

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When hair is oily at the roots, what should I do? Reasons and rules for leaving
When hair is oily at the roots, what should I do? Reasons and rules for leaving



Many girls have oily hair at the roots. What should they do so that their curls always look clean? Oily hair roots are a problem of a huge number of people. Even if you look closely at the street, you can meet several people whose hair looks like dirty. However, this may be completely wrong! The whole problem of hair that is too oily on the roots is quick soiling. If a person even washed his hair in the morning, then in the evening there will be no trace of clean ringlets.

Bad shampoo

And why do hair become, roots are oily, ends are dry? In this case, you need to do a lot of things. But first, pay attention to the means by which you wash your hair.


Most likely, this may be the wrong shampoo, which includes harmful components that wash away the protective layer from the scalp. When this happens, the sebaceous glands begin to release fat in a double volume to protect the skin, and the result is a completely unaesthetic appearance. As a result, the roots may be oily, the hair is dry. In this case, you don’t really need to do anything, it will be enough just to change the shampoo to one that contains only natural substances. Then the condition of the hair normalizes in a short period of time, the sebaceous glands cease to secrete sebum, and the problem resolves by itself.


If the hair is oily at the roots, what should I do? How to care for curls? Pay attention to combing. Surely most owners of hair with increased fat content of the roots do not even think about how important it is to comb them correctly. The fact is that during this procedure, sebum is evenly distributed along the entire length of the hair, thereby removing excess fat from the roots.


The main thing is to gently comb your head so as not to damage the already vulnerable skin and thereby not provoke the repeated production of protective substances. Another point is time. It is possible to fully distribute all the fat from the roots to the ends only by combing at least 7-10 minutes. If less attention is paid to the procedure, then the hair will remain very oily at the roots, and at the ends it will most likely be overdried. In addition, proper combing allows you to not wash your hair so often, because it will no longer seem dirty.

Blow dryer

There may be, for another reason, very oily hair at the roots. What to do then? First you need to determine the reasons. Perhaps the problem is due to the use of a hairdryer. Streams of hot air provoke sebaceous glands to produce a new portion of subcutaneous fat.


Thus, the girl, having just washed her head, herself makes her dirty again. If there is a problem with the roots, it is recommended to completely refuse to use this device, but if this is impossible, then at least dry the curls with cool air. It does not act so aggressively on the scalp, so fat is released in much smaller quantities. The best option for quick styling is an ionized hair dryer, which treats the curls themselves more carefully, without irritating the hairline.

Water temperature when washing hair

As with hot air, hot water can also harm your hair.


All processes will be started for identical reasons described earlier. Therefore, it is recommended to wash your hair under cool water, the temperature of which will not exceed human. In addition, many experts recommend rinsing already under colder water, claiming that such a procedure will give shine to curls.

Helping the Roots

Many girls have oily hair at the roots. What to do? Reviews of many female representatives confirm the fact that, in addition to the proper handling of hair, they need to be additionally looked after. So, girls with a problem of fat roots are recommended to regularly do oil masks. The thing is that in the composition of the oils are useful components that have a beneficial effect on the sebaceous glands, calming them and normalizing.

Combing out excess fat

How to be a girl whose hair is oily at the roots. What to do at home? It is necessary to carry out the procedure of combing out excess fat. This will require a special dry shampoo, but, of course, it is better to use natural products. So, in order to comb out excess fat from the hair roots, you need to pour enough rye or corn flour, hygienic powder or simple talcum powder for newborns on the crown. After that, massage the scalp for several minutes, rubbing dry “shampoo”. Rinse off nothing. Taking a comb with bristles made of natural materials, you just need to comb out the rest of the powder from the head.

Rinse with alcohol

The girl's hair is oily at the roots. What should she do? If a girl prefers to use purchased products, then the best option for her will be hair spray designed for rare or thin hair. It is not recommended to choose damaged hair spray. Since he can only aggravate the situation. So, apply varnish only on the roots of the hair, rubbing and massaging the scalp. Mousse or facial tonic is also suitable for these purposes. After all, they also contain alcohol. The last tool is applied to the surface of the head with a cotton swab, after which the strands need to be combed properly. Then there will be oily hair at the roots.


What to do for girls who prefer to use natural ingredients? They should try rinsing their hair with diluted apple cider vinegar. At the same time, any flavorings can be added to the liquid so that the smell is not so harsh.

The problem with the fat content of the roots can easily develop into a more global one. After all, the more often the hair is in contact with the head, the more they get dirty, covered with subcutaneous fat. To avoid a similar result during root treatment, you need to do a small fleece on the roots, including lifting the bangs. Such simple, but everyday manipulations will help to give hair volume and at the same time reduce their contact with oily roots.

A few tips to protect your hair from oily skin

1. Do not try to hide the roots with a bang. Since it is completely useless. Short hair will become much faster covered with fat, and the bangs will look unaesthetic.


The best way is a flat or side parting. Perfectly styled hair will help to hide the problem with the roots, giving out greasy curls for a well-styled and stylish hairstyle.

2. Very often, the effect of a clean head disappears after a couple of hours, creating the illusion of hair not long washed. In this case, there is a little trick that can, although not by much, improve the condition of the hair. Girls with a problem of this degree are encouraged to think about highlighting. After all, this method of dyeing hair makes the curls a little drier and stiffer.

3. Before you use a comb, curlers, stylers and other devices that touch the hair, you must always thoroughly clean and wash them. Otherwise, the old layer of cosmetics and sebum is transferred back to the hair. All this will make them dirty and unattractive again. So, all combs need to be washed with warm water and a special shampoo at least once a week. At the same time, they should dry naturally, since hot air from a hair dryer or battery can damage the bristles. All other devices (iron or styler) should be wiped with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.

4. For problems with hair roots, in no case should you use cosmetics that clog the pores of the head. This list of "harmful" compounds include modeling cream, wax and similar products. If problems arise due to a new product, it is best to test it on a small area of ​​hair, carefully following the reaction of the sebaceous glands. If the hair is not covered with fat after contact with the product, then you can safely use it without fear of the consequences. In the opposite case, it is better to find other cosmetics.