
Colorful character: Alexander Zadoynov on the project "House-2"

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Colorful character: Alexander Zadoynov on the project "House-2"
Colorful character: Alexander Zadoynov on the project "House-2"

The lion's share of the audience perceives this project negatively, but this does not give the right to deny the fact that from time to time there are noticeable and interesting characters on the air for watching. This was Alexander Zadoynov - a tall and quite attractive young man with a strong character and serious goals. For the successful resolution of his personal and social conflicts, they are now most worried.


Personal page

Alexander Zadoynov was born in 1984 in the fall. Now he is a healthy guy weighing 105 kg and growing 197 cm. He is a Scorpio in the zodiac sign and a Rat in the Chinese horoscope. He appeared on the project at the end of September 2013. The views of many old-timers of the project were attracted by Alexander Zadoynov. The biography of this guy made a serious somersault, moving away from his native Yaroslavl, where he was born into a family of servants and never knew much luxury. The boy’s childhood passed in his hometown. Young Alexander Zadoynov was in need of almost everything. A biography of this type is not uncommon on “House-2”, but in the case of Sasha you can see the character. He was always fond of sports, dreamed of breaking into people and building a career. True, he began to realize his plans in a somewhat strange way - he rejected the idea of ​​higher education and went to work immediately after school.



Alexander Zadoynov collected many entries in the work book, but all professions did not require special training and were paid little. The guy temporarily focused his attention on the vacancies of the bartender. Just at that time, Alexander Zadoynov met his future wife. The novel developed rapidly, and in 2006 the couple had a daughter. But she did not hold the marriage together, and soon a divorce ensued. After what happened, it was just after rehabilitation that Alexander Zadoynov went to the TNT channel project. The photo of the guy attracted the organizers, and a quick interview showed that he was ready to participate!


First appearance

The first romance happened with Katya Krutilina, but was incredibly short, since Zadoynov was not faithful to the girl, flirted with almost every participant in the project. Next in line to Zadoynov’s heart was Zhenya Feofilaktova, who quickly melted before romantic confessions, beautiful dates and presents. Again, fast relationships and the rapid fading of feelings, which Zhenya explained categorically Zadoynov's unwillingness to get a job and his passion for gambling. By the way, it was these qualities that became a shameful spot on Alexander's biography, because he began to steal (!) Money from other participants in the show. The guy was expelled from the project.


Second coming

Six months later, the young man returned to the project, still hoping to build love with Feofilaktova, although she actively met with the guys and seemed to forget her former boyfriend. The offended guy poured tenderness on Lily Kish, who initially sympathized with the attention of Alexander Zadoynov. His photo was still stored in the archives of the project. Soon another exile followed due to an unleashed fight. New relationships faded away without the opportunity to start. But the hot macho managed to interest the audience. They wanted to see him again on the project. The third return promised to be the last, because Zadoynov changed, said that he had established business and wants real, serious relations. The chosen one was Varvara Tretyakova, a girl with a bright appearance and explosive character. In everyday life, she was helpless, which caused the gap. An affair with Yana Rudova followed, but it collapsed already beyond the perimeter, since the couple could not stand close attention. After his already voluntary departure, Zadoynov returned in 2013, wanting to study and complain about the collapsed business.


The present

Today, relations continue on the project Alexander Zadoynov and Elina Kamiren. The girl was not as simple as the guy accustomed to victories expected. She saw him clearly and rationally - simple, unsecured, hopeless, and therefore was impregnable. Over time, ordinary interest grew into feelings, and relationships into marriage. The guy had a hard time, because he needed to get on his feet, learn how to work and take life seriously. Many viewers condemned the demanding and cold Elina, but in fact she turned out to be an extremely wise woman, and not a harsh exploiter. She raised a man in a potential boyfriend, forced to grow from a boy into a man. Most likely, it was difficult, because Zadoynov looked after him extensively and beautifully: he ordered dates in restaurants, persuaded other participants in the project and arranged major surprises. As a wise woman, Kamiren understood that everything on the project was temporary and the costs here meant little.